Poem, (1604), by Marcus Rorscheidt

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Marcus Rorscheidt
Type: Poem
Date: [1604]
Pages: 1
Language: Latin
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=5826
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Basilus Valentinus, TriumphWagen Antimonii, ed. Johann Thölde, Leipzig: Jacob Popporeich for Jacob Apel 1604, sig. (2)8r [BP.BasVal.1604-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: The text is a tribute to the advancements in the understanding and application of antimony. It references the contributions of Basilius Valentinus. Johann Thölde is acknowledged for bringing this knowledge to light. Joachim Tancke is mentioned for his approval and validation of these findings. The text celebrates the revelation of antimony's virtues, long hidden, and dismisses any skeptics or critics of this progress in chemical knowledge. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. (2)8r] Δεκαστιχον in Triumphalem Currum Stibij præparati.

Præterijt Seclum; quo dia Minerva ad Hieram
BasilI Fratris condidit artis opus:
In quo mirandas miranda dividit arte
Virtutes Stibii, quæ latuêre diu.
Jani Tholdi, Vvlcania in arte periti,
In lucem studio jam modò prodit
Tanckius id, Lumen Medicorvm, comprobat Ipse;
Hermetis frangans namque pererrat odor.
Ergò, Mome vale; nihil hîc, quod carpere possis,
Repperies nihil hîc: Mome superbe.

Marcus Rorscheid/ V. J. D.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 12 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Dodecasyllable on the Triumphant Chariot of Prepared Antimony.

The age has passed in which the divine Minerva, through the holy work of Brother Basil, concealed the wondrous virtues of antimony, which had long remained hidden. Now, by the skill of Janus Tholdius, an expert in Vulcan's art, it emerges into the light through diligent study. Tanckius himself approves it, for he breaks through with the fragrance of Hermes. Therefore, farewell, mocker; you will find nothing here to criticize, nothing to ridicule, O arrogant mocker.