Dedication, 1590-01-01, Giacomo Castelvetro to Frederick IV, Elector Palatine
Author: | Giacomo Castelvetro |
Recipient: | Frederick IV, Elector Palatine |
Type: | Dedication |
Date: | 1 January 1590 |
Place: | London |
Pages: | 2 |
Language: | Latin |
Quote as: | |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Thomas Erastus, Varia opuscula medica, ed. Giacomo Castelvetro, Frankfurt am Main: Johann Wechel for Giacomo Castelvetro 1590, sig. [unsigned]2r–[unsigned]2v [BP.Erastus.1590-01]
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | Castelvetro explains his decision to publish the writings of the learned Thomas Erastus, whom Castelvetro is connected to through marriage. Castelvetro emphasizes his dual motivation: to honor Erastus by preventing the suppression of his works and to benefit scholars who would gain from these writings. He expresses regret for the delay, attributing it to personal distractions. Castelvetro and his wife chose to publish under Prince Frederick's esteemed name, acknowledging the Prince's lineage's reverence for literature and Erastus's deep respect for Frederick's forebears. Castelvetro praises Frederick's love for literature, suggesting that his passion rivals that of the great Roman Princes. He refrains from detailing the achievements of Frederick's ancestors, as their renown is widely recognized. Instead, Castelvetro humbly requests Frederick's patronage and hopes for his favorable reception of the writings. (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. [unsigned]2r] Illvstrissimo Principi, Friderico, Illvstriss[imi] Principis ac Domini, D[omi]n[i] Lvdovici, Comitis Palatini ad Rhenum, Bauariæ ducis, ac S[acri] R[omani] Imperii Archidapiferi & Electoris, felicis memoriæ filio, & heredi, D[omi]n[o] suo clementissimo, Iacobvs Castelvitrevs senior S[alutem] P[lurimam] D[icit].
Cvm iam ab hinc triennium, Serenißime Princeps Elector, doctißimi viri Thomae Erasti olim vxorem, mihi matrimonio iunxissem, atque adeo eiusdem scripta hereditario iure consequutus essem; nunquam non in animo habui ea typis describenda curare, in communem studiosorum omnium vtilitatem. Ad quam rem duplici de caussa impellebar; primum quidem, ne clarißimum illum virum, eius scripta supprimens, tanta iniuria afficerem: deinde etiam ne horum studiorum amantes tanto fructu atque emolumento defrauarem. Quod ego quidem certe pridem præstitissem, nisi alia subinde mea me negotiola ab ea cogitatione auocassent. At vero nunc, quo tempore minus solito negotiis distineor, hoc meum consilium differre diutius nolui, ac sub auspicatißimo Cels[itudinis] Tuæ nomine vxor & ego scripta hæc euulgare statuimus, cum pluribus aliis de caußis, tum vero maxime, qoud cum omnibus constet, quanta fide semper, & obseruantia vir ille præstantissimus, primum quidem Cels[utidinis] Tuæ Auum, deinde Patrem quoque tuum coluerit, ac veneratus sit; nonsine nefario scelere in publicum sub alterius nomine edere posse ea, nos arbitrabamur; præsertim cum nobis plane constaret, Auctorem ipsum, qui semper Jllustrissimi nominis vestri studiosissimus, & obseruantissimus fuit, si vita frui longiore datum fuisset, idem omnino, quod nunc nos, aliquando præstiturum, atque hasce suas eruditione plenissimas elucubrationes Clarissimo nomini vestro consecraturum fuisse. Neque parum etiam, vt tibi hæc dicaremus, mouit, quod videremus Cels[itudinem] Tuam bonarum literarum amantissimam esse; atque insuper (cum quotidie non paucas in eis horas impendat) omnibus testatum facere, se tanto & honore & fauore eas prosequi, vt non leuem toti terrarum orbi admirationem pariat: atque adeo talem de se spem in omnium animis excitare, vt facile intelligant Cels[itudinem] Tuam non fore minus [sig. [unsigned]2v] gratam & acceptam humano generi, quam olim nobilissimi eius Maiores fuerint; quin iam commune sibi cum summo, & optimo illo Romanorum Principe encomium suis præclaris virtutibus promeruisse, vt ab omnibus Amor & deliciæ generis humani & appelletur & habeatur. Celebratissimos autem Cels[itudinis] Tuæ Maiores quod attinet, cum præclaræ eorum res gestæ, & virtutes admirandæ, neminem clam esse possint, suoque splendore non possint non omnium oculos atque animos in se conuertere, eas hîc recensere supersedebo, ac orationem meam illuc omnem conuertam, vt Cels[itudinem] Tuam ea qua decet animi submissione & obseruantia orem atque obsecrem, hoc nostrum munusculum hilari & exporrecta fronte accipere dignetur; ac si ab ipsomet Auctore oblatum fuisset: ac insuper rogamus, vt nos quoque in suam clienelam suscipere dignetur; ad quam Vxor & ego non minorem fidem, & obseruantiam allaturos confidimus, quam vel Auctor ipse, vel quiuis alius afferre possit, qui Cels[itudinem] Tuam ex intimis animi sensibus amat, colit, ac veneratur. Deus Opt[imus] Max[imus] Cels[itidinem] Tuam plurimos in annos sospitet, atque incolumen conseruet. Londoni Cal[endis] Januarij, M D XC.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 19 August 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the Most Illustrious Prince, Frederick, son and heir of the Most Illustrious Prince and Lord, Lord Louis, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, and Arch-Steward & Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, of blessed memory, his most gracious Lord, Giacomo Castelvetro the elder sends many greetings.
Three years ago, Most Serene Elector Prince, I married the former wife of the most learned man, Thomas Erastus, and thus by hereditary right acquired his writings. I have always intended to have them printed for the benefit of all scholars. I was driven to this for two reasons: firstly, not to do such a great injustice to that most distinguished man by suppressing his writings; and secondly, not to deprive lovers of these studies of such fruit and profit. I would certainly have done this long ago, had not my own little affairs constantly distracted me from this intention. But now, at a time when I am less occupied with business than usual, I did not wish to delay this plan any longer. My wife and I have decided to publish these writings under the most auspicious name of Your Highness, for many reasons, but especially because it is universally known how faithfully and reverently that most excellent man always honored first Your Highness's grandfather and then also your father; we thought it would be a heinous crime to publish them under another's name, especially since we were fully aware that the author himself, who was always a most eager and devoted admirer of your illustrious name, would, if he had been granted a longer life, have done exactly what we are now doing and would have dedicated these most learned nocturnal studies to your illustrious name. Another strong reason for dedicating them to you was seeing that Your Highness is a great lover of good literature and furthermore (since you spend several hours on it every day) you show everyone that you pursue it with such honor and favor that you arouse no small admiration throughout the world; and so you give everyone such hope about yourself that they easily understand that Your Highness will be no less dear and welcome to mankind than your most noble ancestors were; indeed, you have already earned for yourself, through your outstanding virtues, the same praise that the greatest and best of the Roman Princes received, being called and considered by all the Love and Delight of mankind. As for your most celebrated ancestors, since their illustrious deeds and admirable virtues cannot be unknown to anyone and cannot fail to attract everyone's eyes and minds with their brilliance, I will refrain from listing them here and will instead direct all my speech to this: to beg and beseech Your Highness, with all due humility and reverence, to graciously accept this small gift of ours with a cheerful and open countenance, as if it had been offered by the author himself; and furthermore, we ask that you also deign to take us into your patronage; my wife and I trust that we will bring to it no less loyalty and reverence than either the author himself or anyone else who loves, honors, and reveres Your Highness from the depths of their heart. May God, the Best and Greatest, preserve Your Highness for many years and keep you safe. London, 1st January, 1590.