Poem, no date (1581), Paul Kober to Thomas Erastus (BP.Erastus.1581-01)

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
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Author: Paul Kober
Recipient: Thomas Erastus
Type: Poem
Date: no date [1581]
Pages: 1
Language: Latin
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=3023
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Thomas Erastus, Comitis Montani ... quinque librorum de Morbis nuper editorum viva anatome, Basel: Pietro Perna 1581, sig. ()4v [BP.Erastus.1581-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: In the two poems, Paul Kober praises Thomas Erastus for his wisdom and balanced judgment, likening him to the gold standard of Athenian intellect. Erastus is depicted as someone who possesses a true and straight measure, a metaphor for his clear and unbiased thinking. In contrast, an unnamed individual is criticized for using a counterfeit standard, implying a flawed or biased perspective. This person is described as isolated and misguided, likely to realize their solitude due to their flawed judgments. The second poem continues this theme, with Erastus praised for his method of weighing matters accurately. The critic, however, is portrayed as hasty and lacking understanding, quick to judge without proper insight or proportion. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. ()4v] Πρὸς τὲν δεῖνα.

Στάθμην δημοτελῆ σ' ὑποθημοσύνησιν Αθήνης
εὖ δεδαὼς σοφίην δῶρον Εραστος ἕει.
Τήν δ' ἔπι κίβδηλον σέο κανόνα ἐξίθυνε,
ἄγχι χρὼν κεφαλὴν, ἁρμονίην ἵν' ἔδης.
οἶος ἔης, τάλας εἷ, Μόμου γένος, Ουρεσίοικε,
ἄι τάλαν, αἷψα φυὴν ὄψεαι οὶος ἔης.
Λυδίῃ ἶσα πρέπει κεῖνον χρέμεν ὄμματα πέτρῃ,
ὅστγε σεφοὺς ἐθέλοι κρινέμεν οὐκ ἀνέδην.


κανόνα σὸι πολύπχνος ἰσόῤῥοπον, ὀρθὸν, Εραστος
τεῦξε ταλαντίζειν δεικνύμενος μέθοδον.
τῇ δὲ πρόθυμος, ἕως λυδὴν πάλι σὴν λίθον εὕρῃς,
τῆς ἅτερ ἐμπλήγδην μέμφεο κᾀνάλογον.

Πάυλου Κοβήρου.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 18 August 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

To that certain one.

In the public measure of Athens' remembrance,
Erastus possesses the gift of wisdom well.
But against it, you set forth your counterfeit standard,
Close to the head, so you might give harmony.
Alone you are, wretched, offspring of Blame, mountain-dweller,
Soon, in your wretchedness, you'll see how alone you are.
It is fitting for that one to use eyes equal to a Lydian stone,
Whenever he wishes to judge himself without bias.


Erastus, skilled in many things, made a balanced, straight standard,
Showing a method to weigh talents.
But you, eager until you find your Lydian stone again,
Blame without understanding and without proportion.

By Paul Kober.