Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Dorn.1569-01
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Gerhard Dorn: Artificii chymistici physici, metaphysicique, secunda pars et tertia. No place, no printer, 1569.Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 179 Anm.. — VD16 D 2400. — USTC: 613443. —
8°. Signatures: )(8 a–z8 A–E8 = 232 fols. (464 pages) (autopsy).
[16], 440, [7], [1 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica:
»In diesem Jahre erschien: „ARTIFICII CHYMISTICI PHYSICI, METAPHYSIcique, Secunda pars et Tertia ... Gerardo Dorn Authore ... M.D.LXIX“ o. O. 8°; darin findet sich S. 187-199 „Appendicula Tincturarum Philosophicarum, ex Theophrasti Paracelsi scriptis Germanicis in Latinum sermonem obiter versatarum, et ad compendiolum per eundem authorem reductarum“, wie No. 101 S. 132 ff. aus Dorn’s „Clavis“ herübergenommen, aber hier in extenso, nur zum Theil anders geordnet. Dorn liebt es ja überhaupt, neue Schriften unter theilweiser Verwendung aus früheren seiner Schriften zusammen-zustellen. Vieles kommt so mehrmals in anderer Aneinanderreihung bei ihm zum Druck (vgl. Paracelsisten-Bibliographie a. a. O. S. 386).«
Full title (autopsy):
Artificii ‖ chymistici ‖ physici, metaphysi- ‖ cique, Secunda pars & Tertia, qua- ‖ rum summarium versa pagella dabit. ‖ Accessit etiam Tertiæ parti, de Præparationibus Metallicis in vtroq́ue Lapidis ‖ Philosophorum opere maiore minoreque, ‖ Tractatus excellentissimus. ‖ Gerardo Dorn Authore. ‖ [Printer's mark] ‖ M. D. L X I X.
Full colophon (autopsy):
Author: Gerhard Dorn
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sig. )(1r
Title page
sig. )(1v
Table of contents
sig. )(2r–)(3v [4 pages]
Dedication by Gerhard Dorn, addressed to Friedrich III., Kurfürst von der Pfalz; Latin
no place, no date
sig. )(4r–)(7r [7 pages]
Preface, addressed to the Reader; Latin
no place, no date
sig. )(7v–q3v ‖ p. –246 [249 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Chymisticum artificium naturae, pars secunda
sig. f6v–m5v ‖ p. 92–186 [95 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Tractatus de unione ternarii metaphysici
sig. m6r–n5r ‖ p. 187–201 [15 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Appendicula tincturarum philosophicarum, ex Theophrasti Paracelsi scriptis versarum
sig. n5v–p4v ‖ p. 202–232 [31 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Veneni quod Leo (nescio quis) Suavius I. G. P. velamine latens (Apologia)
sig. p5r–q3v ‖ p. 233–246 [14 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: De alchymia colloquium
sig. q4r–E4v ‖ p. 247–440 [194 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Chymisticum artificium naturae, pars tertia
sig. q7r–z4v ‖ p. 253–360 [108 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Colloquium quo Titan paterfamilias Oceanitisque Mater de sua prole consulunt
sig. D6r–E4v ‖ p. 427–440 [14 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Colloquium, quo docetur quinam illi sint, qui ad hanc artem pervenire possunt
sig. E5r–E8r [7 pages]
sig. E8r
sig. E8v
Blank page