Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Duclo.1590-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Gaston Duclo: Apologia argyropoeiae et chrysopoeiae. Nevers: Pierre Roussin, 1590.
4°. Signatures: A–Z4 Aa–Ee4 = 112 fols. (224 pages) (autopsy).
217, [6], [1 blank] pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
Author: Gaston Duclo
sig. A1r
Title page

sig. A1v
Blank page

sig. A2r–B3v ‖ p. 3–14
Dedicatory Letter by Gaston Duclo, addressed to Louis de Gonzague, Duke of Nevers; Latin

sig. B4r–Ee1r ‖ p. 15–217
‘Apologia argyropoeiae et chrysopoeiae’, by Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. Ee1v
Illustration: Portrait of Gaston Duclo

sig. Ee2r
‘Ad authorem’, Poem by Anonymous [A. L.], addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. Ee2r
‘Ad authorem’, Poem by Anonymous [I. B. A.], addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin

sig. Ee2r–Ee2v
‘Ad authorem’, Poem by Guillaume Dubroc, addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin
Author’s byline: Gullielmus Dubroc adolescens

sig. Ee2v
‘Ad authorem’, Poem by Stéphane Gascoin, addressed to Gaston Duclo; Latin
Author’s byline: Stephanus Gascoing adolescens

sig. Ee3r–Ee4r [3 pages]

sig. Ee4v
Blank page