Dedication, 1564-03-01, Adam von Bodenstein to Johann Rudolf Stoer von Stoerenberg

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Adam von Bodenstein
Recipient: Johann Rudolf Stoer von Stoerenberg
Type: Dedication
Date: 1 March 1564
Place: Basel
Pages: 10
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Zwey Bücher von der Pestilentz vnd jhren zůfällen, ed. Adam von Bodenstein, Straßburg 1564, sig. A2r–A6v [BP060]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: Bodenstein discusses his views on medicine and the pursuit of knowledge. He acknowledges the contributions of various scholars, including Christians, Jews, and Pagans, who have written books aiming to improve human health and prevent diseases. He criticizes those who claim to follow Galen and other preceptors but have limited understanding of their works, as evident from their own writings. Bodenstein argues that true medicine is not found in empty debates but in practical application and that both the intention and action together make a true physician. He believes that God has created medicine from the earth, not as a spirit but in a tangible form. Bodenstein defends his right to publish his findings and experiences, asserting that what is allowed for others should not be denied to him. He anticipates criticism for publishing medical knowledge that might seem to challenge traditional teachings but argues for the importance of bringing the truth of natural medicine to light. Bodenstein expresses his commitment to sharing his knowledge, including the works of his mentor, Theophrastus Paracelsus, and his own experiences in medicine. Bodenstein plans to publish more works on various subjects, including philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and medicine. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the natural connections between remedies and the body parts they affect and advocates for a deeper understanding of medicine beyond mere physical observation. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. A2r] Dem Hochwirdigen Fürsten vnd Herren/ Herrn Johann Růdolff/ beyder lobrlichen Stifft Murbach vnnd Luder/ Abt &c. meinem gnedigen Fürsten vnd Herren/ &c.

Hochwirdiger Fürst gnediger Herr/ demnach mir vil frommer gůthertziger Christen/ auch anderer leuten als Heyden vnnd Juden/ Bücher/ die gern den glücklichen vnd gesunden standt aller Menschen mehren/ vnd das vbel vnd kranckheiten derselben zůfürkommen vnd zůuerhüten/ so viel jhnen müglich geschrieben/ wol bekant. Fürnemlich auch deren so sich Galeni vnd anderer jhrer Preceptorn berhümen/ Aber derselbigen Bücher auserthalb jhrer Register vnnd Indices gar nicht oder doch wenig gelesen/ dessen dann jhre eigene declarationes simplicium gnůgsam anzeigen/ vnd aber darneben mir/ auch meniglich klarlich offenbar/ das der ewig war vnnd barmhertzige Gott/ alle Artzney/ inn die Zeichen vnd VVerck, vnnd nicht in vergeben- [sig. A2v] lich oder disputierlich geschwetz gesetzt hat/ auch der will vnd das werck samethafft einen Artzet macht/ der Artzet auch ohne zeichen nicht stehen mag/ dieweil Gott vnser Vatter im Himel den Artzet vnnd die artzney auss der erden erschaffen/ dasselbig nicht als ein geist/ sonder in ein leibliche materiam gefüret. So hab ich mir selbs persuadiert/ dieweil es gelerten vnd vngelerten jederzeit jhres wissens/ gůterachtens/ erfarnus/ vnd dagegen leren wohns/ vermůtens vnnd einfalts in offenem druck schrifftlich an tag zůgeben zůgelassen/ das mirs niemands Christlicher verargen oder einigen vnwillen auff mich fassen werd/ So ich nicht allein mein gůterachten oder erdichte fantasey/ sonder in zeitlichen vnd leiblichen Künsten/ gegründte offt erlesene/ vnd gearbeyte erfarenheit publicire/ Dann mir vnbillich inn warhafften bewerten Künsten/ das anderen gestattet vnd zůgelassen/ abgeschlagen würd. Das aber jemands vermeinen möchte/ ich solte solches nicht thun/ dann durch die publicierung dieser medicin/ der alten leere vnnd authoritet der Artzet etwas getadelt vnd geringert werde/ Derselb sol billich bedencken/ das der Heiden Schrifften sein nicht das Evangelivm, vnnd das ich von hertzen anders nicht begere, dann das er anstatt seiner vermeinten Cauillation[e1] vnnd vbel nachreden seine Contra- [sig. A3r] dictorias in offnem druck aussgehen lass/ damit doch die warheit natürlicher medicin/ vor einem vnparteyischen richter zů tag komme/ dieweil ich selbs erfaren/ das solches ohne die Collationes nicht leichtlich beschicht/ beuorab/ wo der kläger selbs iudex sein/ vnnd erst (wie mir von den gnaden Gottes aufferlegt vnd begegnet) arbeyten/ sich ernideren/ vnnd lernen sol. Bin derhalben auch nicht allhie De peste aus meinem kopff vnnd meienr geschickligkeit zůschreiben/ vnd viel authores zu citirn bedacht/ sonder allein eines einigen manns/ der der erste Medicus ist/ so die gewisse ergründte erfarenheit der artzney herfür bringt/ dessen discipulum ich mich in medicina, vnnd der geringsten gaben Gottes/ so durch jn namlich Teophrastum Paracelsum auff mich gereicht vnwirdig erkenne/ an tag zůbringen vorhabens/ Vnnd mir also fürgenommen in der forcht Gottes den Gotsförchtigen arbeitsamen Medicis vnnd Christlichen demütigen patienten/ zů freude/ trost/ nutz vnd wolfarth gedachts Teophrasti büchle De Peste, darinn dann meniglich wer es mit grundt liset/ verstehet vnnd ins werck richtet/ Gott für solche gewaltige gaben zů preisen verursacht/ vnd dann den satten grundt des vrsprungs der Pestilentz/ jhrer zůfäll/ auch mit was mittel vnnd mass vvarhafftig in solcher Angst vnd Noth[sig. A3v] dem Menschen Hilff bevveisen vvirdt. Vnnd hernach viel mehr nothwendiger nutzlicher Bücher in Philosophia/ Astronomia/ Alchimia/ vnnd Medicina auff das ehest so Gott gnad verleihet an tag zů bringen vnd im Druck aussgehen zůlassen/ insonders aber mit hilff vnsers einigen Seligmachers Jesu Christi/ wil ich publiciren auff nechste Herbstmess/ so wirdt zu Franckfurt am Meyn dises lauffenden lxiiij. Jars/ den vnsäglichen schatz Opvs chirvrgicvm, das alle kranckheiten so inwendigs vnd ausserthalbs leibs zůkommen könden/ vnd nicht in das ende eben gerad zum todt predestiniert seind lern curieren/ Ja desgleichen vor Teophrasto nie erhört worden/ auch niemandts genůgsam Gott vor solche hohe gaben preisen kan. Vnangesehen das der Sathan wie im Jobn zůfinden/ die Welt hin vnnd wider ohne vnterlass durchwandelt/ vnd durch seine sondere geschirr nit allein die warheit zůuerhindern/ derselbigen verkündet/ vnd der rechten bestendigen gegründten Künsten nachfolger/ an ehre/ leib vnnd gůt anzutasten vnterstehet/ Damit wo dieselben also vnrůwig gemacht/ gemelte Künst verhinderet vnd noch lenger in der aschen ligen/ vnd die vngegründten in jhrem gang bliben/ vngezweiffelter hoffnung/ E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] vnnd gemeinem geliebtem Vatterlandt Deutscher Nation/ [sig. A4r] werde solch mein vnderthenig gůthertzig vorhaben nicht misfallen/ sonder gefellig vnd angenem sein. Fürnemlich/ dieweil ich in disem jammerthal meinem berůff nach nichts nützlichers/ vnd meniglich fürstendigers zůuerrichten oder zůthun weys/ dann des thewren Manns Paracelsi schrifften/ so die rechte Theoric/ auff welche alle practica der würcklichen medicin schnůsrecht gerichtet eröffnen. Dann ob gleich wol bisanher vil berathschlagt geschriben vnd publicirt/ was Pestis sey/ wie jr eingang langsam sey/ etliche haben nur zwo vrsachen so jhr doch mehr/ von vnglücklichem zusammenkommung der Planeten/ &c. auch mit was starcken recepten Pesti widerstanden werden mög/ So befindet sich doch in warheit das widerspiel/ Dann der eingang der Pestilentz wie der plitz vnd straal vom Himel herein gehet/ vnd allein aus einer Causa welches die sünde ist/ damit die welt Gott erzürnet? herkommen/ Auch den sternen hierinn kein vrsach zů zůmessen/ dieweil der Himel vnnd die sternen von Gott dem Allmechtigen/ vermög der Schrifft/ als wie andere geschöpfft auch gůt erschaffen. Derwegen wol etwan vnnotwendige disputationes vermitten bliben/ vnd man billich das werck den meister beweren lies. Dann das werck bezeugt die warheit des munds vnd der feder. Solche werck aber lernet Teophrastus/ dann aus seinen schrifften lernt [sig. A4v] ein erfarner Artzet alle kranckheiten so nicht in das predestiniert ende beschaffen/ curieren/ Als die fallend sucht/ Podagra/ Lepra/ Paralysis/ Contracturn vnd andere langwerende kranckheiten. Wiewol solchs von den vnuerstendigen/ als denen so höheren künsten dann jr verstand begreiffen vnd fassen mag/ kein verstand noch wissens haben/ für vnglaublich vnd vnmöglich geacht/ vnd billich kein vrtheil darüben fellen solten. Dieweil aber gnediger Fürst vnd Herr/ der Artzet in Gottes handen/ vnd jm von Got ein liecht der natur gesetzt/ vnnd zů einem pflantzer vnnd arbeiter derselben/ vnnd nicht zum mpracht vnd müssiggang geordnet/ Wie dann der erste Adam auch nach seinem fall/ als er aus dem Paradis veriaget/ die arbeit zur straff aufferleget/ vnd aus barmhertzigkeit Gottes erkantnus der krafft der Kreutter/ vnd folgends aus erfarung langes leben erlangt. Daher denn noch heutiges tags von wegen vnsers eigenen vbertrettens vnd sünden/ aller handt kranckheiten auff vns kommen/ vnd demnach die jetzige welt Gottes gebotten je lenger je mehr widerstrebet/ vnd die sünde heuffet/ so folgen auch mehr straffen vnd höhere kranckheiten/ vnd je höher vnd scherpfer solche kranckheiten im grad steigen/ so müssen nebent dem vnauffhörenden Christlichen gebet zů Gott dem Allmechtigen höhere Artzneyen/ vnd treffenlichere Cura an die hand genom- [sig. A5r] men werden. Vnd wie etwan die kranckheiten durch die Vegetabilia vnnd gewechs so aus dem Element des erdtrichs in den lufft gewachsen/ curiert seind worden/ vnd aber nach gelegenheit jetziger kranckheiten zů gering sein wöllen/ so hat Got der almechtig krefftigere mittel die aus dem Element des wassers in die erden sprossent/ mit mineralibus, metallen vnd bestendigen corporibus, so von jhrer vnreinigkeit gescheiden vnd kein corruption gedulden/ sonder die krafft stercken vnd mehren/ vätterlichen begabt/ Also das zů gleicher weis/ wie die alten der Kreuter/ Samen/ Wurtzen/ Blůmen vnnd Frucht/ krafft/ durch sieden vnd kochen auffgeschlossen/ resoluiert vnd ausgezogen/ vnd dieselben brüe/ Apozemata, syrupen vnd safft/ den krancken/ als das jenige darein der spiritus vnd krafft der gekochten materi gelegt/ mitgetheilet/ Also müssen jetziger zeit da alle frombkeit/ Gottes forcht vnd Christliche zucht erloschen/ die bosheit vberhand genommen/ vnd dargegen die straff Gottes in höchsten grad gestigen/ krieg/ hunger/ thewre vnd Pestilentzische zeit vberhandt nemmen/ auch die Mineralia, Gemmæ vnd Metalla, zůr Medicin resoluiert/ gekocht vnd in Liquidam materiam gebracht werden/ der gestalt/ das sie hinfürter in kein Crassum corpus gerhaten/ sonder jre hohen spiritus jhre krefft vnd quintum esse in magen komme/ vnd von der lebern gern vnnd lieb- [sig. A5v] lich angezogen/ vnd zů einem nutriment werde/ dann da ligt der has im korn/ da ist die kunst/ da ist frewde/ da ist wonne/ da ist hilff vnd trost/ wiewol sollichs denen die es wissen solten/ vnuerstandts halben verborgen/ vnnd nicht discipuli der heilsamen lehr Theoprhasti/ zů werden vnnd zůsein begeren/ vnd also fast wenigen mit getheilet würt.

Nůn kan aber niemandts mit gůtem grund laugnen/ das die metallen/ item die krefftigen tugenden Succoum, Lachrymarum vnd Liquorum, Gummorum vnd Resinarum, als myrrhe/ asphalti/ weyrauchs vnnd schwebels/ so aller feule vnd corruption werend/ hoher vnerschöpflicher wirckung seind/ dann also haben die alten in terra sancta/ vnd die Griechen den wein mit Myrrha wie andere mit schwebel/ coagulo vnnd magnesia &c. erhalten/ dann wir alle wol wissen/ das der schwebel den wein rectificiert/ balsamiert vnd erhelt/ vnd ohne jhn oder andere sulphura nicht erhalten werden mag. Dieweil dann der rohe schwebel/ so durch sieden in wasser oder wein/ etwas/ doch wenig seiner rectification bekompt/ vnnd das rain von dem vnrainen gescheiden würt/ sein selbs vnnd anderer preseruatiffum ist/ So ist leichtlich abzůnemen/ was für herrlichere gaben er bey jhme hat/ so er durch den Spagyrum vnnd das Vulcanische werck/ von allen seinen gifftigen fecibus gele- [sig. A6r] diget würt/ so will ich vnangesehen das meine vigilie vnd labores niemandts also anfallend/ das ich vor meinem natürlichen alter mich alt machen/ nicht desto weniger aus vnderrichtung meines getrewen preceptoris mich solches nit hinderen lassen/ vnd also Ewer Fürstliche Genad zů vnderthenigem gehorsamen gefallen vnd notwendigen nutz gůthertziger artzet/ die bereitung des aller besten Theriax vnnd des schwebels an dises bůchlin hencken/ vnnd damit mir durch meine missgünstige/ der weg vnd zůgang zů E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] nit abgestrickt/ vnd derselben für geben werde/ als ob es allein imaginationes vnd nit experientiæ per scientiam comprobatæ weren/ auch E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] sehen/ das ein gewaltiger grundt darhinder/ so vbergib vnd presentier E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] ich iemit neben disem bůchlein solchen bereiten thewren schatz den Theriacam vnd seinen gebrauch/ damit E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] dessen vermögen/ grundt vnd warheit an andern personen erfaren vnnd versůchen lassen mög/ vndertheniger zůuersicht/ Ewer Fürstliche Gnad werden neben anderen gůthertzigen verstendigen personen/ ab diser meiner presentation/ beider des bůchleins vnnd Theriax/ vnnd sollichen natürlichen künsten ein genädiges gefallen tragen/ vnnd dises bůchleins vnd mein genädiger Patron vnd Herr sein vnd bleiben/ als der allerley kranckheiten vnd artzneyen allerley erfarung hat/ [sig. A6v] das will vmb E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] deren ich mich hiemit zů gnaden befilch gantz vnderthenigklich beschulden. Datum Basel den ersten tag Mertzens. Anno/ M. D. Lxiiij.

E[uer] F[ürstlich] G[naden] Vndertheniger

Adam von Bodenstein Doctor.


Word Explanations

  1. Cavillation] from “cavillieren”, ‘jemanden verspotten, Ausflüchte suchen, Sophisterei treiben’;

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 26 February 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To the Most Honorable Prince and Lord, Lord Johann Růdolff, of the venerable Stift Murbach and Luder, Abbot, etc., my gracious Prince and Lord, etc.

Most Honorable Prince, gracious Lord, as a devout and kind-hearted Christian, and for the benefit of all people, including heathens and Jews, it is well known that I have read many books that promote the happy and healthy state of humanity, and prevent the onset and spread of diseases, as much as possible. Especially those that Galen and other instructors boast about, but which are hardly read outside of their indexes and indices, as their own declarations of simple matters sufficiently demonstrate. Moreover, it is clear to me and everyone else that the eternal and merciful God has placed all medicine in the SIGNS AND EFFECTS, and not in vain or disputable talk. He has also made the will and the work of a doctor one and the same, and an doctor cannot exist without a sign, since our Father in heaven created the doctor and medicine from the earth, not as a spirit, but as a bodily material.

Therefore, I have persuaded myself that since learned and unlearned people have always been allowed to express their knowledge, opinions, experiences, and thoughts in open printed form, without anyone finding fault with them, or bearing ill will towards them, I should also publish my own good opinion or acquired expertise in temporal and bodily arts, as it is unfair for true and valid arts to be allowed and permitted to others, but not to me. If someone thinks that I should not do this, because by publishing this medicine, I might denigrate and diminish the ancient doctrine and authority of doctors, they should consider that HEATHEN SCRIPTURES ARE NOT THE GOSPEL, and that I do not desire anything other than that he publish his contrary opinions and slanders openly, so that the truth of natural medicine may be brought to light before an impartial judge, as I have learned that this is difficult to achieve without comparisons, especially when the accuser himself is the judge, and first (as I have been instructed and directed by the grace of God) must labor to humble himself and learn. Therefore, I cannot attribute the knowledge of the plague and my own skill solely to myself, nor do I wish to cite many authors, but only one man who is the first physician to discover the true and tested experience of medicine. I am his disciple in medicine and the least of God's gifts, which I acknowledge as unworthy, bestowed upon me through him, namely Theophrastus Paracelsus. I intend to bring forth his book De Peste for the joy, comfort, benefit, and welfare of God-fearing, hard-working, Christian, humble patients. Whoever reads it with understanding and applies it to practice will be prompted to praise God for such great gifts and to prove how the origin of the pestilence, its occurrence, and how it can truly help humans in such anxiety and need. Afterward, many more necessary and useful books on philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and medicine, if God grants me the grace, will be published and printed as soon as possible, especially with the help of our only Savior, Jesus Christ. I will publish them at the next autumn fair, which will take place in Frankfurt on the Main in this current year of 1564. It will include the invaluable treasure OPVS CHIRVRGICVM, which can cure all diseases that can occur internally and externally in the body, and not just those destined for death. This has never been heard of before Theophrastus, and no one can adequately praise God for such great gifts.

Although Satan, as in the case of Job, wanders the world incessantly and through his special devices not only obstructs the truth but also attacks the followers of the true and permanent established arts in honor, body, and property. If they are so disturbed, the said arts are hindered and still lie longer in the ashes, and the unfounded ones remain in their course with undoubted hope. Your Highness and the beloved Fatherland of the German Nation will not be displeased but rather pleased and happy with my humble and well-intentioned plan. Especially since, in this valley of misery, I know nothing more useful or beneficial to everyone than the writings of the precious man Paracelsus, which reveal the true theory on which all practical work in real medicine is based. Although much has been debated, written, and published on what the plague is, how its onset is slow, and some have only two causes when there are more, such as the unfortunate conjunction of planets, etc., and what strong prescriptions can resist the plague. In truth, the opposite is found, for the onset of the pestilence is like a lightning bolt and ray from heaven, and it arises solely from one cause, which is sin, which has angered God. The stars have no role in this, as the heavens and the stars were created good by God Almighty according to the scriptures, just like all other things.

Therefore, unnecessary disputes should be avoided, and one should rightfully trust the work of the master. For the work testifies to the truth of the mouth and the pen. Such works are learned by Theophrastus, as an experienced doctor can cure all illnesses that are not predetermined. Such illnesses include epilepsy, gout, leprosy, paralysis, contracture, and other chronic illnesses. Although the uneducated, who cannot comprehend higher knowledge than their own, may consider it unbelievable and impossible, they should not judge it. However, since the gracious prince and lord has placed the doctor in God's hands and given him a natural light and not ordained him for luxury and idleness, just as the first Adam, after his fall when he was driven out of Paradise, was punished with work and recognized the power of herbs from God's mercy, and subsequently obtained long life through experience. Therefore, due to our own transgressions and sins, all kinds of illnesses afflict us to this day, and thus the current world increasingly opposes God's commands and accumulates sin. As a result, there are more punishments and higher illnesses, and the higher and sharper these illnesses rise in degree, the more higher remedies and more effective cures must be used in addition to ceaseless Christian prayers to Almighty God. And just as illnesses that have grown from the elements of the earth into the air have been cured by vegetabilia and plants, and yet are too weak to meet the demands of current illnesses, God Almighty has provided stronger means that sprout from the elements of water, with minerals, metals, and stable bodies that are separated from their impurities and do not tolerate corruption, but instead strengthen and increase their power, just as the ancient ones did with herbs, seeds, roots, flowers, and fruit, by boiling and cooking them to unlock their power, dissolve and extract them, and then brew them into apozemata, syrups, and juice, which are then given to the sick to share in the spirit and power of the cooked material. Therefore, in this current time when all piety, fear of God, and Christian discipline have disappeared and evil has prevailed, and God's punishment has reached its highest degree, war, hunger, high prices, and pestilential times are prevailing, and minerals, gemstones, and metals must be resolved into medicine, boiled and brought into liquid material, so that they do not become a thick body in the future, but instead their high spirits, power, and quintessence come into the stomach and are eagerly and lovingly drawn by the liver and become nourishment. That is where the art lies, where joy, happiness, help, and comfort are found, although such things are hidden from those who should know them due to their lack of understanding, and who do not desire to become disciples of Theophrastus' wholesome teachings, so they are shared with only a few.

Now, however, nobody can deny with good reason that the metals, as well as the powerful virtues of Succoum, Lachrymarum and Liquorum, Gummorum and Resinarum, such as myrrh, asphalt, incense and schwebel, are of very high, inexhaustible efficacy in warding off all impurities and corruption. This is why the ancients in Terra Sancta and the Greeks preserved wine with myrrh as others did with schwebel, coagulum and magnesia, etc., because we all know well that schwebel rectifies, balsamizes and preserves wine and cannot be obtained without it or other sulphurs. Since raw schwebel, which gets some but little rectification through boiling in water or wine and is separated from the impure, is its own and others' preservative, it is easy to see what greater gifts it has with it when it is digested by Spagyrum and the Vulcanic work from all its poisonous feces. Therefore, despite the fact that my vigil and labors do not affect anyone in such a way that I make myself old before my natural age, nevertheless, from the instruction of my faithful preceptor, I will not let this hinder me, and thus, Your princely grace will kindly and necessarily benefit from the preparation of the best Theriax and schwebel in this little book. And so that through my envious, the way and access to Your princely grace will not be hindered and I will present it to you as if they were only imaginations and not experiences proven by science. Also, Your princely grace will see that there is a powerful reason behind it, so I hereby offer and present to Your princely grace, along with this little book, this valuable treasure of Theriac and its use, so that Your princely grace may experience and test its power, foundation and truth on other persons. I am confident that Your princely grace, along with other good-hearted, intelligent people, will find favor in this presentation of mine of both the book and Theriax, as well as these natural arts, and this little book and my gracious patron and lord shall remain as one who has experience with all kinds of diseases and remedies. This, I humbly submit to Your princely grace. Given in Basel on the first day of March in the year 1564.

Your princely grace's obedient servant,

Adam von Bodenstein, Doctor.