Preface, (1604), Johann Thölde to the Reader

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: [Johann Thölde]
Recipient: Reader
Type: Preface
Date: [1604]
Pages: 1
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Basilus Valentinus, TriumphWagen Antimonii, ed. Johann Thölde, Leipzig: Jacob Popporeich for Jacob Apel 1604, p. 476 [BP.BasVal.1604-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: Thölde's preface addresses the concept of 'Lead of the Philosophers,' an alchemical substance derived from antimony, as taught by Basil Valentine. He discusses the work 'Opus Saturni' by Master Johannes Isaacus Hollandus, suggesting that it should not be interpreted as concerning common lead, but rather a special alchemical substance, potentially linked to the Philosopher's Stone. Thölde emphasizes that his intention in publishing this work is to aid those interested in alchemy, particularly in understanding the 'Stone of Fire,' another key alchemical concept. He indicates that the work contributes to the broader discourse on whether common lead is the material of the Philosopher's Stone, with further insights to be found in subsequent teachings. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[p. 476] Gvnstiger Leser/ Es haben die Philosophi viel von dem Plumbo Philosophorum geschrieben/ welchs auß dem Antimonio bereitet wird/ wie der Basilius gelehret: Alß bin ich der meynung/ daß diß Opus Saturni, des vortrefflichen Philosophi, M[agistri] Johannis Isaici Hollandi,}} nicht von dem gemeinen Bley (wo nicht vielmehr die Materia Lapidis, dardurch angedeutet) zuverstehen sey/ sondern von dem Plumbo Philosophico.

Hab es derwegen dem Liebhaber dieser Kunst zum besten/ zu dem TriumphWagen des Antimonij drucken lassen/ weil es den Stein Ignis erkleren thut.

Ob aber der gemeine Saturnus die Materia Lapidis Philosophi sey/ dessen wirst du aus der siebenzehenden nachfolgenden Betrachtung vnd Lehren/ genugsam bericht empfangen. Vale.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 12 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Dear Reader, Philosophers have written much about the 'Lead of the Philosophers,' which is prepared from antimony, as Basil has taught. Thus, I am of the opinion that this 'Opus Saturni' of the excellent philosopher, Master Johannes Isaacus Hollandus, should not be understood as common lead (if not rather the Material of the Stone, thereby indicated), but as the Philosophical Lead.

Therefore, for the benefit of lovers of this art, I have had it printed as part of the Triumphal Chariot of Antimony, because it explains the Stone of Fire.

Whether, however, common Saturn (lead) is the Material of the Philosopher's Stone, you will receive sufficient report from the seventeenth following contemplation and teachings. Farewell.