Ferguson 1906 Bibliotheca
John Ferguson,
Bibliotheca Chemica 1906 |
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Paracelsus’ works are numerous, and were often printed. They were collected first by Huser, 1589–91, in ten volumes, 4°, and other collected editions appeared in Latin and in German, in folio and quarto, details of which are given in the bibliographies. A special set of his writings have been collected and turned into English by A. E. Waite: ‘The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombast,’ London, 1894, 2 vols., 4°. For the separate English translations of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, see my Bibliographia Paracelsica, Part iii., 1890, pp. 31–49. Quite recently a new edition of his works has been projected, of which one part has appeared: Theophrastus Paracelsus Das Buch Paragranum, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Dr. Phil. Franz Strunz. Verlegt bei Eugen Diederichs, Leipzig, 1903, square 8°, pp. [4] 112, with a portrait. For an account of all known editions of Paracelsus’ works with the fullest bibliographical details, reference must be made to the great monograph of Dr. Sudhoff, which not only supersedes all other bibliographies of Paracelsus, but is the most complete and thorough of any author whatever. The expounders and critics of Paracelsus require to be considered cautiously. Some, and especially the older writers, are prejudiced, unsympathetic, and unperceptive; others are over enthusiastic and read more into Paracelsus’ words and views than they contain. But, whatever may be thought of himself or of his doctrines, Paracelsus will endure as one of the greatest forces of the sixteenth century. He revolutionized medicine. Articles on Paracelsus are to be found in every biographical dictionary, in every history of medicine and of its fundamental sciences, the consolidation of which was one of his great aims, and he is the theme of numerous, not to say innumerable, monographs. As he confined his researches to no one topic, but discoursed on theology, philosophy, science, as well as on medicine and surgery, and as he provoked opposition in all, Paracelsus-literature is voluminous, and references to him and his views pervaded chemical and medical literature for long after his decease. Only a few indications, however, can be given.
↗Leo Suavius, Theophrasti Paracelsi Philosophia et Medicinæ utriusque universa Compendium, Paris [1567], pp. 7 (life and works), 84–87 (lists of his works); also in the edition of Basel, 1568. ↗Petrus Severinus, Epistola, Bas., 1572, 8°. Thomas Erastus, Disputationum de Medicina Nova Philippi Paracelsi Pars prima [—Quarta et Ultima], Basileæ, 1572–73, 4°. ↗Reusner, Icones, 1587, sign. Fvj verso–Gi verso, with portrait. Paschalis Gallus, Bibliotheca Medica, Basil., 1590, pp. 342–347. Spachius, Nomenclator Scriptorum Medicorum, Francof., 1591, p. 34. Boissard, lcones Virorum illustrium, 1598, ii. p. 290. Andreas Brentzius, Farrago Philosophorum, 1606, pp. 73–107 (‘Processus Paracelsi’). Michael Döring, De Medicina et Medicis adversus Iatromastigas et Pseudiatros Libri II., Giessæ Hessorum, 1611, pp. 140–263 (a review of Paracelsus’ system). Maier, Symbola Aureæ Mensæ, 1617, pp. 277–289. J. V. Andreæ, Mythologia Christiana, 1619, p. 316. Adami, Vitae Germanorum Medicorum, 1620, p. 28. Naudé, Apologie pour tous les grands personnages … soupçonnez de Magie, 1625, p. 391; English translation, 1657, p. 184. Van der Linden, De Scriptis Medicis libri duo, 1637, pp. 57–63. Conring, De Hermetica Ægyptiorum vetere et Paracelsianum nova Medicina Liber Unus, Helmestadii, 1648, 4°. Borel, Bibliotheca Chimica, 1654, pp. 176–181, 218, 269. Quenstedt, Dialogus de patriis illustrium doctrinâ et scriptis virorum, 1654, p. 132. Erasmus Franciscus, Die lustige Schau-Bühne von allerhand Curiositäten, Nürnberg, 1663, pp. 649–654. (His epitaph: opinions about him, &c.). Crasso, Elogii d’Huomini letterati, Venetia, 1666, ii. pp. 45–49 (with Tintoretto’s portrait of Paracelsus). Conring, De Hermetica Medicina Libri Duo, Editio secunda, Helmestadii, 1669, 4°. Morhof, De Metallorum Transmutatione ad … Joelem Langelottum … Epistola, 1673, p. 138. Thomasius, Dissertatio … de Plagio literario, Lips. [1673], sig. Dd 4 r, § 514. Borrichius, Hermetis, Ægyptiorum, et Chemicorum sapientia ab Hermanni Conringii animadversionibus vindicata, Hafniæ, 1674, 4°. Adamus à Lebenwaldt, Vierdtes Tractätel von deß Teuffels List vnd Betrug in der falschen Alchymisterey, 1680, pp. 80–110. Johann Tileman, Zugab vnd Beysatz gewisser vnüberwindlicher Fundamenten, darauß deß Nebel oder Lebenwalds Tractätlein so zu Saltzburg gedruckt worden, sollen gäntzlich zu nichts, vnd offentlich zu Schanden werden, sig. A 9 verso. Mercklin, Lindenius renovatus, 1686, pp. 101–108. |
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Freher, Theatrum Virorum Eruditione clarorum, 1688, p. 1225, portrait, plate 54. E. G. D. Colberg, Das Platonisch-Hermetische Christenthum, Franckf. und Leipzig, 1690–91, 2 Thle., I. cap. iv. vom Paracelsismo, pp. 178–205. Borrichius, Conspectus Scriptorum Chemicorum, 1697, p. 30, No. xlv. Paschius, De Novis Inventis … Tractatus, 1700, pp. 323–327, & passim. Keren Happuch … oder Teutsches Fegfeuer der Scheide-Kunst, 1702, p. 58. Pierre Poiret, Bibliotheca Mysticorum selecta, 1708, p. 174, §48. ↗Reimmann, Einleitung in die Historiam literariam derer Teutschen, 1709, iii. pp. 201, 475a, 479a; 1713, vi. p. 550. Pope-Blount, Censura Celebriorum Authorum, Genevæ, 1710, p. 597. Teissier, Les Eloges des Hommes Savans, Leyden, 1715, iii. pp. 137–147. Mencken, Zwey Reden von der Charlatanerie … der Gelehrten, Leipz., 1716, pp. 67 note, 107, 249, 267. Barchusen, De medicina origine et progressu dissertationes, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1723, pp. 364–397. Dan. Le Clerc, Histoire de Médecine, Amst., 1723, pp. 792–820. John Freind, The History of Physick from the time of Galen to the beginning of the Sixteenth Century, 1725, i. p. 2 (‘illiterate enthusiast’), 66, 264; 1726, ii. 336 (‘Paracelsus’s idle system’). Conring, De Scriptoribus XVI. post Christum natum seculorum Commentarius, cum prolegomenis, … notis perpetuis, et additionibus, Wratislaviæ, 1727, p. 159. Joh. Heinr. Fürstenau, Desiderata medica, Lips., 1727, pp. 12, 89, 137, 412, 428. Mencken, De Charlataneria Eruditorum Declamationes Duæ, 1727, pp. 119, 256, 271. Buddeus, ‘Untersuchung von der Alchemie,’ in Roth-Scholtz, Deutsches Theatrum Chemicum, 1728, i. p. 62 & passim. Nenter, ‘Bericht von der Alchemie,’ in Roth- Scholtz, Deutsches Theatrum Chemicum, 1728, i. pp. 162, 167, 181–188. Manget, Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medicorum, 1731, II. i. pp. 440–443. Stolle, Anleitung zur Geschichte der Medicinischen Gelahrheit, 1731, passim. Jacob Leupolds Prodromus Bibliothecœ metallicæ, 1732, p. 110. ↗Morhof, Polyhistor, 1732, i. p. 92; ii. pp. 118, 274, 394. Jacob Brucker, Kurtze Fragen aus der Philosophischen Historie, Ulm, 1735, vi. pp. 1067–1137. Stolle, Anleitung zur Historie der Gelahrheit, 1736, pp. 542, 565, 566. Goelicke, Introductio in Historiam litterariam Anatomes, Francof. a. V., 1738, pp. 145 (discussions as to whether Paracelsus was the first to criticise the Galenic system), 180 (takes the part of Paracelsus against Freind and others, who accuse him of ignorance of anatomy and indifference to it). Hauber, Bibliotheca Acta et Scripta Magica, Lemgo, 1739, I. Stück vi. (Paracelsus’ portrait as frontispiece), pp. 367–378 (remarks on the portrait), 349–366 (review of Lebenwaldt’s observations), 382– 398 (vindication of Paracelsus from the accusation of magic). Joh. David Köhler, Historischer Münz-Belustigung Eilfter Theil, 1739, pp. 369–376 (engraving and description of a portrait-medal of Paracelsus). Kestner, Medicinisches Gelehrten-Lexicon, 1740, p. 617. Zedler, Universal-Lexicon, 1740, xxvi. col. 721. Arnold, Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historien, 1741, I. pp. 899–904 (Th. ii. B. xvi. cap. 22, § 1–8); I. Num. xci. p. 1500; Num. xcii. pp. 1502, 1511, 1521; II. p. 226 (Th. ii. B. xvii. cap. 17, §7); p. 251 (cap. 18, §18); III. ii. p. 38, §7; p. 344. Petrus a Castro, Bibliotheca Medici Eruditi, Bergomi, 1742, p. 33. Lenglet Dufresnoy, Histoire de la Philosophie Hermétique, 1742, i. pp. 271, 279–284, 471; iii. pp. 255–257. Brucker, Historia critica Philosophiæ, 1743, i. pp. 647–671, 676–685. Jöcher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon, 1751, iii. col. 1245; Rotermund’s Fortsetzung und Ergänzungen, 1816, v. col. 1545–49. Fictuld Probier-Stein, 1753, Th. i. p. 118; ii. p. 107. Eloy, Dictionnaire historique de la Médecine, 1755, ii. pp. 237–250; 1778, iii. pp. 461–471. Moréri, Le Grand Dictionnaire historique, 1759, VIII. ii. p. 64. Matthiæ, Conspectus Historia Medicorum chronologicus, 1761, p. 170. Jo. Maria Mazzuchelli, Museum Mazzuchellianum, Venetiis, 1761, i. p. 237; Tab. liii. Num. v. Joh. Matthias Schröckh, Abbildungen und Lebenschreibungen berühmter Gelehrten, Leipzig, 1766, i. pp. 13–22, with a portrait. Portal, Histoire de l’ Anatomie et de la Chirurgie, 1770, i. p. 347. Haller, Bibliotheca Botanica, 1771, i. p. 249. J. C. W. Moehsen, Verzeichnis einer Samlung von Bildnissen, gröstentheils berühmter Aerzte, Berlin, 1771, Th. ii. pp. 99–101. Haller, Bibliotheca Anatomica, 1774, i. p. 158; 1777, ii. p. 739. Haller, Bibliotheca Chirurgica, 1774, i. pp. 183– 185; 1775, ii. p. 598. Der Teutsche Merkur vom Jahr 1776, Drittes Vierteljahr, pp. 85–91 (‘Einige Nachrichten von Theophrastus Paracelsus’). Haller, Bibliotheca Medicina practica, 1777, ii. pp. 2–12. J. A. Hemman, Medicinisch-chirurgische Aufsätze historisch-practischen Inhalts, Berlin, 1778, pp. 1–40. Herzog, Athena Raurica, 1778, pp. 170–173. Saxius, Onomasticon, 1780, iii. pp. 146, 604, 659. ‘Nachricht von dem Leben des Theophrastus Paracelsus,’ Hermetisches Museum, 1782, i. pp. 113–116 (prefixed to the ‘Wünsch-Hütlein’). Corrodi, Kritische Geschichte des Chiliasmus, Frankf. und Leipzig, 1783, iii. p. 276. Beytrag zur Geschichte der höhern Chemie, 1785, pp. 156, 507. Gottlieb Emmanuel von Haller, Bibliothek der Schweizer Geschichte, 1785, i. p. 482, § 1602 (Pfeffers, Opera); ii. pp. 313–317. § 1214–§ 1227 (Life). Jo. Frid. Blumenbach, Introductio in Historiam Medicina litterariam, Goettingae, 1786, p. 139. Semler, Unparteiische Samlungen zur Historie der Rosenkreuzer, 1786, i. p. 18; 1787, ii. p. 18. Adelung, Geschichte der Menschlichen Narrheit, 1789, vii. p. 189 (he enumerates authorities for the life and gives a list of the works of Paracelsus). Kortum verteidiget die Alchemie … Duisburg, 1789, p. 113. J. M. Schröckh, Lebensbeschreibung berühmter Gelehrten, 1790, i. p. 42. |
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Gmelin, Geschichte der Chemie, 1797, i. pp. 9, 195–258, 340–44, 556–557, 675. Hutchinson, Biographia Medica, 1799, pp. 197–209. Leonard Meister, Helvetiens Berühmte Männer, 2te Aufl., ed. J. C. Fäsi, Zürich, 1799, ii. pp. 28– 34, with a portrait. C. G. V. Murr, ‘Litterargeschichte des Theophrastus Paracelsus,’ Neues Journal zur Litteratur und Kunstgeschichte, Leipzig, 1799, ii. with 3 plates. Ludwig Vogel, Alte Zeit und neue Zeit, Erfurt, 1802, I. pp. ii–xxxviii (Paracelsus’ medicine); 97– 227 (‘Blumenlese aus dem Theophrast’). Daub & Creuzer, Studien, Frankfurt, 1805, i. pp. 228–291 (Uber Theophrastus Paracelsus von Hohenheim, by Loos). ↗Fuchs, Repertorium der chemischen Litteratur, 1806–08, pp. 43–46. A. F. Hecker, Die Heilkunst auf ihren Wegen zur Gewißheit, Wien, 1813, pp. 68–78 (Paracelsus’ system). Joh. Nepomuck Ehrhart, Medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitung, 1815, i. p. 47 (cause of Paracelsus’ death). Rixner & Siber, Leben und Lehrmeinungen berühmter Physiker, Sulzbach, 1819–23, 8° (the section on Paracelsus was reprinted in 1829). Biographie Médicale, Paris, Panckoucke (1820– 25), vi. pp. 361–363. A. N. Scherer, Theophrastus Paracelsus, St. Petersburg, 1821, 8°. Biographie Universelle, 1822, xxxii. p. 543; n.d. xxxii. p. 112 (article by Renauldin and references). Markus Lutz, Geschichte der Universität Basel, Aarau, 1826, pp. 48, 49, 92, 93. Retrospective Review, 1826, xiv. pp. 98–135 (article on ‘Paracelsus of the Chemical Transmutation … of Metals’). ↗Sprengel, Geschichte der Arzneykunde, 1827, iii. pp. 205–208, 213, 217, 250, 255–57, 430–492. F. Jahn, ‘Paracelsus,’ in J. F. C. Hecker’s Litterarische Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde, Berlin, 1829, xiv. pp. 1–31, 129–152. Thomson, The History of Chemistry, 1830, i. p. 140. Schultz, Die homöobiotische Medizin des Theophrastus Paracelsus … Berlin, 1831, 8°. J. C. Maris, Dissertatio medica inauguralis de Paracelso, Lugduni Batavorum, 1832, 8°. Schmieder, Geschichte der Alchemie, 1832, p. 265. Robert Browning, Paracelsus, London, 1835, pp. ix. [1 blank] 216 (Advertisements, 35, [i]). Andreas Fredericus Bremer & Eduardus Augustus Dahlerup, Dissertationes de Vita et Opinionibus Theophrasti Paracelsi, Hauniæ, 1836, pp. [2] 1–72 [5] 73–191 [1] Dezeimeris, Dictionnaire Historique de la Médecine, 1837, III. ii. pp. 665–671. Ersch & Gruber, Allgemeine Encyklopädie, iii. Section, 1838, xi. pp. 285–296 (article by Escher). Preu, Das System der Medicin des Theophrastus Paracelsus, Berlin, 1838, 8°. Preu, Die Theologie des Theophrastus Paracelsus, Berlin, 1839, 8°. Lessing, Paracelsus, sein Leben und Denken, Berlin, 1839, 8°, with a portrait. Rohatzsch, Compendióse Geschichte der Medicin. Pforzheim, 1839, i. pp. 233–285. Ad. Fr. Stoerzel, De Paracelsi Vita atque Doctrina Dissertatio inauguralis, Halæ, 1840, 8°. Isensee, Die Geschichte der Medicin und ihrer Hülfswissenschaften, 1840, i. pp. 234–249. Haeser, ‘Mit welchem Rechte wird Paracelsus der Reformator der Medicin genannt?’ Archiv für die gesammte Medicin, Jena, 1840, i. pp. 26–43. Mackay, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 1841, iii. p. 97 (with a portrait); 1852, i. p. 142 (with a portrait). Fabre d’Olivet, Theophrastus Paracelsus, der Ant, Magdeburg, 1842, 3 Bde (Historical romance, translated by Dr. Eduard Liber from the French). Hoefer, Histoire de la Chimie, 1843, ii. pp. 9–23; 1869, ii. pp. 5–19. Karl Friedrich Heinrich Marx, ‘Zur Würdigung des Theophrastus von Hohenheim,’ in Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 1843, i. pp. 72–212 (also in a separate reprint). Kopp, Geschichte der Chemie, 1843, i. pp. 92–103, &c., &c. Sasz, ‘Paracelsus, sein Leben, sein System und seine Bedeutung,’ in Mundt’s Der Freihafen, Altona, 1843, pp. 204–232. Chrześcinski, De Paracelso ejusque opinionibus, Vratislaviæ (1844), 8°. Dierbach, ‘Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Pharmakologie des Theophrastus Paracelsus,’ in Szerlecki’s Zeitschrift für Therapie und Pharmakodynamik, Freiburg, 1844, Hft. i. p. 24. Quitzmann, ‘Paracelsus,’ in Lewald’s Deutscher Heldensaal und Ehrentempel, 1844, i. pp. 111–126. Meihsner, De Paracelso, Dissertatio, Berlin, 1847, 8°. Frankenberg, Geschichte der Heilkunst und der Heilschwärmerei, Leipzig, 1848, p. 192. Morwitz, Geschichte der Medicin, 1848, i. pp. 200, 262–275, 309; 1849, II. p. 159. Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques, Paris, 1849, iv. pp. 549–557. Soane, New Curiosities of Literature, 1849, i. pp. 134–156. Cap, ‘Paracelse,’ Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, 1851, 3e Série, xxi. pp. 136–149; reprinted in Études biographiques, Première Série, 1857, p. 1. Locher, Theophrastus Paracelsus Bombastus von Hohenheim der Luther der Medicin, Zürich, 1851, 8°. A. Moll, ‘Philipp Bombast von Hohenheim,’ in Medicinisches Correspondenz-Blatt des Würtembergischen Aertzlichen Vereins, Stuttgart, 1851, xxi., pp. 249, 257, 265. F. A. Pouchet, Histoire des Sciences Naturelles au Moyen Age, 1853, p. 558. J. Le Fèvre Deumier, Études biographiques et littéraires sur quelques célébrités étrangères, Paris, 1854, pp. 155–248 Bayle & Thillaye, Biographie Médicale, 1855, i. pp. 181–188. K. Mueller, ‘Theophrastus Paracelsus,’ Die Natur, Halle, 1855, No. iv. Beilage, pp. 33–36, with a portrait Phillippe & Ludwig, Geschichte der Apotheker, Jena, 1855, pp. 422, 500, 993. Vaughan, Hours with the Mystics, 1856, 11. pp. 46–53. Knight, The English Cyclopædia, Biography 1857, iv. col. 660. W. Grundhoff, A. Vesalii et Theophrasti Paracelsi instauratorum artis medica Germanorum vita et merita et scripta, Dissertatio, Berolini, 1860, 8°. Rudolf Wolf, Biographien zur Kulturgeschichte der Schweitz, Zurich, 1860; Dritter Cyklus, pp. 1–50. |
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Nouvelle Biographie Générale, 1865, xxxix. col. 178. Friswell, Varia, 1866, pp. 163–194. Jobert, Essai sur Paracelse et sa réforme médicale au XVIᵉ siècle, Paris, 1866, 4°. R. Finckenstein, ‘Ueber den Einfluss der Chemie auf die Medicin des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts,’ in Deutsche Klinik, 1866, No. 48, p. 433. Stöckl, Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, 1866, iii. pp. 430–452. Figuier, Vies des savants illustres de la renaissance avec l’appréciation sommaire de leurs travaux, Paris, 1868, pp. 49–99, with a portrait. E. Schmeisser, Die Medicin des Paracelsus in ihrem Zusammenhange mit seiner Philosophie dargestellt, Berlin, 1869, 8°. Ladrague, Bibliothèque Ouvaroff, Sciences Secrètes, 1870, Nos. 900–913, 1275, 1326, 1707, 1843. Bouchut, Histoire de la Médecine, 1873, i. p. 265, &c. J. C. Dalton, ‘Galen and Paracelsus,’ New York Medical Journal, 1873, No. xvii. 5, pp. 449–475. A. Rittmann, Das reformirende Deutschland, und sein Paracelsus, Wien, 1875, 8°. Friedr. Mook, Theophrastus Paracelsus, eine kritische Studie, Würzburg, 1876, 4°, pp. [6] 136 (a bibliography of his writings only). Ferguson, Bibliographia Paracelsica, Parts i.–vi., 1877–1896, 8°, pp. 306. Aberle, Theophrastus Paracelsus und dessen Ueberreste in Salzburg, 1878, 8°, with a plate. ↗Ferd. Zöhrer, ‘Ein alpiner Vagabund der Wissenschaft,’ in Jägers Tourist, Wien, 1878, x. Jahrgang, Bd. ii. pp. 10, 33. Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, 1880, xii. pp. 675–683 (article by Hugo Delff). Haeser, Geschichte der Medicine, 1881, ii. pp. 33, 71 (life, with references), 165, 215, 217, 411, 522. Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Sciences Médicales, 2ème Série, 1884, xx. pp. 502–509. Stanelli, Die Cellular-Therapie als Heilkunst des Paracelsus …, Wien, 1881, 8°. ↗J. Kerschensteiner, Zum Gedächtnisse an Theophrastus Paracelsus an dessen 340 Todestage, Salzburg, 1881, 4°. Christoph Sigwart, Kleine Schriften (1881), i. pp. 25–48. L. Joerg, Die Naturwissenschaft des Paracelsus, Landau, 1882, 8°. H. Rohlfs, Kritik von ‘Theophrastus Paracelsus eine kritische Studie von F. Mook,’ Deutsches Archiv für Geschichte der Medicin, Leipzig, 1882, v. pp. 213–242. Stanelli, Die Zukunfts-Philosophie des Paracelsus als Grundlage einer Reformation für Medicin und Naturwissenschaften, Wien, 1884, 8°. Ferguson, ‘Paracelsus,‘ Encyclopedia Britannica 9th Ed., 1885, xviii. pp. 234–236. Barbillon, Histoire de la Médecine, Paris, 1886, pp. 44–49. R. Eucken, Beiträge zur Geschichte der neueren Philosophie vornehmlich der deutschen, Heidelberg, 1886, pp. 32–53 (Paracelsus, ‘Lehre von der Entwicklung’). Hirsch, Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Aerzte aller Zeiten und Völker, 1886, iv. pp. 482–485 (by Pagel). K. Kiesewetter, ‘Paracelsus Philipp Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim, nach seinem Leben und Denken geschildert,’ Sphinx, Leipzig, 1886, ii. pp. 249–258. Kopp, Die Alchemie, 1886, i. pp. 33, 41, 48, &c., &c., &c. H. Peters, Aus pharmazeutischer Vorzeit in Bild und Wort, Berlin, 1886, pp. 48–51, 150, &c. Stanelli, Philosophie der Kräfte, Leipzig, 1886, 8° (an attempt to correlate Paracelsus’ and modern views). Hartmann, The Life of Paracelsus, London, 1887, 8°. Hedderwick, The old German puppet play of Doctor Faust, 1887, p. 188. Schubert & Sudhoff, Paracelsus-Forschungen, 2 parts, Frankfurt, 1887–89, 8°. Billings, Index-Catalogue, 1889, x. pp. 406–409 (and references). Michel Emery, Renaudot et l’Introduction de la Médication chimique, Paris, 1889, pp. 16–28. Carl Aberle, Grabdenkmal, Schädel und Abbildungen des Theophrastus Paracelsus, Salzburg, 1891. (Contains an enumeration and classification of the portraits, and conclusions as to the cause of his death drawn from the state of his skull, as it was found at the opening of his tomb.) Sudhoff, Versuch einer Kritik der Echtheit der Paracelsischen Schriften, Berlin, 1894, 8°, vol. i., Bibliographia Paracelsica; vol. ii., Paracelsische Handschriften, 1899. ↗Ernst von Meyer, Geschichte der Chemie, 2te Aufl., 1895, p. 59; English translation, 1891, p. 65. Louis Durey, La Médecine Occulte de Paracelse et de quelques autres Médecins Hermétistes, Paris, 1900, 8°. Raymund Netzhammer, Theophrastus Paracelsus, Das Wissenswerteste über dessen Leben, Lehre und Schriften, Einsiedeln, 1901, 8° (with Tintoretto’s portrait and other illustrations). Franz Strunz, Theophrastus Paracelsus sein Leben und seine Persöhnlichkeit. Ein Beitrag zur Geistesgeschichte der deutschen Renaissance, Leipzig, 1903, 8°, pp. 126 [2], with portraits and facsimiles. R. Julius Hartmann, Theophrast von Hohenheim, Stuttgart & Berlin, 1904, 8°, pp. iv. [2] 222 [2]. Portrait of Paracelsus. |
— View at Gallica here.