Authors/Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum

Personal Bibliography

Dedications, Prefaces, Postfaces

from: Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), Oratio de fine Philosophiæ & quomodo ad ipsum perueniri liceat, 1561
An author is expected to offer poems to his teachers to express gratitude, as is customary for those honored in Philosophy. However, Johann Albrecht chose to compose a speech on the study of Philosophy instead, aiming to inspire the youth to follow its precepts. He asks the Michael Wagner to accept the speech as a pledge, explaining that it was written in a short time without external resources.
from: Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), Oratio de fine Philosophiæ & quomodo ad ipsum perueniri liceat, 1561
Johann Albrecht greets the learned men studying philosophy at the Ingolstadt Academy and acknowledges the vast knowledge required to become well-versed in the complex of arts. He emphasizes the importance of internal and external mental faculties and actions, as well as experience in pursuing the name of philosopher. Johann draws a comparison between the sun illuminating the minds of people with its light and philosophy illuminating the minds of philosophers. He urges critics to cease their calumnies and encourages everyone to diligently apply their minds to these noble studies to become worthy of the name of philosopher. Johann expresses gratitude towards his esteemed teachers and promises to devote all his effort and work to every matter and every place.
from: Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), Von der Gesellschaft Jesu, 1563
Johann Albrecht discusses the troubling rise of false prophets and teachers within Christianity, expressing concern about their distortion of the teachings of Christ. He specifically criticizes Martin Kemnitz and Johann Zanger for their writings which he perceives as an attack on the Church and its doctrines. Despite his status as a layperson, Wimpinaeus feels compelled to defend the Church, expressing hope that those spreading false teachings might return to the true faith. He emphasizes his devotion to the Catholic Church and its teachings, invoking the Spirit of God as the ultimate guide to truth.
from: Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), Christliche unnd gegründte widerlegung, wider das ... schreiben Cyriaci Spangenberg, 1563
Johann Albrecht addresses Count Friedrich of Oettingen, praising his devout commitment to the Catholic Church. Albrecht highlights the historical battles fought by faithful defenders of the Church against its enemies, contrasting their valor with the defeat suffered by heretics. He urges Count Friedrich to unite all Christians against the common enemy and speak with one voice in defense of the faith. Albrecht warns against false teachers who use deceptive tactics to lead people astray, mixing the words of the Gospel with poisonous flattery. He commends Friedrich Staphylus as a courageous defender and refutes the writings of Cyriacus Spangenberg, emphasizing the unwavering strength of the Catholic faith.
from: Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), De concordia Hippocraticorum et Paracelsistarum libri magni excursiones defensivae, 1569
Johann Albrecht argues that it is not beyond the dignity of a prince to know which doctors to trust, which medicines to allow or prohibit, and which ones to prefer over others. Vuimpinensis discusses the importance of natural medicine and the works of authors, such as Theophrastus Paracelsus, and how they can be used to understand medicine. He also explains his approach to medicine, which involves breaking down natural things into their individual parts and reassembling them in a purified form.
from: Paracelsus, Archidoxa ex Theophrastia, ed. Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), 1570
Johann Albrecht discusses the story of Adam and Eve and their disobedience to God's commandment, resulting in their expulsion from Paradise and spiritual death. The author also criticizes scholars who rely solely on reason and philosophy to understand nature, rather than divine light and experience. The author praises Theophrastus Paracelsus, who delved deeply into the mysteries of nature and medicine, and provides remedies for various diseases, unlike other doctors who are helpless against them. The author dedicates these books to Duke Albrecht of Bavaria as a patron of scholars and naturalists, who supports and illuminates the world with intelligence, wisdom, justice, counsel, and power.
from: Paracelsus, Archidoxa ex Theophrastia, ed. Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), 1570
Johann Albrecht discusses the suppression and secrecy surrounding Theophrastus' healing methods. He suggests that Paracelsus's best books have been kept hidden, leading to only a few individuals truly understanding his teachings. To honor Paracelsus and prevent his work from being dismissed, Albrecht emphasizes the need to bring Paracelsus's main books to light. The text also acknowledges the excellence of Paracelsus's previously published works but notes the complaints about their obscurity. Albrecht emphasizes the importance of skilled practitioners who are grounded in nature and philosophy. Albrecht warns against attempting to prepare advanced substances without proper understanding. He further explains the significance of "Mercurium Vitae" and its role in the highest medicine. Albrecht assures the reader that nothing has been omitted from the collection and expresses his intention to publish additional books, provide observations and annotations, and clarify Paracelsus's philosophical and medical foundations.

Notices, Editorial Remarks etc.


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