Preface, no date (1569), Adam Schröter to the Reader (BP108)
Author: | Anonymous [Adam Schröter] |
Recipient: | Reader |
Type: | Preface |
Date: | no date [1569] |
Pages: | 2 |
Language: | Latin |
Quote as: | |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Paracelsus, Archidoxae Libri X., ed. Adam Schröter, Krakau: Maciej Wirzbięta [1569], sig. h2v-h3r [BP108]
CP: | Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum |
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
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[sig. h2r] Candido lectori.
Qvemadmodum Spiritus sanctus, animæ, immortalis partis hominis, medicinam, summam vniuersæ scripturæ, quam Pater cœlestis sanctificauit, in Psalterium conferre voluit, Ita idem Dei spiritus corporis, mortalis partis hominis, medicinæ summam, in hoc Theodidacti Philosophi et Medici scriptum complecti voluisse videtur, cui non sine peculiari consilio Archidoxis nomen, sicut et illi Psalterij inditum est. Quo Deus suis sibiq́ue confidentibus consuleret paruulis, et sapientum confunderet sapientiam, quemadmodum Omnipotens Deus ab antiquo, imò à mundo condito, facere solet. Relinquamus igitur Mare magnum Medicinæ, surdis et cœcis, quibus voluptati est perire. At quibus curæ est Deum, Naturam et Veritatem nouisse, Vt est, vt se agnouisse vult, oremus vt à Magno mari et omnibus eius liberemur mortiferis monstris et periculis. Sitq́ue nostrum hoc Symbolum.
Vincat Vincat Vincat.
Devs Natvra Veritas.
Tamdiu autem Candide Lector iudicium tuum su- [sig. h2v] spende, donec et didiceris et expertus sis, quæ Deus tibi in hoc scripto per Naturam et Veritatem suam exhibeat. Qui voluerit erga proximum suum facere voluntatem Patris cœlestis, qui de immensis Thesauris suis hæc bona tibi largitus est, cognoscet de doctrina, et vere Dei, Naturæ et Veritatis discipulus erit, et Deus cum suis, et naturæ donis, ac ipsa veritate domicilium apud eum faciet. Scrutamini naturam et ipsa testimonium de veritate huius scripti et doctrinæ vniuersæ Theophrastiæ, perhibebit. Bene vale Lector candide cum quo solo loquimur. At calumniæ filij, iusto Dei iudicio suo delectentur malo, ad suorum ipsorum perniciem.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT on 14 April 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the candid reader.
Just as the Holy Spirit wished to confer the medicine of the soul, the immortal part of man, the sum of all Scripture which the Heavenly Father has sanctified, upon the Psalter, so too does the same Spirit of God seem to have wanted to embrace the sum of medicine for the body, the mortal part of man, in this writing by Theodidact, the Philosopher and Physician, to whom the name Archidoxis was bestowed not without special counsel, just as it was given to the Psalter. By this, God would counsel his little ones who trust in Him and confound the wisdom of the wise, just as the Almighty God has always done since ancient times, indeed, since the creation of the world. Let us therefore leave the great sea of medicine to the deaf and blind, who take pleasure in perishing. But for those who care to know God, Nature, and Truth, as He wishes us to recognize them, let us pray that we may be freed from the great sea and all its deadly monsters and dangers. And let this be our symbol.
Let God, Nature, and Truth triumph.
But, candid reader, suspend your judgment until you have learned and experienced what God, through Nature and His Truth, presents to you in this writing. Whoever wishes to do the will of their Heavenly Father towards their neighbor, who has bestowed these goods upon you from his immense treasures, will come to know the doctrine and truly be a disciple of God, Nature, and Truth, and God will make His home with them, along with the gifts of nature and truth itself. Examine nature, and it will bear witness to the truth of this writing and the entire doctrine of Theophrastus. Farewell, candid reader, with whom alone we speak. Let the sons of slander delight in their own evil by the just judgment of God, to their own destruction.