Preface, no date (1570), Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus) to the Reader (BP119)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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Author: Johann Albrecht (Wimpinaeus)
Recipient: Reader
Type: Preface
Date: no date [1570]
Pages: 3
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Archidoxa ex Theophrastia, ed. Johann Albrecht, München: Adam Berg 1570, sig. *3v-*4v [BP119]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: Johann Albrecht discusses the suppression and secrecy surrounding Theophrastus' healing methods. He suggests that Paracelsus's best books have been kept hidden, leading to only a few individuals truly understanding his teachings. To honor Paracelsus and prevent his work from being dismissed, Albrecht emphasizes the need to bring Paracelsus's main books to light. The text also acknowledges the excellence of Paracelsus's previously published works but notes the complaints about their obscurity. Albrecht emphasizes the importance of skilled practitioners who are grounded in nature and philosophy. Albrecht warns against attempting to prepare advanced substances without proper understanding. He further explains the significance of "Mercurium Vitae" and its role in the highest medicine. Albrecht assures the reader that nothing has been omitted from the collection and expresses his intention to publish additional books, provide observations and annotations, and clarify Paracelsus's philosophical and medical foundations. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. *3v] An den Leser.

Warumb Theophrasti modus medendi biß hieher von dem mehrern theil der Artzten vndergetruckt sey worden/ vnnd vermitten blieben/ ist vnder andern diß nit die geringste vrsach/ das die beste seine Bücher noch nicht meniglich bekandt/ vnd von seinen Discipulis biß auff dise zeit verhalten worden: Darumb dann die grundt Theophrastischer lehr bey wenigen eingewurtzelt sein: vnnd das mehrer theil nur im schein Theophrasto anhangt/ wie dann auch Theophrasti widersacher jn nur im schein/ vnd nit warhafftig straffen vnd verwerffen/ so jhnen die gründtliche lehr Theophrasti mit dem wenigsten nit bekandt.

Damit aber Theophrasto sein ehr/ die er im liecht der natur erlangt/ geben/ vnd nicht forthin so geschmecht werde: erfordert die noth/ das seine hauptbücher an tag kommen: auß wölchen menigklich zuerkennen hab/ das er inn seinen Philosophischen vnd Medicinischen Schrifften/ wol vnd fest auff die gründt der natur gebaut habe: vnnd nicht auff diß oder jenes mainung vnbedechtlich oder zweiffelhafftig gefallen sey.

Es ist gleichwol nicht wenigers/ das die zuuor außgangne Bücher treflich vnd gründlich geschriben seind: vnd nicht weniger dann die verhaltnen der natur gemeß: Jnsonderheit das de causis & origine morborum baide de Tartaro das Lathenisch vnnd Teutsch/ die grosse wundartzney/ das Latheinisch de vita longa, das de Dosibus, vnnd die andere all/ die da zeugknuß geben seiner vokomnen lehr: aber doch dieweil fast menigklich sich beklagt der tunckelheit vnnd schwere/ die Theophrastus aintweder mit fleiß oder auß angeborner art/ darin gebraucht: ist nutzbar vnnd gut das die auch herfür kommen/ wölche der gemelten verstand etwas erleuttern: als da seind dise die wir hie beysamen getruckt/ jederman zu gutem an tag geben. Dann wenig artzney gefun- [sig. *4r] den werden/ jha gar keine/ deren beraittung nit außtrücklich inn den Büchern Archidoxorum vnnd præparationum gefunden werd: vnnd diß auff mancherley weiß vnnd art/ nach dem die kranckheit solchs erfordert: wiewol solche beraittung einen embsigen/ verstendigen vnnd erfarnen Spagyrum haben wöllen/ der nit allein mit der hand fertig sey/ sonder auch gegründt inn der natur: dann on solche geschickligkeit der Philosophei/ seind die andere handgriff auffs gerath wol gesetzt: wo sie aber für sich selbs fertig/ vnnd auß der Philosophei herfliessen/ stehn sie auff einem gewissen grundt der scientiæ: darumb sich dann ein jedweder fürzusehen hat/ auff das wann er jrre/ nit Theophrasto/ sonder jhme selbs die schuld zurechne. Dann wann du woltest dem Buchstaben nach den Mercurium vitæ, Lapidem Philosophorum oder die Tincturam beraitten/ wie er im Buch de Arcanis lehrt/ wurdest du weit jrr gehn vnd dich betriegen.

Du solt dich aber dises nit verwundern/ dieweil solche drey gemelte Arcana die höchste stuck in der natur seind/ dorab mancher den kopff zerstossen hat. Solt also Theophrastus dise menigklichen eröffnet haben/ den Gottlosen vndanckbarn zugleich als den frommen danckbarn/ were jhme sehr verweißlich gewesen/ so Christus selbs befolhen die Perlen nit für die Sew zuwerffen. Du solt dich benügen lassen/ das leut fürhanden sein/ die den Mercurium vitæ beraitten künden/ welcher der andern fundament ist/ vnd dise drey allein perfectione coctionis vnd ingressus vnnd nit Materia vnderschieden sein: wie du dann auß dem Büchlein de Tinctura Physicorum lernen kanst/ das wir darumb hier zu haben lassen trucken/ dieweil es das Buch de Arcanis erklärt. Wann du auch die augen auffthun/ vnnd die warheit bekennen wilt/ so wirstu sehen vnd must bekennen/ das alle hauptartzneyen Theophrasti stehn in der Quinta Essencia Solis, in oleo Solis, in auro potabili, in butyro Solis, wölche zu jhrer volkommenheit nimmermehr gebracht werden kunden/ ohn den Mercurium vitæ, das ist Solis/ auß wölchem sie all/ als die frucht auß jrem Baum entspringen.

Das daß war sey/ bezeugt das Büchle de tinctura Physicorum. [sig. *4v] Jtem dz Lateinisch de vita longa in vilen Capiteln. Derhalben on erkantnuß dises Mercurij Solis ich oder du vns wenig zu rhümen haben der höchsten artzney: nicht das andere stuck nit auch jhre gnugsame wirckung haben/ so einem jedwedern von Gott sein aigne natur sampt jren aignen krefften eingeben ist: sonder dieweil diser Mercurius Solis/ wie Theophrastus bezeugt vnd die Experiens außweiset/ keinen artzet in den schweresten kranckheiten verlasset/ darin all andere artzneyen vergeblich gebraucht vnd on wirckung abgehn. So auch alle artzneien von wegen des menschen gesundheit zuerhalten/ oder widerumb zubringen gebraucht werden/ haben wir den gemelten Büchern noch/ das de renouatione & restauratione vitæ gesetzt/ demnach das de longa vita, vnd also dises volumen darmit beschlossen. Es seind auch etliche schwere stuck in etlichen/ als de annulis, homunculis wölche nit eines jedweden ding seind: derhalben von den vngelehrten nit sollen angriffen werden: dann sie ein andern verstand inn sich begreiffen/ dann wie ongefehr möcht verstanden werden.

Noch eins muß ich den Leser vermanen/ nemlich/ das inn den Archidoxis nichts von vns ist außgelassen worden/ so wir die Bücher nachainander gesetzt/ wie sie Theophrastus in aigner handschrifft verlassen hat: warumb er das ander Buch hab außgelassen/ ist mir vnbewust: So hab ich auch in andern mit nichten verhalten/ sonder auffs trewlichst mir inn eil möglich gewesen/ trucken lassen: Verhoff niemand hiemit verletzt zuhaben/ sonder menigklich gedienet: das dann mein fürnemen ist. Wil auch ob Gott wil bald die jetz getruckte bücher Lateinisch/ sampt meinen obseruationibus & annotationibus in truck geben/ neben meiner teutschen Jntroduction in die Bücher Theophrasti/ vnd andern de causis morborum sampt den hauptkranckheiten/ darmit augenscheinlich erkant werd/ warauff doch Theophrasti Philosophei vnd Medicin gründe. Der barmhertzig Gott gebe/ das on angesehen viler leut vnuerstand vnnd neid/ die natur je lenger vnd mehr erklert werde/ zur ehr seines Göttlichen namens/ vnd zu befürderung des langen lebens des menschen/ Amen.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 9 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the reader.

One reason why Theophrastus' mode of healing has been suppressed and kept hidden by most physicians until now is that the best of his books have not yet been widely known and have been withheld by his disciples until this time. Thus, the fundamental teachings of Theophrastus have only been ingrained in a few, and the majority have only superficially attached themselves to Theophrastus, as have his opponents, who only appear to refute him and reject his thorough teachings because they are not acquainted with the depths of his teachings.

However, in order to give Theophrastus the honor he deserves as a natural philosopher and prevent him from being dismissed, it is necessary for his main books to come to light, from which everyone can recognize that he has built his philosophical and medical writings firmly and soundly on the principles of nature, and has not fallen heedlessly or doubtfully into this or that opinion.

However, it is no less true that the previously published books are excellently and thoroughly written, and no less in accordance with nature than those that have been kept hidden. Especially De Causis & Origine Morborum, both in Latin and German, The Great Surgery in Latin, De Vita Longa, De Dosibus, and others that testify to his complete teachings. But since almost everyone complains about the obscurity and difficulty that Theophrastus intentionally or naturally employs, it is useful and good that those books which shed some light on the aforementioned issues also come to light. These books that we have printed here are of benefit to everyone. Few remedies can be found, or even none, that are not explicitly prepared in the books of the Archidoxes and Preparations, and this in many ways, according to what the disease requires. However, such preparation requires a diligent, knowledgeable, and experienced spagyrist who is not only skilled with his hands but also grounded in nature. Without such skill in philosophy, the other techniques are just guesswork. But if they are prepared by themselves and flow from philosophy, they are based on a certain ground of knowledge. Therefore, everyone should be careful not to blame Theophrastus but themselves if they err. If you were to try to prepare Mercurium Vitae, Lapidem Philosophorum, or Tincturam according to the teachings in the book De Arcanis, you would go far astray and deceive yourself.

However, you should not be surprised by this, as these three aforementioned Arcana are the highest achievements in nature, which have caused many to break their heads. Therefore, if Theophrastus had revealed them to everyone, it would have been a great reproach to him, both from the godless and ungrateful, as well as from the pious and grateful, for Christ himself commanded not to cast pearls before swine. You should be satisfied that there are people who know how to prepare Mercurium Vitae, which is the foundation of the others, and that these three are distinguished only by perfection of cooking and entrance, not by material differences, as you can learn from the book De Tinctura Physicorum, which we have included here for printing because it explains the book De Arcanis. If you open your eyes and want to acknowledge the truth, you will see and must acknowledge that all the main remedies of Theophrastus are found in the Quinta Essentia Solis, in Oleo Solis, in Aurum Potabile, and in Butyro Solis, which can never be brought to perfection without Mercurium Vitae, which is Solis, from which they all arise as fruit from its tree.

This is confirmed by the book De Tinctura Physicorum and also in many chapters of De Vita Longa in Latin. Therefore, without knowledge of this Mercurius Solis, neither you nor I can boast much about the highest medicine. Not that the other remedies do not have their sufficient effects, which are given to each person by God along with their own nature and strengths, but because this Mercurius Solis, as Theophrastus attests and experience proves, does not leave any physician in the most serious illnesses, in which all other remedies are used in vain and have no effect. In addition, we still have the aforementioned books, De Renouatione & Restauratione Vitae, De Longa Vita, and thus this volume is concluded. There are also some difficult subjects in some of the books, such as De Annulis and Homunculis, which are not things that everyone can understand, so they should not be approached by the unlearned, as they contain a different meaning than what can be understood approximately.

I must also remind the reader of one thing, namely, that nothing has been omitted from the Archidoxes, as we have arranged the books in the order in which Theophrastus left them in his own handwriting. I am unaware of why he left out the second book. I have also not withheld anything from the others but have had them printed as faithfully and quickly as possible. I hope that I have not offended anyone but have served everyone, which is my intention. God willing, I will also soon publish the Latin books, along with my observations and annotations, as well as my German introduction to the books of Theophrastus and other works on the causes of diseases and the main illnesses, to make it clear what Theophrastus' philosophical and medical foundations are based on. May the merciful God grant that, despite the ignorance and envy of many people, nature will be explained more and more for the glory of His divine name and for the promotion of human longevity. Amen.