Letter, 1569-05-17, Rupertus Finck to Adam Schröter
Author: | Rupertus Finck |
Recipient: | Adam Schröter |
Type: | Letter |
Date: | 17 May 1569 |
Place: | Lublin |
Pages: | 2 |
Language: | Latin |
Quote as: | https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=2042 |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Paracelsus, Archidoxae Libri X., ed. Adam Schröter, Krakau: Maciej Wirzbięta [1569], sig. h3v–h4r [BP108]
CP: | Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum |
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | The writer received a copy of Theophrastus's "De Praeparationibus" from Adam Schröter and expresses gratitude for the work's content and the author's industry. The writer believes that God has given minerals and metals great faculties and powers for the benefit of humanity. However, most people lack the knowledge or judgment to apply them correctly. The writer praises Adam Schröter's combination of knowledge and judgment and urges him to publish another work, "Archidoxa," for the common necessity of philosophers to better understand and admire the author's works and better serve the needs of the sick. The writer wishes Adam good health and offers his services. (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. h3v] Rvpertvs Finck Medicvs Regius: Adamo Schrötero Silesio &c. S[alutem] P[urimam].
Libellum Theophrasti de Præparationibus, nuper opera tua euulgatum, ac dono mihi à te missum, doctissime et humanissime Domine Adame, ea qua debui gratitudine excepi, ac pro ipso plurimum me tibi debiturum fatebor semper, cùm summopere hactenus à me fuerit desideratus, ac nunc multis nominibus admodum sit gratus, præsertim verò Authoris, ac materiæ subiectæ. Authoris industriam satis mirari nequeo, quòd tam promptè Medicum vsum mineralium ac metallorum indagatus fuerit, tamq́ue fœliciter præter omnem veterum consuetudinem corporibus humanis administrauerit.
Materia etiam subiecta in maximam bonitatis Dei contemplationem me adducit, quòd ijs quæ sub terræ visceribus creare voluit, maiorem alijs suis creaturis, hominum vtilitati destinatis, facultatem ac vires concesserit et implantauerit, vt nullatenus dubitem, si quis pari dexteritate ea parare, ac peculiari iudicio exhibere et applicare nosset, summam humanis corporibus languentibus vtilitatem esset allaturus. Verùm vtrumq́ue horum plerisq́ue deesse videtur, vt vel præparationis normam ignorent, vel [sig. h4r] si quæuis etiam exactissimè parare nouerint, in administratione tamen omni iudicio prorsus destituti videantur. Quò sit vt et Author, suiq́ue similes, nec non ars ipsa cumprimis vtilis et necessaria, et peculiariter à Deo ordinata, plerisq́ue contemptui, imò odio et execrationi sit prorsus. Tu verò, Adame doctissimè, vtrumq́ue admodum consultè coniunxisse cerneris: ac propterea multis rationibus compluribus alijs merito es anteferendus. Neq́ue tua laude defraudaberis, cùm et propria eruditione atque peritia, nec non propagatione horum secretiorum apud omnes bonos ac veritatis amantes perpetuam celebritatem tibi sis pariturus. Perge itaq́ue, vir humanissime, Archidoxων quoq́ue Opus eiusdem Authoris pari liberalitate in communem philosophiantium necessitatem protinus ædere, vt aliquando perspectis operationibus ab eo in alijs libris occultatis, authorem rectius intelligant et admirentur, ac mariori cum fructu languentium curis præesse queant. Non dubito omnes viros probos plurimum te obseruaturos et amaturos: Inter quos ego quoq́ue te colere ac plurimum obseruare contendam. Cupiens interim te quàm rectissimè valere, me, meaq́ue omnia officia tibi deferens. Lublino xvi. Calen[dis] Iunij. 1569.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT on 3 April 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
Dear Adam Schröter, Silesian Royal Physician,
Greetings. I received your recently published work, Theophrastus's "De Praeparationibus," which you kindly gifted to me. I received it with the gratitude it deserves and will forever be in your debt, especially as it has been greatly desired by me and is now highly appreciated for the author's industry and the subject matter.
I cannot help but marvel at the author's quick exploration of the medical uses of minerals and metals and his successful administration of them to the human body beyond the traditions of the ancients. The subject matter also leads me to contemplate the great goodness of God, who has given greater faculties and powers to those things created under the earth for the benefit of humanity than to other creatures. I have no doubt that if anyone possessed the same skill to prepare and apply them with particular judgment, great benefit would be brought to the bodies of the sick.
However, it seems that most lack either the knowledge of the preparation process or the judgment to apply it correctly. Therefore, both the author and his colleagues, as well as the art itself, which is especially useful and necessary and ordered by God, are often despised and even hated. But you, learned Adam, have wisely combined both of these, and for many reasons, you rightfully deserve to be esteemed. You will not be deprived of your deserved praise, as you will gain perpetual celebrity among all good and truth-loving people for your erudition, expertise, and propagation of these secrets.
Therefore, I urge you, kind man, to publish the "Archidoxa," also by the same author, with equal generosity, for the common necessity of philosophers, so that they may better understand and admire the author, having seen the operations hidden in his other books, and better serve the needs of the sick. I have no doubt that all good men will highly regard and love you, among whom I also strive to esteem and respect you greatly. Meanwhile, I wish you good health and offer all my services to you.
Lublin, May 17, 1569.