Authors/Samuel Siderocrates

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Personal Bibliography

Dedications, Prefaces, Postfaces

  • Dedication, 22 June 1583, Samuel Siderocrates to Johann IV. von Manderscheid-Blankenheim, Bischof von Straßburg and Eberhard von Dienheim, Bischof von Speyer; German (Source: BP205)
from: Cyclopaedia Paracelsica christiana, ed. Samuel Siderocrates, no place, 1585
Samuel Siderocrates outlines the contents of his work, emphasizing the alignment of theology and philosophy with the Divine truth and the importance of understanding the creation and regeneration of all things. He also expresses hope that the book will lead to greater understanding and faith, praises God, and emphasizes the alignment of his teachings with Holy Scripture. Additionally, he chooses the recipients of the dedication as the patrons of the work, citing the noblemen's kindness to him, their shared interest in Divine wisdom, and their position to promote such wisdom. He acknowledges the greater value in understanding God and serving others in faith, more so than worldly victories.

Notices, Editorial Remarks etc.



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