From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Source: Gaston Duclo, Apologia argyropoeiae et chrysopoeiae, Nevers: Pierre Roussin, 1592, sig. Ee2r [BP.Duclo.1590-01] [see also BP.Duclo.1598-01]
Summary: Erastus attempts to challenge the principles of alchemy, using ignorance as his weapon, but in his critique, he unintentionally highlights the significance of the art. Duclo, in response, defends the art by refuting Erastus's arguments, thereby restoring the esteem of alchemical practices. (generated by ChatGPT)
[sig. Ee2r] Ad avthorem huiusce Apologiæ
Naturæ aurificas vires dum tentat
Inscitiæ iaculis euertere, percitus œstro
Inuidiæ, claram illustrat malè prouidus artem:
Nameque experta canens libro maledicta refellit
Cloueus emisso, quo tela retundit Erasti
In caput: Et recipit demptum Argyropœa nitorem.
I. L.
Modern English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT on 26 February 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the author of this Apology,
As Erastus tries to test the golden powers of nature, aiming to overthrow them with the darts of ignorance, stirred by the sting of envy, he unwittingly illuminates the distinguished art: for he, not experienced, refutes curses in his book, and Cloveus, having released it, by which he dulls the weapons of Erastus, back onto his own head: And Argyropoeia regains its taken luster.