Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Oberndorffer.1600-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Johann Oberndorffer: De veri et falsi medici agnitione Tractus brevis. Lauingen: Leonhard Reinmichel, 1600.
VD16 O 56. —
Main Language: Latin. —
Translated as: BP.Oberndorffer.1602-01.
sig. A2r–A4v [6 pages]
Regensburg, 24 June 1600

sig. B1r
Poem by Caspar Stemper, addressed to Johann Oberndorffer; Latin

sig. B1v
Dedication by Christoph Donauer, addressed to Johann Oberndorff; Latin

sig. B2r–B2v [2 pages]
Dedication by Martin Oberndorffer, addressed to Johann Oberndorffer; Latin