Dedication, no date (1569), Gerhard Dorn to Friedrich III., Kurfürst von der Pfalz (BP.Dorn.1569-01)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Gerhard Dorn
Recipient: Friedrich III., Kurfürst von der Pfalz
Type: Dedication
Date: no date [1569]
Pages: 4
Language: Latin
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Gerhard Dorn, Artificii chymistici physici, metaphysicique, secunda pars et tertia, no place, no printer 1569, sig. )(2r–)(3v [BP.Dorn.1569-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: Dorn expresses gratitude for the Prince's patronage. He discusses his endeavors to unravel nature's secrets and theology, accessible only to the enlightened, while maintaining discretion. Dorn indicates his contributions to alchemy and support for those committed to hidden studies. He dedicates his work to the Prince, seeking to safeguard the contained truths against suppression. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. )(2r] Illvstrissimo Principi Friderico Palatino Comiti, Sacri Imperij Archidapifero, Duci Bauariæ &c. Salus.

Iam experior, Illustrißime Princpes, ea, quæ superiori suasit anno mihi Veritas, fœliciter succeßiße. Nam Auiculæ meæ, cuius volatum ad Illustrißimam Celsitatem tuam direxi, pennæ supercreuerunt, vt sub eius Patrocinio, tutò viuere potuerit hactenus absq́ue metu. Animum hoc addidit Animo sanè propensiorem, ad Naturæ secreta latiùs detegendum acutis ingenijs: quodam seruato moderamine tamen, ne videar ipsam indecentiùs, quàm par erat, suis nudaße mysterijs. Nec semper latebris [sig. )(2v] occultam esse deuit, aliàs in obliuionem ducta falsis conculcata fuissset artibus. Quid Luce naturæ supernaturaliq́ue post cognitionem Dei tamen excellentiùs? quid cognitu desideratiùs & intellectu iucundiùs esse potest? Altera Theologia verè nominanda venit, qua quicunque fuerit illustratus, omnia sibi cignita fore latereq́ue nihil posse, neceßum est. At nemini contingit, præterquam illi, qui à Datore luminum receperit. Non est hæc Philosophia quam tractamus, Princeps Illustrißime: quod C[elsitati] T[uae] perquàm optimè notum est, vulgaris, aut quibusuis, licet etiam Doctis cognita: sed paucißimis familiaris & his tantùm, scilicet qui reducti sunt ad similitudinem eius quod quærunt: alijs reperiri vel intelligi nullo modo poterit unquam. Hinc fit, vt etiam artem, qua peruenire licet ad Vnionis [sig. )(3r] perfectoinem, Chymisticis addiderim: vt illis nempè qui sese dare cupierint abditorum & arcanorum Studijs nihil eorum desit, quibus prodesse posim ipsis, & omnibus. Potißimùm in his describendis mihi Studium hoc fuit præ cæteris vt rem quantò clariùs fieri posset, ex vna detegerem, ex altera parte, ne Philosopho loquatior extitiße diverer ab alijs: sua sunt enim quibusuis obseruanda media. Qualecunq́ue sit igitur opusculum hoc, C[elsitati] T[uae] dicatum esse debuit, cui rerum abditißimarum, & excellentißimarum Artium summa cum peritia commendatio semper coniuncta fuit. Idipsum certißimum reddere me potest, alterius huius nostri fœtus tutelam, Veritatis in eo contentæ saltem libenter fore suscepturam. Sic fiet, vt nullus eorum qui Veritatem in omnibus praæter Verita- [sig. )(3v] tem & Æquitatem opprimere conantur, vix audebit hiscere. Princeps Illustrißime, fœlicißimè viuens plurimos in annos, Vale.

Illustrißimæ Cels[itatis] T[uae] Seruulus infimus.

Gerardus Dorn.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 30 June 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the Most Illustrious Prince Frederick, Count Palatine, the Holy Empire's Archduke, Duke of Bavaria, etc. Greetings.

I am now experiencing, Most Illustrious Prince, that what Truth advised me in the previous year, has fortunately succeeded. For my little bird, whose flight I directed to your Most Illustrious Highness, its wings have grown, so that it could live safely under your patronage, thus far without fear. This has emboldened me, decidedly more willing, to uncover Nature's secrets more broadly to sharp minds: albeit maintaining some restraint, so I do not seem to have indecently exposed her to her mysteries more than was proper. Nor should it always be hidden in concealment, otherwise, it would have been trampled by false arts, once forgotten. What could be more excellent than the light of nature and supernatural knowledge after the cognition of God? What could be more desirable for understanding and more enjoyable for the intellect? A second Theology, truly named, arrives, by which whoever is enlightened, it is necessary that all things are known to him and that nothing can hide. But this happens to no one, except to him, who has received it from the Giver of lights. This is not the Philosophy we are dealing with, Most Illustrious Prince, which, as is very well known to Your Highness, is common, or known to anyone, even though learned: but familiar to very few and only to those who have been reduced to the likeness of what they are seeking: it will never be found or understood by others in any way. Hence, I have even added to the alchemists the art by which it is possible to reach the perfection of Union, that is to those who wish to devote themselves to hidden and arcane studies, nothing will be missing that I could provide for them, and for all. My primary focus in these descriptions has been to reveal as clearly as possible, from one side, without appearing more verbose than other philosophers: for each has their means to be observed. Therefore, whatever this small work is, it should have been dedicated to Your Highness, to whom the deepest secrets, and the highest arts with the greatest skill, have always been commended. This can assure me, the protection of this other offspring of ours, at least the contained truth will willingly undertake it. Thus, no one who tries to suppress the Truth in everything other than Truth and Fairness, will hardly dare to gasp. Most Illustrious Prince, live most happily for many years, Farewell.

Your Highness's most humble servant,

Gerardus Dorn.