Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP061

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Paracelsus: Holzbüchlein. Straßburg: Christian Müller, 1564.
Sudhoff, Bibliographia Paracelsica, 90-92, n° 61 (Google Books). — VD16 P 471. — USTC: 663881. —
8°. Signatures: A–C8 = 24 fols. (autopsy).
Main Language: German. —
Author: Paracelsus
Sudhoff’s copy (Google Books)
Google Books (rg48AAAAcAAJ)
Digital copies (Google Books)
Google Books (Vq1QAAAAcAAJ)
Google Books (WBZmAAAAcAAJ)
Google Books (N57e2ro4g2UC)
Google Books (nUNcAAAAcAAJ)

sig. A1r
Title page

sig. A1v
Epitaph of Paracelsus; German

sig. A2r–A7v
Dedication by Michael Toxites, addressed to Philipp Graf von Hanau-Lichtenberg; German
Straßburg, 25 March 1564
Edited by Kühlmann/Telle in Corpus Paracelsisticum 2, n° 40

sig. A8r–B2v
Preface by Anonymous [Hieronymus Wolff], addressed to the 1 [Reader]; German
Edited by Kühlmann/Telle in Corpus Paracelsisticum 1, n° 37

sig. B3r–C1r
Pseudo-Paracelsus, ; German