Letters/Kassel/Raphael Egli to Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, 1615-04-22

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Raphael Egli
Recipient: Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
Date: 1615, April 22
Place: Marburg
Pages: 1
Language: Latin
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Source: Kassel, UB, 2° Ms. chem. 19[1, f. 91—92 (alt f. 83—84)
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=637
Names: Hans Ulrich Eglin; Caspar Waser; Jacob Alstein; Michael Sendivogius; Joseph Duchesne; Johannes Molther
Places: Zürich; Mecklenburg; Lich

[f. 91r] Illustrissime princeps, domine clementissime,

memor ill[ustrissim]ae excelsitatis v[estr]ae benignissima vocis, qua dixit velle se filium [=Hans Ulrich Eglin] meum in virum promovere, non possum non ingentes eidem cum meis agere & habere gratias, ob commissam ej sparten, quam ut non minus ornet prudentia, quam fide & industria, etiam atque etiam vehementer d[omi]num orabo, porque salute & incolumitate ill[ustrissim]ae exc[elista]tis v[estr]ae nunquam non ad patrem luminum excubabo meis precibus, omni subjectionis genere erga eandem omnem animi gratitudinem pro virili testificaturus. Itaque dimisi bonis avibus filium, postquam suas reculas collegisset, eumque sum ad pietatem & diligentiam in officio maximopere cohortatus, quo possit ill[ustrissim]ae exc[elsita]ti v[estr]ae, olum esse usui, ejusdemque sibi prolixiorem subinde promereri gratiam. Dominus Jesus ex alto prosperet coepta. Mitto hic a Wasero theologo primario Tigurino literas, in quibus habentur nonnulla nova. Sed & rursus huc venit Doctor Alsteinius, exspectaturus Mechelburgium insignem lithotomum Lichensem cum studioso. Is in superiore pharmacopolio haerens per me voluit ill[ustrissim]ae exc[elsita]t v[estr]ae suas inclusas humiliter offerri, dicens se quandam depressionem salinariam eidem transmittere. In abitur ejus mecum multa communicavit, quae videtur scire longe plurima, praesertim processum Sendivogianae tincturae & alteram Quercetanae, quas ubi jussus ero exhibebo fideliter. Dominus Doctor Moltherus hic affixus secto vix restitutionem virium sibi pollicetur, sed quotidie magis magisque vir omnis carnis adpropinquat: cui si humanitas quid contingat, non desunt, qui suadeant meam Domino Theutonico ut offeram operam; quod tamen non nisi unius ill[ustrissim]ae exc[elsita]ts v[estr]ae beneficio, ut accepter in eventum, sperare possum. Absque concionandi munere, saltem in pago, mihi grave accidit vivere, & aegre meo salario victum tolero. Sed in toto hoc rerum atque vitae mea genere ill[ustrissim]ae ex[elsita]ti v[estr]ae totum me humiliter subijcio, cujus mutui & arbitratuj secundum Deum me pridem consecravi. Ignoscat illa quaeso his meis literis, quas beneficium in filium collatum mihi expressit.

Deus ter opt[imus] max[imus] eandem cum tota inclyta domo diutissime conservet.

Marpurgi 22. april[is] [1]615.

Ill[ustrissim]ae excels[itat]ti v[estr]ae humilime subjectus servus

Raphael Eglinus Iconius


Most Illustrious Prince, Most Gracious Lord,

Mindful of the kind words of Your Most Illustrious Excellency, when you said that you wished to promote my son, Hans Ulrich Eglin, to manhood, I cannot help but express and offer my deepest thanks, along with my own, for the task entrusted to him. I will continually pray to the Lord that he may honor this duty with wisdom, as much as with faith and diligence. For the health and well-being of Your Most Illustrious Excellency, I shall always watch over you in my prayers, and in every way within my power, I will testify to my gratitude, demonstrating my utmost submission.

Therefore, I have sent off my son with all good omens, after he had gathered his things. I have urged him most earnestly to piety and diligence in his duty, so that he may be useful to Your Most Illustrious Excellency and thereby earn even greater favor. May the Lord Jesus from on high prosper these beginnings.

I am sending you herewith a letter from the theologian Caspar Waser of Zurich, which contains some news. Additionally, Dr. Jacob Alstein has returned here and is expecting a renowned stonecutter from Mecklenburg, along with a student from Lich. While staying in the apothecary above, he wished me to humbly deliver to Your Most Illustrious Excellency his enclosed notes, saying that he is sending a certain salt depression to you. Upon his departure, he shared many things with me, which he seems to know quite extensively, especially regarding the process of Sendivogian tincture and another of Joseph Duchesne's, which I will faithfully present whenever ordered.

Dr. Johannes Molther, who is stationed here after surgery, scarcely expects his strength to be restored, but he draws nearer each day to the end, as all flesh must. Should anything happen to him, there are those who suggest that I offer my services to the German Lord; however, I cannot hope for this unless by the favor of Your Most Illustrious Excellency, to whom I am indebted for this opportunity.

Without a preaching position, even in a small parish, life weighs heavily on me, and I can barely manage to live on my salary. But in all these things and in this life of mine, I humbly submit myself entirely to Your Most Illustrious Excellency, to whom, according to God's will, I have long since consecrated myself. Please forgive these letters of mine, which express to me the favor that has been bestowed upon my son.

May the thrice-greatest God long preserve you and your entire illustrious house.

Marburg, April 22, 1615.

Your Most Illustrious Excellency’s most humble and devoted servant,

Raphael Egli