Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Duclo.1612-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Gaston Duclo: Philosophia chymica tribus tractatibus comprehensa. Genf: Jean Vignon, 1612.
Main Language: Latin. — — Original editor: Bernard Gilles Penot.
Author: Gaston Duclo
Original Editor: Bernard Gilles Penot
Printer: Jean Vignon
sig. ¶1r
Title page

sig. ¶1v
Table of contents

sig. ¶2r–¶5r
Dedicatory Letter by Bernard Gilles Penot, addressed to Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel; Latin
Yverdon, no date

sig. ¶5v
Poem by I. L., addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. ¶5v
Poem by I. B. A., addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. ¶5v–¶6r [2 pages]
Poem by Guillaume Dubroc, addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin
Author’s byline: Guilielmus Dubroc Adolescens

sig. ¶6r
Poem by Stephanus Gasconius, addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin
Author’s byline: Stephanus Gasconius Adolescens

sig. ¶6v–¶8r [4 pages]
Preface by Bernard Gilles Penot, addressed to the Reader; Latin

sig. ¶8v
Blank page

sig. A1r–K4r ‖ p. 1–151
‘Apologia argyropoeiae et chrysopoeiae’, by Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. K4v
Blank page

sig. ²A1r–²A1v
Dedicatory Letter by Gaston Duclo, addressed to Jacques de La Fin; Latin

sig. ²A2r–²C2r ‖ p. 3–35
‘De triplici praeparatione auri et argenti’, by Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. ²C2v
Blank page

sig. ²C3r–²F5r ‖ p. 37–89
‘De recta et vera ratione progignendi Lapidis Philosophici ... dilucida et compendiosa explicatio’, by Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. ²F5v ‖ p. 90
‘Typographus Lectori S.’, Notice by Jean Vignon, addressed to Reader; Latin

sig. ²F6r–²F7r ‖ p. 91–93
‘Canones seu regulae decem, de lapide philosophico’, by Anonymous; Latin

sig. ²F7v ‖ p. 94
‘Epilogus totius rei hic est’, by Anonymous; Latin

sig. ²F8r–²F8v [2 pages]
2 blank pages