
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Poem for Oswald Crollius

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Source: Oswald Crollius, Basilica chymica, Frankfurt am Main: Claude de Marne and Johann Aubry (heirs), 1609, sig. ()3r–()4r [BP.Crollius.1609-01]

Summary: Melissus praises Crollius's extensive travels through France and Italy in pursuit of noble arts and his ability to eloquently express foreign concepts. Unlike others who superficially engage with knowledge, Crollius deeply understands ancient Greek and Roman writings and contributes significantly to his field. Melissus admires Crollius's natural inclination not to hide his intellectual vigor and his efforts in creating healing remedies, emphasizing that even a single drop of Crollius's distillation or one of his pills is more effective than the numerous concoctions of other healers. He compares Crollius to renowned medical figures like Galen, Hippocrates, and Asclepius, suggesting that Crollius's work is equally valuable. Melissus encourages Crollius to compile his discoveries into a concise volume for the benefit of those passionate about such studies, expressing a wish for Crollius's long life and continued contributions to health and medicine, hoping his work will extend the lives of others significantly. (generated by ChatGPT)


[sig. ()3r] Pavli Melissi Franci, Comitis Pal[atini] et Eqv[itis] Avr[ei] Civis Romani Ode alcaica ad Osvaldvm Crollivm, Medicum excellentiß[imum].

Plures per anno Galliam & Ausonas
Crolli perágras, discere fervidus
Artes honestas, exterasques
Insimul ore rotundiori
Sonare voces, quæque Macháonum
Requirit usus laude celebrium
Callere, non ex more vulgi,
Aut leviter sale sive lymphâ,
Fictæve tincti corticis unuine:
Sed ex professo scripta veterrima
Grajûm Latinorumque ad unguem
Noscere, & egregium quid ultra
Tuopte Marte extrudere. Vividum
Natura nescit acrior impetum
[sig. ()3v] Celare, nec præstantiores
Igniculos cohibet supultos
In corde Pallas. Novimus, in quibus
Versere flammis, eliciens aquas
Membris salutares viétis,
Balsameosque creans odores,
Et quicquid ægris expedit artubus.
Plus una prodest gutta tuæ (scio)
Stillationis, quamdè tota
Vtra medentum aliorum & ollæ.
Quin una saltem plus pilula efficit
Pusilla, quàm vel septem aliæ aut novem
Maiore compactæ pugillo,
Ventriculo minus utiles, nec
Tam profuturas. Fallor, an inclitos
Quos aula honorat splendida Cæsaris,
Sollerter æquabis Galenos,
Hippocratemque Menecratemque,
Et ÆsculapI numen, & obviis
Quicumque morbos tollere pharmacis
Norunt, & optatum medelâ
Pæoniâ dare sanitatem?
Experte raras Mulciberis face
Inventiones ac medicamina,
Divine Crolli, confer unum
Cuncta reperta breve in volumen,
[sig. ()4r] Vt his fruantur, qui studii flagrant
Amore talis. Pro meritis quibus,
Iidem precabuntur, perennes
Incolumis maneas in annos,
Addens repertis plurima commoda,
Queis longiorem corporibus diem
Donec, amicorumque vitam
Nestoreum revoces ad ævum.

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 5 March 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
Paulus Melissus from Franconia, Count Palatine and Knight of the Golden Spur, a Roman Citizen, Alcaic Ode to Oswald Crollius, Most Excellent Physician.

Throughout the year, you traverse France and Italy, Crollius, eager to learn noble arts, and at the same time, to express foreign words with a more eloquent tongue, to be skilled in the practices celebrated by the sons of Machaon, not in the manner of the common folk, or superficially with wit or water, or with the dye of some fabricated bark: but to know thoroughly the ancient writings of the Greeks and Romans, and to produce something outstanding beyond your own effort. Nature knows not to conceal a more vigorous impulse, nor does wisdom keep hidden the brighter sparks within the heart. We know in which flames you toil, drawing out healing waters for the limbs, creating balsamic scents, and whatever benefits the sickly parts. I know that a single drop of your distillation aids more than the entire potions of other healers combined. Indeed, at least one small pill accomplishes more than seven or nine larger ones, being less useful to the stomach and not as beneficial.

Am I mistaken, or will you match the famous Galen, Hippocrates, Menecrates, and the divine Asclepius, honored by the splendid court of the Emperor, as well as all those who know how to remove diseases with ready remedies and provide desired health through the healing art of Paean? Having experienced rare inventions and medicines by the light of Vulcan, divine Crollius, compile all your findings into one concise volume, so that those who burn with love for such studies may enjoy them. For your merits, they will pray that you remain safe for endless years, adding many benefits to your discoveries, by which you may extend the days of our lives and bring back the life of friends to a Nestorian age.