Dedication, 1563-08-10, Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus) to Paulus Gmainer
Author: | Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus) |
Recipient: | Paulus Gmainer |
Type: | Dedication |
Date: | 10 August 1563 |
Place: | Ingolstadt |
Pages: | 13 |
Language: | German |
Quote as: | |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), Von der Gesellschaft Jesu, Ingolstadt: [Alexander & Samuel Weissenhorn] 1563, sig. a2r-a8r [BP.Albrecht.1563-01]
CP: | Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum |
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | Johann Albrecht discusses the troubling rise of false prophets and teachers within Christianity, expressing concern about their distortion of the teachings of Christ. He specifically criticizes Martin Kemnitz and Johann Zanger for their writings which he perceives as an attack on the Church and its doctrines. Despite his status as a layperson, Wimpinaeus feels compelled to defend the Church, expressing hope that those spreading false teachings might return to the true faith. He emphasizes his devotion to the Catholic Church and its teachings, invoking the Spirit of God as the ultimate guide to truth. (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. a2r] Dem Ehrwürdigen/ vnnd Gottseligen Herrn in Christo/ Paulo Gmayner/ Apt zů Nideralten/ seinem Genädigen Herrn/ vnd Mecenaten/ wünschet Gnad/ vnnd Frid/ von Christo Jesu/ vnserm Herrn vnd Seligmacher.
Wann ich die weyssagung Christi/ Ehrwürdiger/ Gnädiger Herr/ welche von dem [sig. a2v] Euangelisten Marco beschriben/[m1] mit disen vnsern zeytten vergleiche/ befinde ich/ das sich der tag/ diser zergengklichen zeyt genaigt habe/ vnd die welt zů jhrem endt eyle/ dieweil die diner Jesu yetzundt yederman verhasset sein/ von wegen dises hailsamen kostbarlichen namens/ vnd so vil falscher Christen/ vnd falscher Propheten täglich auferstehn/ die solche zaichen thůn/ das wa es müglich wer/ auch die außerwölten verfürt wurden. Dann sie stet schreien/ hie ist Christus/ dort ist Christus/ der mundt des Herrn hat geredt/ das sagt das wort Gottes/ welches warlich ein solches lindes [sig. a3r] vnd sanfftes Schafklaide ist/ das man die reissende Wölff/ die darunder verborgen stecken/ nicht wol erkennen kan/ darumb dann auch vil Schaf/ von der herd Christi in die wüste abgefürt/ darinn zerrissen/ vnnd durch newe verfürische lehr vergiftet werden. Derhalben Christus vns recht vermanet/[m2] das wir vns mit allem fleiß/ sollen für den falschen Propheten hütten/ gibt vns auch ein merckzaichen/ darbey wir sie erkennen/ nemlich jre frücht/ so nit allein im leben/ sonder auch in der lehr stehn. Wann wir dann nun jre lehr betrachten/ so erfinden wir das sie nichts anders sey/ dann eytel distel vnd dorn/ [sig. a3v] vnd künde kaine gůtte frucht bringen: Hergegen auch so wir die frücht jhrer lehr ernstlich anschawen/ so sehen wir nichts dann alles arges vnd böses: ist also der baum/ wie die frucht/ die lehr/ wie die werck: seindt nemblich baide kain nütz.
Darmit aber jre sach/ ein feinen glantzenden schein hab/ geben sie für/ das jhre verfürische ketzerische lehr/ sey das pur lautter Euangelium/ das reyn vnuerfälschet wort Gottes/ vnnd die recht Chrsitenliche lehr: Hergegen aber die rechte Catholische/ Apostolische/ vnnd allain seligmachende lehr/ sey ein Baalslehr/ Bapsts- [sig. a4r] lehr/ Teüffelslehr/ menschentandt/ vnd dergleichen: verhoffen also den ainfeltigen Layen mit jhnen inn die grůben der verderbnuß zů ziehen.
Aber wa wir alle/ nach dem beuelch Christi wachen werden/[m3] vnd sein stimm hören/ da er also sagt: Wer die Kirchen nit höret/ den solt du achten als ein Hayden vnd Publicaner/ So werden wir jhnen fein künden begegnen/ vnd vns vor jhrem gifft verwaren.
Wiewol aber nun die yetztschwebende ketzermaister/ sampt jhrem grewel/ welchen sy in dz hailig ort gsetzt haben/ vnd nun mer menschliche gedancken vnd lehr/ für dz wort [sig. a4v] Gottes achten/ vnd den Apostolischen traditionibus weyt fürziehen/ zům mehreren thail der welt bekannt: yedoch seind sie in jhrem verkerten sinn/ also gar verhertet/ das sie sich nit schemenen noch fürchten/ wider den stachel zů lecken/ vnnd mit offentlichen schrifften/ die kirchen Gottes anzůfechten/ vnnd zůuerfolgen: Vnder welche freuenliche rauchlose leüt/ haben sich bede/ Martin Kemnitz/ vnd Johann Zanger eingemischet/ vnd newlich gantz lesterlich vnd trüglich/ mit giftigen schreiben/ Christo sein vnbefleckte sponß angetastet.
Demnach so wir alle mitglider sein in Christo vnserm Herren/ wie [sig. a5r] ist es müglich dz wir solche schmäliche lesterwort/ nit solten entpfinden/ so sy dem gantzen leib/ nemlich der Catholischen Christlichen kirchen sein zůgefügt?
Vnnd ist diß in der warhait/ meines erachtens/ zů vnsern zeitten nicht vnrecht/ sonder vil mehr von nötten/ das ein yedtweder/ so vil jm von Got gnad verlihen/ die lehr der Catholischen kirchen verthedige/ so auch Petrus erfordert/ das wir sollen berait sein/ einem yetwedern rechenschafft zů geben der hoffnung die in vns ist.
Derhalben nach dem ich des Kemnitz vnnd Zangers schreiben gelesen/ vnnd wie grewlich sie die [sig. a5v] diener Jesu/ vnbilligklich/ mit allem gewalt/ wider alle warhait verfolgen/ vnnd außrüffen hab vernommen/ bin ich gleichsam von meinem gewüssen dise Gottselige leüt zůuerthedigen gezwungen worden/ dieweil ye ainmal jhr lehr/ vnd leben dahin gerichtet ist/ das Gottes Nam in vns werdt gehailiget/ vnd die werck/ des flaischs/ der Welt/ vnnd des Teüffels zerstört: welches ich hie inn disem meinem schreiben hab kürtzlich gethon/ doch dermassen/ das ich verhoff/ Kemnitz vnnd Zanger/ wa sie anderst nit gar halßstarrig/ vnnd verhartet sein/ werden von jhrer verkerten mainung/ bö- [sig. a6r] sem fürsatz/ vnnd vppigklichem/ gehässigem schreiben abstehn: auß Saulis/ Pauli werden/ vnd mit vns einen Catholischen glauben von hertzen annemmen vnd bekennen.
Darmit ich auch dises büchlein desto besser verfertigte/ dieweil ich kain hochgelehrter Theologus/ sonder ein einfeltiger gemainer Lay bin/ dem die grossen gehaimnuß Gottes verborgen: laß mich derhalben genügen an der milch/ die Paulus den newgebornen kindern gebeüt trincken zůgeben/ hab ich mich nicht geschemet/ inn denen sachen/ die ich aintweder nit gründtlich vnd genůgsam verstanden/ oder aber meinem verstandt [sig. a6v] zů hoch geschetzt/ andere hochberhümbte/ vnd gewaltige Theologos zů erforschen/ vnnd mich nach jrem sententz vnd spruch/ der Catholischen lehr durchauß gemäß zů halten. Kan mir derhalben diß mein schreiben inn kainem argen auffgenommen werden/ dieweil ich mir hierinn nichts zůaigne: dann allain wa ich etwann vnwissentlich (welches ich doch nit verhoff) geirret hette: was ich aber recht/ vnd Catholisch geschriben/ dasselbig schreib ich alles meiner geliebsten můtter der Catholischen kirchen/ vnd jhr getrewen lehrern zů/ welcher Maister vnd Obrister lehrer ist/ der gaist Gottes/ der vns ge- [sig. a7r] wißlich inn alle warhait fürt.
Demnach E[hrwürdiger] G[ottseliger] H[err] dieweil E[uer] G[naden] seindt von Gott/ dem allmächtigen seiner geliebsten kirchen/ für gesetzt/ vnnd eüch Christus seine Schaf hat befolhen zů wayden: darzů auch der Himmelische Haußuatter/ eüch in sein Weinberg geschickt/ denselbigen trewlich vnnd fruchtbarlich zůbawen: Hab ich vermeynet E[uer] G[naden] werden nit ein mißfallen tragen/ wann ich meinem vermügen nach offenbarte/ welche von der Catholischen kirchen abgetretten/ welche das verloren Schaf werden/ vnnd welche Weinreben keine frücht brechten/ auff das E[uer] G[naden] erkennten/ das auch [sig. a7v] die einfeltigen Layen ein mitleyden haben/ wa einer der geladener geste/ zů dem grossen Abentmal des Herren außbleibe. Bitt demnach E[uer] G[naden] gantz vnderthenigklich/ sie wöllen dises mein schreiben/ gnädigklich annemmen/ vnnd meinen Christlichen eyfer/ gegen der Catholischen kirchen/ vnd jhre getrewe diener vnd fürstender/ vnder welchen ich E[uer] G[naden] gantz hoch schetz/ von wegen der Christlichen tugent/ die Paulus/ in einem Apostolischen mann erfordert/ welche ich in eüch gespürtet/ gesehen vnd erfaren hab/ behertzigen: Thů hiemit E[uer] G[naden] inn den schutz vnnd schirm/ des All- [sig. a8r] mächtigen Gottes befelhen/ mit bitt/ E[uer] G[naden] wöllen mich/ sampt meinen Studijs auch befolhen haben. Geben in Jngolstat auff Laurenti/ des hailigen Martyrers/ Jm Tausent Fünffhundert Drey vnd sechtzigisten Jar.
E[uer] G[naden]
M[agister] Ioannes Albertus VVimp[inaeus] Oratoriæ Professor, in Academia Ingolstad[iensi].
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 15 June 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the Honorable and Godly Mr. in Christ, Paul Gmayner, Abbot at Niederalten, his gracious Lord and Patron, wishes grace and peace from Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
When I compare the prophecy of Christ, Honorable and Gracious Lord, which is described by the Evangelist Mark, with these our times, I find that the day of this transitory time has come near, and the world rushes to its end, as the servants of Jesus are now hated by everyone because of this beneficial precious name, and so many false Christians and false prophets arise daily, who perform such signs that, if it were possible, even the chosen ones would be deceived. For they constantly cry, here is Christ, there is Christ, the mouth of the Lord has spoken, this says the word of God, which truly is such a gentle sheep's clothing that one can hardly recognize the ravaging wolves hidden underneath, and thus many sheep are led from the flock of Christ into the wilderness, torn apart and poisoned by new deceptive teachings. Therefore, Christ rightly admonishes us to be diligent in guarding against the false prophets, and gives us a sign by which we can recognize them, namely their fruits, which are present not only in their lives but also in their teachings. So when we look at their teachings, we find that they are nothing else than mere thistles and thorns, and can bear no good fruit. Also, when we seriously look at the fruits of their teachings, we see nothing but all evil and bad things: so the tree is like the fruit, the teaching like the works: both are of no use.
But to give their cause a fine gleaming appearance, they claim that their deceptive heretical teaching is the pure, unadulterated Gospel, the clean, uncorrupted Word of God, and the right Christian teaching. On the other hand, they claim that the true Catholic, Apostolic, and only salvific teaching is a teaching of Baal, a Papal teaching, a devilish teaching, human folly, and the like, and thus they hope to drag the simple laypeople with them into the pits of perdition.
But if we all, according to the command of Christ, will stay awake and hear His voice, when He says: Whoever does not listen to the Church, consider him a heathen and a tax collector, then we can properly confront them and guard ourselves against their poison.
While now the currently emerging heretical masters, along with their abomination, which they have set in the holy place, and now value more human thoughts and teachings over the word of God, and prefer the apostolic traditions far more than the greater part of the world: however, they are so hardened in their perverted minds, that they are not ashamed nor afraid to kick against the pricks, and with open writings, to attack and persecive the Church of God: Among these smoky, joyless people, both Martin Kemnitz and Johann Zanger have mixed in and recently, very contemptuously and deceitfully, with poisonous writings, attacked Christ's undefiled bride.
Since we are all members in Christ our Lord, how is it possible that we should not feel these shameful blasphemous words, when they are added to the whole body, namely the Catholic Christian Church?
And in truth, it is not inappropriate in our time, but rather necessary, that each person, as much as grace is given to him by God, defends the teaching of the Catholic Church, as Peter also requires that we should be ready to give an account to anyone of the hope that is in us.
Therefore, after reading the writings of Kemnitz and Zanger and hearing how grievously they unjustly persecute the servants of Jesus with all their might and against all truth, my conscience has compelled me to defend these godly people, as their teaching and life is directed towards sanctifying God's name in us and destroying the works of the flesh, the world, and the devil. This I have done briefly in this my writing, yet in such a way that I hope, if Kemnitz and Zanger are not completely obstinate and hardened, they will desist from their perverted opinion, their evil intent, and their insolent, hateful writing, will turn from Sauls into Pauls, and sincerely adopt and confess the Catholic faith with us.
To better prepare this little book, since I am not a highly learned theologian, but a simple common layman to whom the great mysteries of God are hidden, I allow myself to be content with the milk that Paul instructs to give to newborn children. I am not ashamed in those matters that I either did not understand thoroughly and sufficiently or deemed too high for my understanding, to explore other highly celebrated and mighty theologians, and to adhere throughout to their judgement and dictum, conforming to the teaching of the Catholic Church. Therefore, this my writing can in no way be taken amiss, as I do not appropriate anything here for myself, other than what I may have erringly done unknowingly (which I do not expect). But what I wrote correctly and Catholic, all of this I write to my beloved mother, the Catholic Church, and her faithful teachers, whose Master and Chief teacher is the Spirit of God, who certainly leads us into all truth.
Therefore, Honorable and Godly Lord, since Your Grace has been set by God, the Almighty, before his beloved Church, and Christ has entrusted his sheep to you to shepherd, and also the Heavenly Householder has sent you into his vineyard, to cultivate it faithfully and fruitfully, I believed Your Grace would not take offense if I reveal, to the best of my ability, who has defected from the Catholic Church, who has become the lost sheep, and which vines do not bear fruit, so that Your Grace would realize that even the simple laypeople have compassion when one of the invited guests remains absent from the great Lord's Supper. Therefore, I humbly request Your Grace to kindly accept this my writing, and to take to heart my Christian zeal towards the Catholic Church and her faithful servants and leaders, among whom I highly esteem Your Grace, for the Christian virtue that Paul requires in an Apostolic man, which I have perceived, seen, and experienced in you. I commend Your Grace to the protection and defense of Almighty God, with the request that Your Grace would have me and my studies in their charge. Given in Ingolstadt on the feast of Saint Lawrence, the Holy Martyr, in the year one thousand five hundred and seventy-three.
Your Grace's humble servant,
Magister Ioannes Albertus Wimpinaeus, Professor of Oratory, at the Academy of Ingolstadt.