Preface, no date (1556), Adam von Bodenstein to the Reader (BP.Bod.1557-01)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Adam von Bodenstein
Recipient: Reader
Type: Preface
Date: no date [1556]
Pages: 3
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Adam von Bodenstein, Wie sich meniglich vor dem Cyperlin Podagra genennet waffnen solle, Basel: Bartholomaeus Stähelin 1557, sig. A3v-A4v [BP.Bod.1557-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: Bodenstein acknowledges that, like a craftsman constructing a building on a public street, his work will not please everyone and will face criticism. He draws a parallel to three drinking companions who cannot agree on their choice of wine, emphasizing that different people have different preferences. The author discusses his book, specifically focused on twelve plants associated with the zodiac signs. Bodenstein his willingness to learn from those with more knowledge and expresses his belief in the influence of celestial bodies on plants and humans. Despite knowing that this influence is not essential but can occur, he apologizes for not catering to everyone's opinions and express their dedication to understanding and describing the nature of these twelve plants. He also mentions the possibility of providing further information on other plants in the future if it proves beneficial to the reader. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. A3v] Vorred zům Läser.

Zvgleich wie der jhänig der auff offentlicher strasse einen bauw wie kostlich der sein mag aufgerichtet/ můß gedulden vil vrtel vnd meinunge/ so von fürgonden leüten beschehent. Also ist mir wol wüssend/ das meine arbeit nit yederman gefallen vnd von vilen betadlet wirdt werden/ noch kan ich nichts darfür. Wolt auch den geren sehen wie gescheid immer er were/ so kente aller leüten hertzen oder köpffen genůg thůn vnd gefallen. Dieweil es dahin kommen/ das drey zech brüder in einer zech nicht eines sinnes sind/ einer begärt weissen wein/ der ander roten/ der dritt alten/ Ja wann jren mer sind/ wolt ye der viert gern bier auch haben/ diser milch etc. Gleich so wirds über mein büchlein ergehen. Sonders von disem/ welches meldung thůt der zwölff kreüter/ namlichen denen/ So Apuleius Platonicus den zwölff himmelischen zeichen Zodiaci zůgerechnet/ Aber den hässigen tadler laß ich gern zů einem Esel werden/ biß er zů letst rosen überkommet/ vnd nach vernunfft nicht nach seiner begird vrteilet/ wie Apuleio beschehen was. Vnnd bitte jne/ well yetzt verstan/ das ich dem früntlichen läser vnd kleinfiegigen/ solliches fürgeschriben/ als meines gleichen/ nit groß witzigen gelerten/ so meer kennend weder ich/ die/ wann etwas geredt wird von deß himmels [sig. A4r] einfluß lachend/ vnd das selbig verachtend. Jch wolt ye jnen vmb jrer geschickligkeit willen auch nichts vergönnen/ Sonder allergemechist willig lernen. Hab vil dacht der sternen würckung ring zeachten/ So sihe ich vnd erkundiges täglichen/ das der bauwman in seiner arbeit als do ist/ tüngen/ säyen/ pfalntzen/ bawholtz fellen/ ordenlich wo müglich der Sonnen vnd Mons lauffes achten thůt/ darauß mercklichen nutz befindet. So schreibet Plinius im anderen bůch natürlicher histori/ deßgleichen im xviij. Das am tag der Sonnen wende im Christmonat/ wann sonst gemeinlich alles erwelcket vnd eingestrupffet/ das kraut Poley blüye/ Der rede ich mich etwan höhlich verwunderet hab/ dorumb drey jar nach einanderen zůerfarung sollichs/ dises krauts im Sommer eingesamlet/ in ein winckel vnd etwas in schindel laden than/ entlichen erkundiget/ das/ als bald die Sonn in Steinbock den louff genommen gemelte Poley herrlich blůst außgedruckt. Wol hab ich gemerckt das Eufragia augentrost kaum ehr zů finden/ biß die Sonn in Löwen geschritten/ welches zeichen der Sonnen eigen hauß von Astronomis zellet wirdt/ Macht mir dise rechnung/ derhalben züget im selbigen zeichen die Sonn was jhren ist: Dann/ wie die Sonn fürsteht dem gesicht/ ist in gleichen diß [sig. A4v] kraut jme auch gůt. Gewißlich ists/ wann wilde saluey vnder bequemer constellation in roßmist vergraben wirdt/ das darauß natürlichen ein lebends thier wachset. Welches alles mich dennocht erinneret/ es seye nit dz einfliessen der oberen cörper zůuerlachen/ der vrsach vermeinet/ wie herrliche würckung habend dann sonders zweiuels wurtz/ sammen blůmen vnnd kreüter/ die eingesamlet zů rechter zeit werdend/ vnd für mich genommen volgends kleines büchlein zůschreiben/ wol wüssende dz der sternen einfliessen nicht würcke in diser elementischen welt als obs beschehen müsse/ sonder beschehen möge. Vnd den merenteil beschicht/ das jr einfliessen vnnd tugent heyter in menschen vnd kreüteren sich erzeiget. Derhalben freündtlicher lieber läser ich mich entschuldige bey dir/ das ich fürwar niemants wil zů nach geritten sein hiermitt/ sonder dieweil ich täglichen kreütern nachstelle/ sye/ vnd jr eigenschafft zůerkundigen wol so fleissig als gleich einer in meiner maß/ wolt ich dise zwölff kreüter beschreiben/ wie sy gestaltet/ wo sy gemeinlich bey vnns rumb gefunden wurdend. Würde ich dann ersehen/ das dir in sollichem gedienet/ will ich bald etwas weiters dich wissen lassen von kreüteren/ das als bald zůuor du nicht der gestalt gesehen.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 28 May 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Preface to the Reader.

Just as a craftsman who erects a building on a public street, no matter how magnificent it may be, must endure many opinions and criticisms from onlookers, so I am well aware that my work will not please everyone and will be criticized by many. But I can do nothing about it. I would also like to see how knowledgeable and wise someone may be, as that would be enough to satisfy and please everyone. However, it has come to the point where three drinking companions cannot agree on a choice of wine: one wants white wine, another red wine, and the third one prefers an aged one. And when there are more people, the fourth one would also want beer, another milk, and so on. It will be the same with my little book. Especially with this one, which concerns the twelve plants, namely those that Apuleius Platonicus attributes to the twelve heavenly signs of the zodiac. But I gladly let the malicious critic become a donkey until he finally gets tired and, instead of his desire, judges according to reason, as happened to Apuleius. And I ask those who now understand that I have written this for the friendly reader and the curious, not for highly witty scholars who laugh and despise such matters related to the influence of the heavens. I would not grant them anything for their cleverness. On the contrary, I am willing to learn from anyone, especially those who possess more knowledge than I do, instead of laughing at and despising something related to the influence of the heavens. I have thought a lot about the effects of the stars and I observe daily how the farmer, in his work of pruning, sowing, planting, and cutting wood, pays attention to the course of the sun and moon, which brings noticeable benefits. Pliny also writes about this in the second book of his Natural History, and the same in the eighteenth book. He mentions that on the day of the winter solstice in the month of Christ, when everything else is usually withered and dead, the herb Polemonium blooms. I have been amazed at this and, therefore, for three consecutive years, I have collected this herb during summer, stored it in a corner and somewhat covered it with shingles. Finally, I found out that as soon as the sun enters Capricorn, the mentioned Polemonium blossoms beautifully. I have also noticed that Euphrasia, eyebright, can hardly be found until the sun enters Leo, which is considered the sun's own house by astronomers. Make this calculation: when the sun is favorable to sight, this herb is also good for the eyes. Surely it is so that when wild sage is buried in horse dung under suitable constellations, a living creature grows out of it naturally. All of this reminds me that the influence of celestial bodies should not be ridiculed; on the contrary, the reason is presumed to have more magnificent effects than mere roots, flowers, and plants gathered at the right time. With this in mind, I have taken it upon myself to write this little book, fully aware that the influence of the stars does not operate in this elemental world as if it were necessary, but rather as something that can happen. And it mostly happens that their influence and virtue are clearly manifested in humans and plants. Therefore, dear and friendly reader, I apologize to you if I am not pursuing anyone's opinion with this, but since I dedicate myself daily to plants and diligently seek to understand their nature, just as anyone would in my place, I would like to describe these twelve plants, how they appear and where they are commonly found around us. If I see that this serves you well, I will soon provide you with further information about plants that you have not yet seen in detail.