Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Duclo.1602-02

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Gaston Duclo: Apologia crysopoeiae et argyropoeiae adversus Thomam Erastum, Doctorem & Professorem Medicinae. Oberursel: Cornelius Sutor, 1602.
8°. Signatures: )?(8 A–R8 = 144 fols. (288 pages) (autopsy).
[xvi], 267, [1], [4 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. — — Original editor: Bernard Gilles Penot.
Author: Gaston Duclo
Original Editor: Bernard Gilles Penot
sig. )?(1r
Title page

sig. )?(1v
Blank page

sig. )?(2r–)?(6r
Dedicatory Letter by Cornelius Sutor, addressed to Johann Reichard Schefer; Latin
Oberursel, 1 January 1602

sig. )?(6v–)?(8r [4 pages]
Preface by Bernard Gilles Penot, addressed to the Reader; Latin

sig. )?(8r
Poem by I. L., addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. )?(8v
Poem by Guillaume Dubroc, addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin
Author’s byline: Guilielmus Dubroc Adolescens

sig. A1r–O4v ‖ p. 1–216
‘Apologia argyropoeiae et chrysopoeiae’, by Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. O5r–O6v ‖ p. 217–221
Dedicatory Letter by Gaston Duclo, addressed to Jacques de La Fin; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.Duclo.1592-02

sig. O7r–R6r ‖ p. 222–267
‘De triplici praeparatione auri et argenti’, by Gaston Duclo; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.Duclo.1592-02

sig. R6v
Printer’s mark

sig. R7r–R8v [4 pages]
4 blank pages