Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Dorn.1570-01
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Gerhard Dorn: Lapis metaphysicus, aut philosophicus. No place, no printer, 1570.VD16 D 2405. — USTC: 671567. —
8°. Signatures: A–I8 K2 = 74 fols. (148 pages) (autopsy).
No pagination. —
Main Language: Latin. —
Full title (autopsy):
Lapis metaphysicus, ‖ avt philosophi- ‖ cvs, Qvi vniversa- ‖ salis medicina uera fuit patrum anti- ‖ quorum, ad omnes indifferenter mor- ‖ bos: etiam eos quos incurabiles uocarunt ‖ illi qui curare non potuerunt. ‖ Et ad metallorum tollendam lepram, fa- ‖ bricandos lapides preciosas, &c. ‖ [Printer's mark] ‖ M. D. LXX.
Author: Gerhard Dorn
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sig. A1r
Title page
Printer’s mark on title page
sig. A1v
Blank page
sig. A2r–A4r [5 pages]
Dedication by Gerhard Dorn, addressed to Ludwig, Herzog von Württemberg; Latin
no place, no date
sig. A4v
Table of contents
sig. K2v–K4v [5 pages]
5 blank pages