Works/De renovatione et restauratione

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
  Authentic works
— Medicine
Title: De renovatione et restauratione (1010)
Quote as:

ID: H06.100 (1010)
Title: De renovatione et restauratione (RR)
Titles used by Huser
Table of Contents: De Renovatione & Restauratione Ein Buch
Edition: Liber de renovatione et restavravratione, Theophrasti, Germaniae philosophi et medici, dicti Paracelsi magni
Column Title: Liber de Renouatione & Restauratione
Titles used by Sudhoff
Bibliographia Paracelsica: Liber de Renovatione et Restauratione
Verzeichnis in vol. XIV:
Table of Contents:
Sudhoff, BP: p. 391
Sudhoff, PH:
Google Books: GBS
Huser's source: Corrigiert auß Theophrasti eignen Handschrifften
Printed before Huser:
German: BP116, BP117, BP118, BP119, BP121, BP129, BP142, BP158
Latin: BP108, BP123, BP165, BP191, BP200
Printed after Huser:
English: BP392
Huser's Quarto Edition: 6, 100-114
Sudhoff's Edition:


no division in books, tractatus, chapters

in fine four recipes:

  • Primum Ens von Mineralibus
  • Primum Ens von Gemmis
  • Primum Ens von Herbis
  • Primum Ens ex Liquoribus