
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Poem for Bernard Gilles Penot

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Source: Tractatus varii, de vera praeparatione et usu medicamentorum chymicorum, ed. Bernard Gilles Penot, Frankfurt am Main: Johann Feyerabend for Peter Fischer, 1594, sig. A7r = pag. 14–25 [BP.Penot.1594-01]

Summary: This poem praises Penot's contributions to the medical field and his intellectual prowess. The poet admires Penot's ability to uncover hidden knowledge and apply it for the betterment of human health, comparing him to ancient kings and wise men for his wisdom and spirit. The extensive travels and lifelong learning of Penot are highlighted as sources of his deep understanding and innovation. The poet laments the shortness of human life, implying that with more time, Penot's insights could lead to even greater advancements and benefits for society. (generated by ChatGPT)


[p. 13] Ad B. G. Penotvm a Portv, Aqvitanvm.

Qvicquid in occulto rerum Penote recessu
Delituit, paucis cognitum ab Ignicolis;
Eruis in medicos vsus, hominq́ue salutem,
Par animo priscis regibus atque Sophis.
Longa ætas, & longa peregrinatio multum
Doctrina & fideo notitiæque dedit:
Vsque adeo natura sagax excellere gaudet,
Inuentisq́ue auget prisca reperta nouis.
Næ, te magnum aliquem nisi oportuit esse monarcham,
Talis es, à cuius mente animi igne flagrent.
Hei, cur tam paucorum annûm sumus ac breuis æui:
Quantæ aliâs artes, commoda quanta forent?

Pavlvs Melissaus Francus Comes Sacri Pal[atii] & Eq[ues] ciuis Romanus.

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 27 February 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To B. G. Penot, from Portus, Aquitaine.

Whatever in the secret retreat of Penot's realm lay hidden, known to but a few among the Fire-Worshippers; You extract for medical uses and the health of mankind, Equal in spirit to the ancient kings and Sages. A long life, and extensive travels have much given to learning and to the trust and acquaintance: To such a degree does keen nature delight to excel, And enriches ancient discoveries with new inventions. Indeed, you must have been meant to be some great monarch, Such are you, from whose mind the fires of the spirit blaze. Alas, why are we of so few years and brief life: How great otherwise the arts, what benefits might there be?

Paul Melissus, from Franconia, Count of the Sacred Palace & Knight, a citizen of Rome.