Notice, no date (1562), Adam von Bodenstein to the Reader (BP046)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Adam von Bodenstein
Recipient: Reader
Type: Notice
Date: no date
Pages: 3
Language: Latin
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Libri v. de Vita longa, ed. Adam von Bodenstein, Basel: Pietro Perna [1562], 97-99 [BP046]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
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[p. 97] Pio lectori salvtem Adam a Bodenstein Philosophiæ & Medicinæ doctor.

Candide lecotr, neminem latere arbitror quàmmale diuinus ille philosophus, & medicorum celeberrimus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus, non solùm apud exteros, verùm etiam suos, nempe Germanos hucusque audierit, ob peruersum imperitorum iudicium, quasi talis esset, qui multa scriberet, nihilq́ue sani doceret, multáque medicamina in medium proponeret, quæ hominibus plus damni quàm incommodi inferrent. E quorum numero laudanum eius à multis hactenus quasi perniciosum & planè exitiale medicamen minus dextrè diffamatum est. Proinde ad liberandum ipsum Theophrastum & eius laudanum, summa laude dignissimum ab hac calumnia, vt omnes sani iudicij videant, ac intelligant illud ex veris fontibus arcanorum naturæ & medicinæ productum, [p. 98] His Theophrasti de vita longa libris an nectere formulam eius volui, quo bonis medicis sit frugi, insipientibus verò, probro & admonitioni, vt in posterum quod non intelligant, vituperare desinant. Addidissem sanè certissimum summumq́ue remedium contra omnia venenorum genera non solùm vegetabilium, verùm etiam animalium, mineralium, metallorum, & microcosmi, sed eam ob causam distuli, vt videam quàm gratum te erga Theophrastum nostrum sis ostensurus.

Descriptio Laudani, quo usus est in deploratis dissolutisq́ue morbis, ita habet.

Accipe orizei foliati vnciam,
margaritarum non perforatarum vnciam semis,
florum antimonij,
asphalti, singulroum drachmam,
croci orientalis drachmas tres,
myrrhæ Romanæ,
aloes succotrini ana ad pondus omnium reduc ad form.
Dosis à granis quatuor, vel septem ad decem vsque.

[p. 99] Est & aliud Laudanum contra febres pr&aestantißimum quod accipit.

Antomonij præparati libram,
sacchari candidi libram medicinalem,

Fiat puluis subtilis, Destilletur in arena aut balneo iuxta artem. Huius olei accipe vncias duas,

aloe succotrinii vnciam,
ambræ vnciam semis,
croci selectissimi drachmas sex,

Reducantur successiuè in massam, fiant pilulæ paruæ, dentur tria cum conserua boraginis ante accessionem febris, inducaturq́ue sudo, si fieri potest.

His lætare, fruere in laudem Iesu Christi, & Vale.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 12 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Greetings to the reader, Adam of Bodenstein, a doctor of philosophy and medicine.

Dear reader, I believe that no one is unaware of the infamous reputation that the divine philosopher and renowned physician Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus has received, not only from foreigners but also from his fellow Germans, due to the misguided opinions of the unlearned. It is said that he wrote extensively but taught nothing of value, and that he proposed many medicines that would do more harm than good to people. Among these medicines, his laudanum has been falsely accused of being harmful and deadly by many. Therefore, in order to clear Theophrastus and his laudanum from these false accusations and to show all those with sound judgment that it is indeed a worthy product made from the true sources of the secrets of nature and medicine, I have decided to include in this book Theophrastus's formula for a long life. This is meant to be useful for good physicians, but also as a warning to the ignorant to stop criticizing what they do not understand in the future.

I would have also included the surest and most effective remedy against all kinds of poisons, not only from plants, but also from animals, minerals, metals, and microcosms, but I have delayed this in order to see how grateful you are towards our Theophrastus.

Here is the description of the laudanum that he used for the most dire and dissolute diseases:

Take an ounce of rice leaves, one and a half ounce of unperforated pearls, a dram of antimony flowers, a dram of asphalt, three drams of Oriental saffron, and an equal amount of Roman myrrh and Socotrine aloes.

Reduce all to a powder and dose from four to ten grains.

There is also another excellent laudanum for fevers which is made from: a pound of prepared antimony and a medicinal pound of white sugar.

Make a fine powder and distill in sand or a water bath according to art. Take two ounces of this oil, one ounce of Socotrine aloes, half an ounce of amber, and six drams of the finest saffron.

Reduce these to a mass and make small pills. Give three with conserve of borage before the onset of fever and induce sweating if possible.

Rejoice and enjoy these things to the glory of Jesus Christ. Farewell.

Author: Anonymous [Adam von Bodenstein]
Recipient: Reader
Type: Notice
Date: no date [1574]
Pages: 2
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Fünff Bücher Vonn dem Langen leben, ed. Michael Toxites, Straßburg: Bernhard Jobin 1574, sig. H3v–H4r [BP150]
Translation: Raw translation see below
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[sig. H3v] An den Leser.

Hje hastu zwo descriptiones Laudani/ deren Theophrastus in disem Buch vil gedenckt/ vnd bei jhm sehr im brauch gewesen: Eines in morbis deploratis et dissolutis/ laut also:

Recipe Orizei foliati ij Lot.
Margaritarum non perforatarum j Lot.
Florum antimonij/
Asphalti/ Jedes j quintlin.
Croci Orientialis iij quintlin.
Myrrhae Romanae/
Aloes succotrini/ Jedes so vil als das ander mit einander ist/ misch zusamen nach der kunst. Dosis ist von vier gränen/ zu sibnen/ biß auf zehen.

Das ander wider alle Fieber.

Recipe Antimonij praeparati j pfund.
Sacchari candi xxiiii Lot/ Puluerisirs klein/ destillirs im sand/ oder balneo nach der kunst/ dises öls nimm iiij Lot.
Aloe succotrini ij Lot.
[sig. H4r] Ambrae j Lot.
Croci selectissimi vj quintlin/ Mischs zusamen/ mach darauß nach der kunst/ kleine pilulen/ deren drei gib ein/ in Burretschzucker/ ein stund vor dem Paroxismo/ laß den Febricitanten schwitzen/ so er kan.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 13 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the reader:

Here are two descriptions that Theophrastus mentions frequently in this book, and which he has used extensively. One is for diseases that are debilitating and disintegrating, and reads as follows:

Take two lots of rice leaves,
one lot of unperforated pearls,
and one quintlin each of antimony flowers and asphaltum.
Also take three quintlins of oriental saffron,
and equal amounts of Roman myrrh and succotrine aloes.
Mix them together according to the art.
The dose is from four grains to ten.

The other description is for all fevers, and reads as follows:

Take one pound of prepared antimony,
twenty-four lots of candied sugar.
Grind them finely, distill them in sand or a water bath according to the art, and take four lots of this oil.
Add two lots of succotrine aloes,
one lot of amber,
and six quintlins of select saffron.
Mix them together and make small pills according to the art.
Give three of these pills with sugar water to the fever patient one hour before the paroxysm, and let them sweat as much as they can.