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Source: Francis Anthony, Medicinae chymicae, et veri potabilis auri assertio, Cambridge: Cantrell Legge, 1610, sig. ¶2r [BP.Anthony.1610-01]

Summary: Francis Anthony's preface outlines a personal journey of relentless dedication and investment towards a significant achievement, underpinned by divine guidance. Despite facing unforeseen challenges and criticisms, Anthony maintains a steadfast belief in the value of his work. He likens his efforts to planting wheat only to have them sabotaged by an adversary, symbolizing the external challenges encountered. This preface serves as both a defense against accusations of deceit and a platform to highlight his contributions to knowledge and practice. Anthony appeals to the integrity of his endeavors and the practical application of his theories, aiming to validate the importance of experiential learning. He acknowledges the skepticism from some academic quarters but calls for an open-minded consideration of his work's merits. (generated by ChatGPT)


[sig. ¶2r] Præfatio.

Post multos & ineffabiles labores, vigilias, sumptus, præparationum fideli exercitatione continuâ, quæsita ego omnia ad optatum tandem perduxi finem auspicante Deo. Interea, nihil sinistri præsagiente animo, debitam mercedem expectans, frustraneos deploro labores. Ego triticum seminavi: Inimicus homo Lolia in terram nostram inspersit. Ita rei bene gestæ comitem esse tristitiam cerno. Hanc igitur Apologeticam querelam in lucem emisi, iustam (vt spero) & honestam. Primum, vt me vindicem ab imposturæ crimine. Dein, vt industria, perfectio, veritas, atque experientia nostra certa manifestentur omnibus. Non sum equidem nescius, reperiri paucos inter eruditos, qui hanc Philosophiæ partem non irrideant. Cæterum experientia practicæ, veritatem Theoriæ corroborat in omni disciplina. Itaque cohortor omnes, ne pulcherrimam rerum experientiam temere reijciant. Non vos vnquam pœnitebit (ô virii sanguine & virtuibus generosissimi) ista perlegere, & vera esse scire. Sub breviusculo sermone totum hoc negotium comprehensum esse voluimus, ne tædio vobis esset prolixa oratio. Non expecto vt liber evadam à censoribus maledicis ac invidis. Sed nil eos moror. Gratum erit omnibus (nil metuo) Naturæ ac Artis amicâ providentiâ, duruos mortalium languores benignè posse refocillari.

Virescit vulnere virtus.

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 8 March 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

After many indescribable labors, sleepless nights, expenses, and the continuous faithful practice of preparations, I have finally brought everything I sought to a desired end, with God's blessing. Meanwhile, with nothing sinister anticipated by my mind and expecting due reward, I lament my efforts as in vain. I sowed wheat: An enemy has scattered tares into our land. Thus, I see sadness as the companion to a well-managed affair. Therefore, I have published this Apologetic complaint, just (as I hope) and honorable. First, to defend myself from the accusation of fraud. Then, to show to all our industry, perfection, truth, and certain experience. I am not unaware that there are a few among the learned who do not mock this part of Philosophy. Moreover, practical experience strengthens the truth of Theory in every discipline. Therefore, I encourage everyone not to rashly reject the most beautiful experience of things. You will never regret (oh men of the most noble blood and virtues) to read through this and know it to be true. We wanted to encompass this entire matter in a rather brief discourse, so as not to be tedious with a lengthy speech. I do not expect to escape from slanderous and envious critics. But I do not concern myself with them. It will be pleasing to all (I fear nothing) that with Nature and Art's friendly providence, the harsh sufferings of mortals can be kindly alleviated.

Virtue flourishes from a wound.