
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Printing Privilege
Prague, 2 May 1608

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Source: Oswald Crollius, Basilica chymica, Frankfurt am Main: Claude de Marne and Johann Aubry (heirs), 1609, sig. ()2r–()2v [BP.Crollius.1609-01]


[sig. ()2r] Privilegium Cæcareum.

Rudolphus Secundus diuina fauente clementia Electus Romanorum Imperator semper August ac Germaniæ, Hungariæ, Bohemiæ, Dalmatiæ, Croatiæ, Sclauoniæ &c. Rex, Archidux Austriæ, Dux Burgundiæ, Stiriæ, Carinthiæ, Carniolæ & Wiertembergæ, &c. Comes Tirolis &c. Agnoscimus & vigore præsentium notum facimus omnibus & singulis, quod cum noster & Sacri Imp[erii] fidelis dilectus Osualdus Crollius Illustr[i] Christiani Principis Anhaltini, Comitis Ascaniæ, & Domini in Bernburg, Consanguiniei & Principis nostri charißimi Medicus Ordinarius nobis humiliter exposuerit, longo se studio laboribusque & sumptibus immensis in gratiam utilitatis publicæ Basilicam Chymicam, præstantißimis Chymicorum Remediorum formulis refertam, partim ex monumentis Paracelsi & conuersatione eruditorum Virorum, partim experientiæ suæ ipsius documentis congestam & ordine methodoque certâ in corpus redactam, typis in lucem edere statuisse. Vereri autem ne quod fieri solet, alii quæstui inhiantes candem Basilicam Chymicam sibi aut Typographo suo in fraudem edant, ac proinde nos rogârit ut Priuilegio nostro suæ consulere indemnitati dignaremur. Nos sanè pro benignâ nostrâ in præfatum Osualdum Crollium, cuius ipsi operâ usi fuimus, animi inclinatione, & in bonarum artium ac desciplinarum studia affectione, humilibus eiusdem precibus deesse noluimus. Quamobrem authoritate nostrâ Cæsareâ omnibus & singulis Typographis, Bibliopolis & aliis quibuscunque librariam negotiationem exercentibus serio inhibemus & vetamus, ne quis prædictam Osualdi Crollii Basilicam Chymicam, verùm etiam alios libros Chymico Medicos imposterum ab ipso edendos per decem annorum spatium à prima cuiusque editionis die computandum intra Sacri Rom[anae] Imp[erii] Regnorumque & Dominiorum nostrorum hæreditariorum fines simili aut alio quouis typo vel forma siue in toto siue in parte recudere aut alio recudenda dare, vel alibi etiam impressa adducere, vendere aut distrahere, clàm vel palàm citra voluntatem & consensum prænominati Osualdi Crollii & hæredum eius præsumat. Si quis verò secùs faciendo Priuilegium & interdictum hoc nostrum Cæsareum spernere, negligere aut transgredi conatus [sig. ()2v] fuerit cum non solum huiusmodi libris perperam quippe recusis & adductis (quos quidem antedictus Osualdus Crollius illiusq́ue hæredes & mandatarii vbicunque depræhensos siue propriâ authoritate vel Magistratus loci illius auxilio sibi vendicare poterunt) de facto priuandum, sed & pœna insuper decem marcharum auri puri fisco nostro Cæsareo fraudis vindici & sæpedicti Osualdi Crollii eiusve hæredum vsibus ex æquo pendenda decernimus, omni spe veniæ sublatâ, mulctandum. Dummodo tamen istiusmodi libri nihil in se scandalosum Orthodoxæ Religioni Catholicæ, Sacrique Rom[ani] Imp[erii] constitutionibus aduersum, vel bonis moribus contrarium siue in præfatione siue in textu contineant, Et iam dictus Osualdus Crollius terna vt minimum singulorum operum exemplaria propriis sumptib[us] quàm primum ad Cancellariam nostram Imperialem transmiserit. Mandamus ergo vniuersis ac singulis nostris & Sa[crae] Imp[erii] Regnorumq́ue & Dominiorum nostrorum hæreditariorum subditis & fidelibus dilectis cuiuscunque status, gradus, Ordiinis, Conditionis, dignitatis, aut præeminentiæ existant, tam Ecclesiasticis quàm secularibus, præsertim verò iis qui in magistratu constitui vel proprio vel superiorum suorum nomine & loco iuris & Iustitiæ administrationem exercent, ne quenquam Priuilegium hoc nostrum Cæsareum temerè & impunè transgredi, violare aut spernere patiantur, quin potius contumaces, si quos compererint, præscriptâ pœnâ plecti aliisque idoneis modis coerceri curent. Quatenus & ipsi eandem multctam euitare & grauißimam indignationem incurrere noluerint, Harum testimonio literarum manu nostrâ subscriptarum & sigilli nostri Cæsarei impreßione munitarum. Datum in arce nostra Regia Pragæ die secunda mens[is] Maii Anno Domini Millesimo Sexcentesimo octauo, Regnorum nostrorum Rom[anorum] trigesimo tertio, Hungarici trigesimo sexto, & Bohemici itidem trigesimo terio. &c.


Ad Mandatum Sa[crae] Cæs[areae] Maiest[atis] proprium

Io[annes] Baruitius

Leop[oldus] à Stralendorff.

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 5 March 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
Privilege of Exclusivity.

Rudolph II, by the divine favor of elected mercy, Emperor of the Romans, always August, and King of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, etc., Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Württemberg, etc., Count of Tyrol, etc., acknowledge and hereby make known to all and singular that, whereas our faithful and beloved Oswald Croll, the ordinary physician of the illustrious Christian Prince of Anhalt, Count of Ascania, and Lord in Bernburg, a cousin and dear prince to us, has humbly set forth to us that after long study, labor, and immense expense for the public good, he has decided to publish a Chemical Basilica, filled with the most excellent formulas of chemical remedies, partly from the works of Paracelsus and conversations with learned men, and partly from his own experience, compiled and organized in a systematic manner. However, he fears that, as is often the case, others eager for profit might publish this Chemical Basilica for themselves or their printers fraudulently, and therefore has asked us to grant our privilege to protect his indemnity. Indeed, out of our benign inclination towards the said Oswald Croll, whose services we have used, and our affection for the pursuit of good arts and disciplines, we did not wish to deny his humble requests. Therefore, by our Imperial authority, we strictly forbid and prohibit all printers, booksellers, and anyone else engaged in the book trade from reprinting or causing to be reprinted, selling, or distributing, whether openly or secretly, without the will and consent of the said Oswald Croll and his heirs, the aforementioned Chemical Basilica of Oswald Croll, as well as any other chemical-medical books he may publish in the future, within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire and our hereditary kingdoms and domains, in the same or any other type or form, whether in whole or in part, for a period of ten years from the day of each edition's publication. Should anyone dare to disregard, neglect, or transgress this our Imperial privilege and prohibition, they will not only be deprived of such improperly reprinted and introduced books (which the said Oswald Croll, his heirs, and agents can claim for themselves either by their own authority or with the help of the local magistrate wherever found) but will also be fined ten marks of pure gold, to be equally divided between our Imperial treasury as a penalty for fraud and the uses of the said Oswald Croll or his heirs, with no hope of pardon. Provided, however, that such books contain nothing scandalous to the Orthodox Catholic Religion, contrary to the constitutions of the Holy Roman Empire, or against good morals, whether in the preface or in the text. And the said Oswald Croll is to send at his own expense at least three copies of each work to our Imperial Chancellery as soon as possible. We therefore command all and singular our subjects and faithful of the Holy Empire and our hereditary kingdoms and domains, of whatever status, rank, order, condition, dignity, or preeminence they may be, both ecclesiastical and secular, especially those who administer law and justice in their own name or in the name of their superiors, not to allow anyone to transgress, violate, or disregard this our Imperial privilege with impunity, but rather to ensure that the stubborn, if found, are punished with the prescribed penalty and restrained by other suitable means, lest they themselves wish to avoid the same fine and incur our most grave indignation. In testimony whereof, our hand has written these letters, fortified with the impression of our Imperial seal. Given at our Royal Castle in Prague on the second day of May in the year of our Lord 1608, in the thirty-third year of our Roman reign, the thirty-sixth of our Hungarian, and likewise the thirty-third of our Bohemian reign, etc.


By the command of His Sacred Imperial Majesty

Johannes Baruitius

Leopoldus à Stralendorff.