Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.BasVal.1611-02

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Basilius Valentinus: Von den Natürlichen vnnd vbernatürlichen Dingen, ed. by Johann Thölde. , 1611.
Main Language: German. —
Sudhoff’s copy (Google Books)
Google Books: Munich, State Library (tIdMAAAAcAAJ)
Digital copy (Google Books)
Google Books: London, British Library (Xqz-O4ZIzywC)
Digital copies (Libraries)
Dresden, State and University Library
Munich, State Library

sig. A1r
Title page

sig. A1v
Blank page

sig. A2r–A5r
Dedicatory Preface by Johann Thölde, addressed to Joachim Tancke; Johann Hartmann; German

sig. I3r
‘In tincturas Basilii Valentini’, Poem by Johannes Tancke, addressed to Johann Thölde; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.BasVal.1603-01

sig. I3v
‘In metallorum tincturam’, Poem by Georgius Theodoricus, addressed to Johann Thölde; Latin
Reprinted from: BP.BasVal.1603-01