Source: Paradisus Aureolus Hermeticus, ed. Benedictus Figulus, Frankfurt am Main: Nicolaus Stein for Wolfgang Richter, 1608, sig. G3v = pag. 54 [BP.Figulus.1608-01]
Summary: The author advises his readers not to concern themselves with the identities of either the author or the compiler. The key message conveyed is that the author has a profound mastery of the Philosopher's Stone, having successfully created and obtained it. This document, shared in the spirit of mutual goodwill and affection, aims to explore the three primary alchemical principles: Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt. It questions whether the Philosopher's Stone is to be sought within these elements or elsewhere, using straightforward language and a clear style. The compiler expresses hope that the publication of this treatise, despite possibly going against the author's preference for anonymity, will be well received by true lovers of philosophy, reducing their expenses and efforts in pursuit of this knowledge. The compiler also commits to publishing further works on the remaining principles and other topics from the same author, depending on the public's reception. (generated by ChatGPT)
Qvisquis sit Tractatuli huius Author, amice Lector, quærere desine: Quod autem eum conscripserim, hanc habeto causam. Ego quoque quis sim, quod scias, non opus. Scias autem certò certißimè, Authorem opusculi huius Lapidem Philosophorum perfectißimè tenere, fecisse, habere. Cum autem mutua & sincera nos prosequamur beneuolentia, vt in amoris mei signum, (quod titulus testatur ipse) Tria principia prima discutiat, Mercvrivm nempe, Svlphvr & Sal: & si in iis communibus, aut alijs Lapis Philosophorum quæri debeat, idq́ue faciat verbis simplicißimis, & stylo tenuißimo, petij. Postquam autem hic Tractatulo raptim conscripto mihi annuisset, certò mihi persuasi in lucem edito, aut alijs communicato illo (quod etsi Authori minus gratum spero: Omnis enim ambitio ab ipso procul est,) Veræ Philosophiæ amatores mihi benè vella: Minus enim iacturæ, sumptuum, daderato, facturos non dubito. Quod si Mundum probum, (profanum enim vulgus Alchymistarum odi & arceo) huius mei beneuoli animi gratum sensero, enitar, vt & reliqua duo principia, & alia plura ab eodem Authore sequantur. Interim hoc fruere & vale, &c.
A. R. N. P. D.Modern English Raw Translation
Stop wondering who the author of this small treatise might be, dear reader. As for why I wrote it, here is the reason. There's no need for you to know who I am either. But know this for certain: the author of this little work fully understands, has made, and possesses the Philosopher's Stone. Since we pursue mutual and sincere goodwill, as a sign of my love (which the title itself testifies), I requested that he discuss the three prime principles, namely Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt, and whether the Philosopher's Stone should be sought in these common substances or others, and to do so in the simplest words and most straightforward style. After he agreed to hastily write this treatise, I was convinced that making it public or sharing it (although I expect the author might not find this pleasing, as he is far from seeking any fame) would endear me to lovers of true philosophy: I have no doubt they will face less waste and expense. If I find that the honest world (for I detest and keep away from the profane crowd of alchemists) appreciates this kind gesture of mine, I will strive to have the other two principles and many more works from the same author follow. In the meantime, enjoy this work and farewell, etc.
A. R. N. P. D.