Poem, (1604), Marcus Rorscheidt to Johann Thölde
Author: | Marcus Rorscheidt |
Recipient: | Johann Thölde |
Type: | Poem |
Date: | [1604] |
Pages: | 2 |
Language: | German |
Quote as: | https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=5836 |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Basilus Valentinus, TriumphWagen Antimonii, ed. Johann Thölde, Leipzig: Jacob Popporeich for Jacob Apel 1604, sig. (3)3v-(3)4r [BP.BasVal.1604-01]
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | The author asserts that antimony, much like its effect on purifying gold, has significant medicinal properties for humans. It is described as having the ability to cleanse the body, rejuvenate it, and provide vitality, while maintaining natural bodily functions. The text emphasizes the importance of the proper preparation and dosage of antimony, suggesting that its full potential and effects are so extensive that they remain not entirely understood, even by expert chemists or profound thinkers (referred to as the "architect of the circle"). The author encourages the reader to appreciate the value of the information presented in the book and to recognize antimony, especially when correctly prepared, as a noble and effective medicine, second only to drinkable silver (lunar potion). (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. (3)3v] An [den] günstigen Leser.
Kvrtzlich vom Antimon ich diß
Bericht dem Leser für gewiß:
Gleich wie dasselb das Gold macht rein/
Vnd giebet jhm den rechten schein:
Also es auch dem Menschen purgirt/
Alls böses wünderlich außführt/
Macht jhn gar new/ gibt LebenßKrafft/
Erhelt jhn beym natürlichn Safft.
Wann dann solchs alls der Auctor gut
Jn diesem Buch gantz klar darthut/
So würst dus lesen mit bestn fleiß/
Vnd gebn demselben seinen Preiß.
Auch glauben vnd halten fürwar/
Daß nechst der Lun potabil zwar/
Kein edlr Artzney gefunden wird/
Alß Antimon recht præparirt:
Sintemal sein Krafft vnd Wirckung ist
So reich daß sie von keinm Chymist/
[sig. (3)4r] So wenig alß vom Architext
Der Circkel/ erforscht kan werden perfect.
Jst aber männiglich gantz nütz/
Behelt all Leib in gutem Schutz/
Jedoch das er werd zubereitt
Von rechtn Chymistn/ so habn bescheid/
Vnd genommen in rechter Quantitet/
Jm Namn der hohen Majestet.
- Marcus Rörscheid. D[octor].
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 12 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the Favorable Reader,
I recently reported this about antimony, assuring the reader: Just as antimony purifies gold and gives it the proper shine, it also purges the human body, remarkably expelling all evils. It rejuvenates, endows vitality, and sustains natural bodily fluids. The author of this book clearly explains such beneficial properties, so you should read it with great diligence and appreciate its value. Believe and accept as true that, next to drinkable silver (lunar potion), no medicine is more noble than rightly prepared antimony. Its power and effects are so profound that they cannot be fully comprehended by any chemist, nor even by the architect of the circle. However, it is extremely beneficial to everyone, protecting the body well, as long as it is prepared by knowledgeable chemists and taken in the correct quantity, in the name of the highest Majesty.