Poem, no date (1581), Gregor Frisch to Hieronymus Reusner (BP.Erastus.1581-03)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Gregor Frisch
Recipient: Hieronymus Reusner
Type: Poem
Date: no date [1581]
Pages: 1
Language: Latin
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=5896
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Thomas Erastus, Theses de sudore, Respondent: Hieronymus Reusner, Basel: Leonhard Ostein 1581, sig. B4v [BP.Erastus.1581-03]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: The poem emphasizes the beauty and value of undertaking difficult tasks. It opens with the challenge of understanding the vast and hidden causes of diseases, questioning whether the difficulty should deter efforts to find remedies. The poem asserts that greater effort makes an endeavor more worthy of pursuit. It likens knowledge to a treasure that must be actively protected and sought after, implying that passive guardianship is insufficient.
The text underscores the importance of divine favor, particularly from Apollo, the god of knowledge and arts, suggesting that some understanding remains beyond human reach without divine assistance. It also stresses the necessity of strength and praise in achieving great deeds and honors. The journey of virtue is described as arduous, yet the muse (symbolizing inspiration) prevents the aspirant from failing.
Persistence and teachability are hailed as keys to success, with the ultimate reward likened to a prize awaiting those who persevere and fulfill their duties. The poem encourages relentless pursuit of one’s goals, regardless of obstacles or delays, using the metaphor of Rome's gradual rise to greatness. It concludes with a message of resilience and acceptance: fortune favors the brave and those who seek with reason, and even if one doesn’t reach the highest heights, finding value in moderate achievements is worthwhile. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. B4v] Difficilia, qvae pvlcra.

Morborum innumeros casus, causas#´que latentes,
Noscere difficile est.
Ergonè membra aptis herbis infecta leuare,
Desinet omnis amor?
Quin immò, quò res magis est subiecta labori,
Est adamanda magis.
Non bene seruatur cupidis thesaurus in arca
Furibus exposita.
Inclusit uires rebus Natura creatis,
Innumeras#´que uices:
Has data non ulli est recludere copia, cui non
Dius Apollo fauet.
Non quisquàm facinus magnum sine robore uidit,
Aut sine laude decus.
Ardva virtvtis fertur via: laudis amantem
Musa perire uetat.
Tentandum est: Vincit docilis solertia: palma
In medio posita est:
Hanc nemo arripiet, doctrinæ robore fultus
Ni facit officium.
Nec multi pareant anni fastidia, cursum
Aut mora sollicitet.
Non caput Ausoniæ primùm; noua Roma, sed annis
Pluribus aucta fuit.
Quæsitum subitò, subitò euanescit, in auras
Et citò facta cadunt.
Ergo subi, quodcunque cupis, cœptum#´que labores
Non remorentur iter.
Audentes Fortuna iuuat, qui uiribus æquis
Et ratione petunt.
Si suprema negat fera sors fastigia rerum,
Laudis erunt media.
Non omnes similes: Non omnia possumus omnes:
Sic, Voluisse, sat est.

Gr[egorius] Fr[isch] Vr[atislaviensis]

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 24 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Difficult things, which are beautiful.

It is difficult to know the numerous cases of diseases and their hidden causes. So, should the effort to relieve afflicted limbs with appropriate herbs cease, and with it, all love? On the contrary, the more something requires effort, the more it should be cherished. A treasure kept in a chest is not well protected if it's exposed to greedy thieves. Nature has imbued created things with forces and countless changes. No one has the opportunity to unlock these unless favored by the divine Apollo. No one has seen a great deed without strength, or honor without praise. The path of virtue is steep: the Muse prevents the lover of praise from perishing. It must be attempted: teachable skill triumphs; the prize is set in the middle. No one will seize it unless he is supported by the strength of learning and performs his duty. Neither the disdain of many years nor delays should trouble the course. Rome, the head of Italy, was not built at first but grew over many years. What is obtained suddenly, disappears suddenly, and quickly made things fall away. Therefore, pursue whatever you wish, and let not your efforts be hindered. Fortune favors the bold, those who seek with equal strength and reason. If harsh fate denies the highest summits of affairs, there will be praise in the middle positions. Not everyone is alike; we cannot all do everything: Thus, to have desired, is enough.