Bibliographia Paracelsica/BP.Ruland.1607-01

From Theatrum Paracelsicum


Martin Ruland the Younger: Progymnasmata alchemiae. Frankfurt am Main: Zacharias Palthenius, 1607.
8°. Signatures: a8 A–Q8 aa–hh8 ii4 = 204 fols. (408 pages) (autopsy).
[16], 254, [2 blank], 136 pages (autopsy).
Main Language: Latin. —
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Digital copies (Libraries)
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Library
Munich, State Library
London, Wellcome Collection

sig. a1r
Title page
Printer’s mark on title page

sig. a1v
Blank page

sig. a2r–a8v [14 pages]
Regensburg, 10 May 1606

sig. A1r–P1v ‖ p. 1–226 [226 pages]
‘Progymnasmatum alchemiae’, by Martin Ruland the Younger; Latin

sig. P2r–Q7v ‖ p. 227–254 [28 pages]
‘Elenchus remediorum spagyricorum, hactenus in usum communem’, by Martin Ruland the Younger; Latin

sig. Q8r–Q8v [2 pages]
2 blank pages

sig. aa1r–ii4v ‖ p. 1–136 [136 pages]
‘Appendix quaestionum chymicarum’, by Martin Ruland the Younger; Latin