Preface 2, no date (1569/70), Pierre Hassard to the Reader (BP114)
Author: | Pierre Hassard |
Recipient: | Reader |
Type: | Preface |
Date: | 1569/70 |
Place: | Brussels |
Pages: | 1 |
Language: | French |
Quote as: | |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Paracelsus, De la peste, et de ces causes et accidents, ed. Pierra Hassard, Antwerpen: Christophe Plantin 1570, p. 101 [BP114]
CP: | Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum |
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
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[p. 101] Le translatevr av lectevr.
Les deux liures suyuans (amy lecteur) resument tout ce qui a esté dict és trois premiers quant à la Theoricque, & d’auantage traictent plus amplement la Practique, & demonstrent la composition des vrais remedes de la Peste.
Les Allemans les ont imprimez separez; mais il m’a semblé vtile & necessaire de les coioindre, & de tous en faire vn Volume contenant cincq liures.
Modernized French
Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 21 April 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
Le traducteur au lecteur.
Les deux livres suivants (cher lecteur) résument tout ce qui a été dit dans les trois premiers concernant la Théorie, et en plus, traitent plus amplement la Pratique, et démontrent la composition des vrais remèdes de la Peste.
Les Allemands les ont imprimés séparément ; mais il m’a semblé utile et nécessaire de les réunir, et de tous les rassembler en un seul volume contenant cinq livres.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 21 April 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
The translator to the reader.
The following two books (dear reader) summarize everything that has been said in the first three regarding the Theory, and furthermore, they deal more extensively with the Practice, and demonstrate the composition of the true remedies for the Plague.
The Germans have printed them separately; but it seemed useful and necessary to me to join them together, and to compile them all into a single volume containing five books.