Authors/Elias Montanus

From Theatrum Paracelsicum

Personal Bibliography

Dedications, Prefaces, Postfaces

  • Dedicatory Preface, 14 August 1600, Elias Montanus to Joachim Frederick, Duke of Brieg, Anna Maria of Anhalt, Duchess of Legnica-Brzeg and Augustus, Prince of Anhalt-Plötzkau; German
Source: Nicolaus Solea, Ein Büchlein von dem Bergwergk, ed. Elias Montanus, Zerbst, no printer [Johann Schleer], 1600, sig. A2r–A4v [BP.Alchemica.1600-01]
Elias Montanus expresses his gratitude towards his high-born patrons for their gracious support during his wedding, acknowledging his inability to fully repay their kindness. To show his modest appreciation, Montanus dedicates a small mining book to them, highlighting their recent acquisitions of the noble gold mine at Reichstein and the precious silver mine at Silberberg. He commends their interest in mining, which aligns with the noble pursuits of high and princely persons and serves the common good by promoting industries that the common man, due to poverty, cannot sustain.
Montanus emphasizes the historical and beneficial legacy of mining in their territories, particularly the gold mines of Goldberg and Liegnitz, which were once prolific but have since fallen into disuse due to wars and internal conflicts. He invokes the memory of Saint Hedwig, the Silesian Sibyl, who revealed many secrets for the benefit of the land and its princely descendants, including the opening of these mines. Montanus suggests that the revival or improvement of these mines could bring significant benefits to their lands.
Furthermore, Montanus praises the book and its author for their extensive experience in mining and high knowledge in chemistry, drawing a notable connection to Paracelsus whose unpublished works the author has studied and from whom he has drawn considerable inspiration. Montanus implies that the teachings and methodologies of Paracelsus, if correctly understood and applied, could greatly aid in the advancement of mining operations in their territories.

Notices, Editorial Remarks etc.


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