Dedication, 1561-01-19, Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus) to Michael Wagner
Author: | Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus) |
Recipient: | Michael Wagner |
Type: | Dedication |
Date: | 19 January 1561 |
Place: | Ingolstadt |
Pages: | 2 |
Language: | Latin |
Quote as: | |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus), Oratio de fine Philosophiæ & quomodo ad ipsum perueniri liceat, Ingolstadt: Alexander & Samuel Weissenhorn 1561, sig. A2r-A2v [BP.Albrecht.1561-01]
CP: | Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum |
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | An author is expected to offer poems to his teachers to express gratitude, as is customary for those honored in Philosophy. However, Johann Albrecht chose to compose a speech on the study of Philosophy instead, aiming to inspire the youth to follow its precepts. He asks the Michael Wagner to accept the speech as a pledge, explaining that it was written in a short time without external resources. (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. A2r] Reverendo Patri. D[octori] Michaeli Vvagnero sacrarum literarum in uniuersitate Ingolstadiana Professori, Canonico Frisingensi, Domino suo perpetua obseruantia colendo Ioannes Albertus Vuympinensis S[alutem] D[icit].
Cvm ij quibus summus in Philosophia honor confertur hic, soleant carmina quædam suis præceptoribus offerre, quibus animum suum gratum ostendant & profiteantur: requiratur itaque áme, cum eodem ab illis honore cum alijs una affectus sim, ut idem ego faciam: profecto nisi obsecutus fuero, aut certam & sufficientem meæ intermißionis causam reddidero, ingratus censeri potero. Sed quo minus id áme fiat, arbitror non male laturos promotores, cognita causa. Requiritur ut in omni arte, sic in poesi adipiscenda, ut quis preter comprehensionem præceptorem, eorundemq́ue exercitationem, instructus ueniat ipsa natura, quæ ad hanc artem perdiscendam sit accomodata. Quapropter cum me in conscribendis carminibus parum admodum exercuerim, uerumpotius hanc operam in [sig. A2v] Philosophiæ studio censumendam semper consuerim, ad quod me á natura magis impelli mihi sum uisus: uolui potius orationem quandam de Philosophicis studijs conscribere, eaq́ue torpescentes iuuenum animos erigere, ut luxum inertem fugiant, & præclarißima in Philosophiæ præceptionibus contenta sectentur. Vtinam autem ut breui oratione ea complecti possem, & eodem modo, quo animo teneo. Nam illa quæ iuuentutis gratia uel dictione proferuntur, uel etiam scribuntur, non admittunt accuratam tradendi rationem, Cum animi ipsorum iuuenum adhuc lacte indigeant, & persuasionibus potius, quam demonstrationibus adduci poßint. Quapropter accipias uelim hanc orationem uenerande Pater, á me tanquam pignus quoddam quo tibi me de uinctum nempe duodecim aut tredecim horarum, absq́ue ulla librorum commoditate, hæc á me sit confecta. Nolui autem ob id eam publicari, & typis excudi, ut quid in hominum manus ueniat, quod á me proficiscatur, nomenq́ue per hoc mîhi paretur (nam hoc scriptum uilius esse quam ut huiusmodi quid per hoc præstari poßit non ignoro) sed ut quibusdam amicis petentibus citius communicare eam possem. Non tamen sine patrono sinere illam exire uolui, uerum potius ex numero bene de me merentium cuidam dedicare ac consecrare. Ex quibus cum uenerande Pater non postremum locum teneas, sed cum primis ac præcipuis statim mihi occuras, tibi dedicare hanc uolui. Accipias ergo illam iterum & sæpius te rogo. Id enim quod á me in posterum elaboratius perficietur, tibi quoq́ue consecrabitur. Vale Ingolstadij datæ XIIII. Cal[endas] Feb[ruarii] Anno M. D. LXI.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 5 April 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the Reverend Father, Doctor Michael Wagner, Professor of Sacred Literature at the University of Ingolstadt, Canon of Freising, and my esteemed master, Greetings.
Since those who are conferred the highest honor in Philosophy here are accustomed to offering some poems to their teachers, through which they express their gratitude and profess it, it is required of me, as I have been affected by the same honor as the others, to do the same. Indeed, if I do not comply or provide a certain and sufficient reason for my omission, I may be considered ungrateful. However, I believe that my promoters will not be displeased if I do not do this, given the reason. It is required that, in every art, and especially in the pursuit of poetry, a person comes to understand the art not only through their teacher's instruction and practice but also through the guidance of nature, which is suited for learning this art. Therefore, since I have not practiced writing poems very much, but rather have always considered this effort to be best spent on the study of Philosophy, to which I believe I am naturally more inclined, I have chosen to compose a speech on the study of Philosophy and thereby uplift the languishing spirits of the youth so that they may shun idle luxury and follow the most excellent precepts of Philosophy. If only I could encompass these ideas in a brief speech and present them in the same way that I hold them in my mind. For those things that are expressed or even written for the sake of the youth, either in speech or in writing, do not allow for a detailed method of instruction. Since the minds of the young themselves still need nourishment and can be led more by persuasion than by demonstration.
Therefore, I kindly ask you to accept this speech, venerable Father, as a sort of pledge from me, by which I am bound to you; this has been completed by me within twelve or thirteen hours, without the aid of any books. I did not want this speech to be published and printed so that something originating from me might come into the hands of people and gain me a name (for I am not ignorant of the fact that this writing is too insignificant for anything of this kind to be achieved through it), but so that I could more quickly share it with certain friends who asked for it. However, I did not want to let it go out without a patron, but rather dedicate and consecrate it to someone who has been very good to me. Among these people, venerable Father, you hold not the last place, but you come to my mind immediately among the first and foremost; therefore, I wanted to dedicate this to you. So please accept it again, and I ask you repeatedly. For what will be more diligently completed by me in the future will also be consecrated to you. Farewell, given at Ingolstadt on the 14th day before the Kalends of February in the year 1561.