Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Erastus.1581-03
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Part of:
Thomas Erastus: Theses de sudore, respondent: Hieronymus Reusner. Basel: Leonhard Ostein, 1581.not listed in VD16, last checked: 4 August 2023. — USTC: 550037. —
4°. Signatures: A–B4 = 8 fols. (16 pages) (autopsy).
No pagination. [ii], [14] pages (autopsy). —
Main Language: Latin. —
Full title (autopsy):
Theses ‖ de ‖ svdore, ‖ Agitandæ XVI. die Nouembris in ‖ Schola Medica inclutæ Academiæ Ba- ‖ siliensis. Quas Moderatore ‖ CL.V.D.D. Thoma E- ‖ rasto, asseret ‖ Hieronymvs Revsnervs ‖ Leorinus. ‖ [Printer's mark] ‖ Basileae Helvetiorvm ‖ excudebat Leonardus Ostenus, Anno ‖ M. D. LXXXI.
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sig. A1r
Title page
Printer’s mark on title page
sig. A1v
Dedicatory Inscription by Hieronymus Reusner, addressed to Johannes Schmidt; Heinrich Schmidt; Sebald Sauermann; Latin
sig. B4v
‘Difficilia, quae pulcra’, Poem by Gr. Fr. Vr[atislaviensis] [Gregor Frisch]; Latin
Gregor (or Georg) Frisch was immatriculated at the University of Basel in 1580 along with Sebald Sauermann; see Die Matrikel der Universität Basel, vol. 2, ed. Hans Georg Wackernagel, Basel 1956, 290. The two Schmidt brothers were not immatriculated in Basel.