Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Fedro.1612-01
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Georg Fedro: Halopyrgice sive Jatrochemica pestis epidemicae curatio, Oder Warhafftige Cur der erschrecklichen Sucht der Pestilentz. Halle: Christoph Bismarck for Joachim Krusicke, no date [1612].8°. Signatures: A–H8 = 64 fols. (128 pages) (autopsy).
No pagination. 124, [4 blank] pages (autopsy). —
Main Language: German. —
Permanent link to this page:
sig. A1r
Title page
sig. A1v
Blank page
sig. A2r–A2v [2 pages]
Preface by Anonymous, addressed to the Reader; German
sig. A3r–A4v [4 pages]
Dedication by Georg Fedro, addressed to Johann Jacob Kuen von Belasy, Erzbischof von Salzburg; German
sig. A4r–H6r [117 pages]
‘Warhafte Kur der erschröcklichen Sucht der Pestilenz’, by Georg Fedro; German
sig. H6v
sig. H7r–H8v [4 pages]
4 blank pages