Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Duclo.1612-01
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Gaston Duclo: Philosophia chymica tribus tractatibus comprehensa. Genf: Jean Vignon, 1612..
Main Language: Latin. — — Original editor: Bernard Gilles Penot.
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Digital copies (Libraries)
Augsburg, State and City LibraryGeneva, Library
Madrid, University Library
sig. ¶1r
Title page
sig. ¶1v
Table of contents
sig. ¶2r–¶5r
Dedicatory Letter by Bernard Gilles Penot, addressed to Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel; Latin
Yverdon, no date
sig. ¶5v–¶6r [2 pages]
Poem by Guillaume Dubroc, addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin
Author’s byline: Guilielmus Dubroc Adolescens
sig. ¶6r
Poem by Stephanus Gasconius, addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin
Author’s byline: Stephanus Gasconius Adolescens
sig. ¶8v
Blank page
sig. K4v
Blank page
sig. ²A1r–²A1v
Dedicatory Letter by Gaston Duclo, addressed to Jacques de La Fin; Latin
Nevers, September 1594
sig. ²C2v
Blank page
sig. ²C3r–²F5r ‖ p. 37–89
‘De recta et vera ratione progignendi Lapidis Philosophici ... dilucida et compendiosa explicatio’, by Gaston Duclo; Latin
sig. ²F6r–²F7r ‖ p. 91–93
‘Canones seu regulae decem, de lapide philosophico’, by Anonymous; Latin
sig. ²F7v ‖ p. 94
‘Epilogus totius rei hic est’, by Anonymous; Latin
sig. ²F8r–²F8v [2 pages]
2 blank pages