
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Preface to the Reader

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Source: Jodocus Willich, Vrinarum probationes, ed. Hieronymus Reusner, Basel: Sebastian Henricpetri, 1582, sig. T7r–T8v = pag. 301–304 [BP.Reusner.1582-01]

Summary: Reusner addresses the reader, emphasizing a philosophical and critical approach to the study of urine for medical diagnosis. He asserts the independence of his opinions, distancing himself from those who blindly follow traditional or fanciful ideas, likened to attempting to "join griffins to horses." Reusner prides himself on presenting his findings and the diverse viewpoints of others without resorting to slander or detraction, aiming for a balanced and well-armed discourse.
He acknowledges his debt to the great philosophers of the past, whose methods he emulates, drawing from the same deep sources of natural interpretation. Reusner invites the reader to judge the work not on the basis of preconceived notions or biases, which are antithetical to true philosophical inquiry, but on the merits of the arguments presented, focusing on the truthfulness of the content rather than the reputation of the speaker.
The text also contains a reference to a dialogue from Plato's "Crito," where Socrates discusses the irrelevance of the majority's opinion to the pursuit of truth and justice, a sentiment Reusner aligns with his own stance on intellectual integrity and the pursuit of knowledge. (generated by ChatGPT)


[p. 301] Lectori candido Hieronymvs Revsnervs, Εὖ ὑγιαίνειν.

Habes, Lector beneuole, Scholas nostras de Vrinis: in quibus uides, nos nequaquam illis adulari posse: quotquot conantur iungere gryphes equis. Liberè sententiam nostram, animo philosophico protulimus: liberè aliorum opiniones adduximus: liberè plurimorum arietes, citra tamen calumnias, aut ullum obtrectandi studium, demoliti, acie, quantùm à nobis fieri potuit, instructa, sumus: liberè fatemur, nos imitatos summorum Phi- [p. 302] losophorum consultationes, quibus nos hæc nostra debere non inficias imus. Ex ijsdem enim fontibus, ex quibus antiqui abditioris Naturæ interpretes, riuos deducere nos oportet. Tuum erit: cui aruum hoc conseritur, cui hæc seges deputatetur, cui laboris huius & sudoris messis comparatur, liberè de hisce, absq́ue calumnijs & ulla præconcepta opinione, (quæ à Philosophiæ terminis exulare debet quàm longissimè,) iudicium Philosophicum proferre: & accuratè, non quis dicat, sed quid dicatur, an uerum, an ferum, perpendere. Quod si feceris: & nos multum profecisse putabimus: & tibi uitam nostram deberi, palàm declamabimus. Agrestes & Zoilos, qui nihil nisi sententiolas Galenicas crepare possunt, non curamus. ἀλλὰ τί ἡ- [p. 303] μῖν, οὕτω τῆς τῶν πολλῶν δόξης μέλει: οἱ γὰρ ἐπιεικέστατοι, (ὧν μᾶλλον ἄξιον φροντίζειν) ἡγήσονται αὐτὰ οὕτω πεπρᾶχθαι ὥσπερ ἂν πραχθῇ: inquit Socrates in Platonis Critone. Cui rectè Crito respondet: οὔτε γὰρ φρόνιμον οὔτε ἄφρονα οἱ πολλοὶ δυνατοὶ ποιῆσαι ποιοῦσι δὲ τοῦτο ὅ, τι ἂν τύχωσι. Hæc quoque nostra est sententia: quam omnes Philosophicum Philosophis illis priscis & exosculati sunt, & exosculantur, & exosculanbuntur.

Porrò ut uideas, nos in hoc omnes & animi, & corporis intendere neruos: quò possimus omnibus prodesse, obesse autem nemini: duximus operæ precium nos facutoros: si pro colophone adijceremus remedia quædam εὐπόριστα καὶ πολύχρηστα ex urina desumpta, plurima præsertim Spagirica, siue Chemica. Quæ si boni consulueris: non du- [p. 304] bitamus, Deum uerum medicum, tibi medico, sua prouidentia in curandis ægris adfuturum. Vale, Candide Lector: & Nostrum candorem tibi commendatum habe. Cum candidis enim candidè agier oportet inter candidos.

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 5 February 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the candid reader, Hieronymus Reusner wishes good health (Εὖ ὑγιαίνειν).

You have before you, kind reader, our treatises on urines, in which you will see that we cannot possibly flatter those who attempt to join griffins to horses. We have freely expressed our opinion with a philosophical spirit; we have freely brought forth the opinions of others; we have freely, yet without slander or any desire to detract, demolished the arguments of many, armed as best as we could. We freely confess that we have emulated the consultations of the greatest philosophers, to whom we do not deny our indebtedness. For we must draw from the same sources as the ancient interpreters of nature's mysteries. It will be your role to judge, without bias or preconceived notions (which should be as far removed from the realm of philosophy as possible), who this field is sown for, to whom this crop is allocated, for whom the harvest of this labor and sweat is gathered. Judge philosophically on these matters, carefully weighing not who speaks, but what is said, whether it is true or false. If you do this, we will consider ourselves greatly advanced, and we will openly declare our life indebted to you. We do not concern ourselves with the rustics and Zoiluses who can only parrot Galenic aphorisms. "But why should we care so much about the opinion of the many?" For the most reasonable among them (who are truly worthy of consideration) will think that things have been done just as they ought to be done, as Socrates says in Plato's Crito. To which Crito rightly replies: "For the many cannot make a man wise or foolish, but they do what they happen to do."

This too is our opinion, which all philosophers have kissed, do kiss, and will kiss in homage to those ancient philosophers.

Furthermore, to show that we strain every nerve of both mind and body in this endeavor, to be of service to all and harm to none, we thought it worthwhile to add as a colophon some easily procured and very useful remedies derived from urine, especially many Spagyric or Chemical ones. If you consider these valuable, we have no doubt that God, the true physician, will, through His providence, assist you, the physician, in curing the sick.

Farewell, candid reader, and keep our sincerity in your favor. For among the candid, it is proper to act candidly.