Authors/Johannes Tancke

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Personal Bibliography

Dedications, Prefaces, Postfaces

Notices, Editorial Remarks etc.


from: Basilus Valentinus, TriumphWagen Antimonii, ed. Johann Thölde, Leipzig: Jacob Popporeich for Jacob Apel, 1604
This poem honors the alchemical work of Basil Valentine, particularly his studies on antimony. It praises Tholde for bringing to light Valentine's significant contributions, which are deemed timeless. The poem describes Valentine's work as a "royal opus," rich with valuable insights, promising both mental and physical health. It suggests that understanding antimony could lead to wealth surpassing that of legendary figures like Croesus and Midas, indicating the high value placed on alchemical knowledge. The poem also calls for further exploration of other substances like chalcanthum, sulfur, and the properties of magnets, reflecting the wide-ranging curiosity and ambition of alchemists. It emphasizes the deep respect and admiration for Valentine among his contemporaries and successors, portraying him as a pivotal figure in the pursuit of alchemical knowledge and its potential to unlock secrets of the natural world.
Source: Basilius Valentinus, Von den Natürlichen vnnd vbernatürlichen Dingen, ed. Johann Thölde, Jacob Gaubisch (Eisleben) for Jacob Apel (Leipzig), 1603, sig. I3v [BP.BasVal.1603-01]
The text praises Johannes Thölde for making Basilius Valentinus's alchemical works accessible, emphasizing the quest for wisdom hidden in nature. It reflects on the alchemical process of separating and recombining elements as a metaphor for uncovering divine knowledge. The passage lauds the enduring impact of Thölde and Valentinus, suggesting their contributions to alchemy transcend mortality.


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