Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Dorn.1568-01
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Gerhard Dorn: Chymisticum artificium naturae. [Basel], no printer [Thomas Guarin], 1568.VD16 D 2399. — USTC: 622589. —
8°. Signatures: A–K8 = 80 fols. (160 pages) (autopsy).
156, [4 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Printer according to VD16
Full title (autopsy):
Chymisticvm ‖ Artificivm na- ‖ turæ, Theoricum & Practicum: cuius Sum- ‖ marium versa pagella clariùs indicabit: ‖ Liber plane` philosophi- ‖ cus, in gratiam omnium veræ Philoso- ‖ phiæ naturalis studiosorum æditus ‖ Per Gerardum Dorn. ‖ [Woodcut] ‖ M. D. LXVIII.
Full colophon (autopsy):
Author: Gerhard Dorn
Printer: [Thomas Guarin]
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Google Books: Prague, National Library (nbFeAAAAcAAJ)Google Books: Munich, State Library (iu9RAAAAcAAJ)
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Digital copies (Libraries)
Dresden, State and University LibraryMunich, State Library
sig. A1r
Title page
sig. A1v
Table of contents
sig. A2r–A3v [4 pages]
Dedication by Gerhard Dorn, addressed to Friedrich III., Kurfürst von der Pfalz; Latin
no date
sig. A6v–E2v ‖ p. 12–68 [57 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Theorica chymistici artificii naturae
sig. E3r–K6v ‖ p. 69–156 [88 pages]
by Gerhard Dorn; Latin
Title: Practica chymistici artificii naturae
sig. K7r–K8v [4 pages]
4 blank pages