Notice, (1602), by Johann Thölde

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: [Johann Thölde]
Type: Notice
Date: [1602]
Pages: 1
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Basilius Valentinus, Ein kurtzer summarischer Tractat. Von dem grossen Stein der vhralten, ed. Johann Thölde, Johann Schleer (Zerbst) for Jacob Apel (Leipzig) 1602, sig. R8v [BP.BasVal.1602-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: Thölde addresses readers, acknowledging potential errors in his book due to his absence during its correction. He notes the challenges in accurately conveying chemical concepts through printing. Thölde expresses hope that knowledgeable readers will understand and defend the material against critics, and he entrusts sincere readers to a higher power. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. R8v] Beschluß an alle Kunstlibende.

Mein günstiger Leser/ so etwa Errata in diesem Buch mit vorgefallen vnd vntergelauffen/ So bit ich/ das solches ad eum euentum verstand gewinnen möge/ als der ich bey der Correctur nit selbsten sein/ vnd dero beywohnen können/ Auch das dergleichen Chymische sachen im drucken nicht jeder vollen Verstandt der gebührt nach erschöpffen kan. Es wird aber meines verhoffens der Liebhaber dieser Materia/ vnd der ein wenig vnterricht vnd Wissenschafft hieuon tregt/ sich selbst darinnen zu finden/ vnd bey den Neidharten/ da es notwendig/ gebürliche defension zuergreiffen wissen. Das verdien ich gantz willig/ vnd befehle eim jeden/ so hierinnen trewhertzig/ dem Allerhöchsten.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 11 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Conclusion to all Art Lovers.

My favorable reader, if there happen to be errors that have occurred and slipped into this book, I ask that such may be understood in the event that I could not be present and participate in the correction myself, and also that such chemical matters in printing cannot fully exhaust the understanding they deserve. However, it is my hope that the lover of this material, and one who carries a little instruction and knowledge thereof, will find themselves in it, and where necessary, know how to undertake a suitable defense against the spiteful. I willingly owe this, and commend each one who is sincere in this matter to the Most High.