Notice, no date (1577), by Adam von Bodenstein (BP178)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Adam von Bodenstein
Type: Notice
Date: no date [1577]
Pages: 2
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Schreiben von den Frantzosen in IX Bücher verfasset, ed. Adam von Bodenstein, Basel: Pietro Perna 1577, p. 117-118 [BP178]
Translation: Raw translation see below
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[p. 117] [Paracelsus:] Hierauß volgt nun daß die gebrannten wein in jhren krefften nicht sind/ vnnd ob sie schon dermassen getröcknet vnnd exicciert werden/ daß weder schmutz noch andere aquositet gespürt wirt/ noch ist inn jhm verborgen der corpus der die tinctur entpfangen het. Aber jedoch ettlichs theils vergleicht er sich den krefften/ inn dem/ so er nach seiner rechten art administriert wirt.

[Adam von Bodenstein:] Jch D[octor] Adam von Bodenstein hab jhn offt exiccirt daß er gar kein schmutz noch aquositet gehabt/ vnd eingenommen augenblicklichen angehebt zu operieren. Aber was ists/ daß ich auß zwey omen des besten so ich haben mocht Burgender weins/ nur dritthalbe maß außgezogen/ Anno 62. diese dritthalbe maß aber sind 200 cronen wol wert gewesen/ noch ists der recht spiritus/ wie er sagt/ nicht.

[Paracelsus:] Auß dem volgt auch daß die zusätz von Myrrha/ oder Thyriaco/ vnd andren speciebus/ so inn den aqua vitæ gemacht werden/ in den weg mit jhren krefften zu erkennen sind/ nemlich/ gleich wie der spiritus [p. 118] vini/ der den liquorem aquosum im wein tingirt/ also tingirt er auch dieselbigen species vber den grad/ den sie an jn selbs haben.

[Adam von Bodenstein:] Das thut eben zimlich auch gemelter mein wein/ spricht vorgemelter D[octor] Adam.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 15 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Paracelsus: From this it follows that the distilled wines in their powers are not present, and even if they are dried and desiccated to the extent that no dirt or other wateriness is felt, the body that has received the tincture is still hidden within them. However, in some respects, it does compare to their powers when administered in the proper manner.

Adam von Bodenstein: I, Doctor Adam von Bodenstein, have often desiccated it so that it had no dirt or wateriness and taken it, and it immediately began to operate. But what is it, that from two omen of the best that I could have Burgundy wines, I only extracted three and a half measures in the year '62? These three and a half measures were worth 200 crowns, but it is not the true spirit, as he says.

Paracelsus: From this it also follows that the additions of myrrh, or theriac, and other species that are made in the aqua vitae can be recognized along the way with their powers, namely, just as the spirit of wine tinges the watery liquid in the wine, so it also tinges the same species above the degree that they have in themselves.

Adam von Bodenstein: My aforementioned wine does this quite well, says the aforementioned Doctor Adam.