
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Preface to the Reader
Nuremberg, 21 March 1609

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Source: Guido Magnus de Monte, Auriga benedictus spagyricus minor, maioris prodromus, ed. Benedictus Figulus, Nuremberg: Georg Leopold Fuhrmann, no date, no date [1609], sig. (:)11r–(:)12v [BP.Figulus.1609-01]

Summary: In the preface addressed to the reader, the author conveys his disappointment that not all of his works expected to be published at the fair have been released. Despite this setback, he has prepared and published a short treatise, urging the reader to accept it as a valuable interim resource. The treatise is intended to guide readers through complexities and misconceptions within the Hermetic and alchemical practices. The author promises that future publications, including a diverse range of works on alchemical and philosophical subjects, will be available at the next fair. These forthcoming works include titles on the Cabalistic revelations of nature, diaphoretic gold, noble stones, and a compilation of writings by Latin philosophers on the alchemical stone, among others. The author lists his publishers and outlines several other anticipated publications, including texts on geomancy, jatrochemical medicine, and lesser universal alchemy. He concludes by asking for the reader's patience until these works can be made available and requests to be kept in their prayers, signaling a deep connection to his audience and a shared commitment to advancing the study of alchemy and Hermetic philosophy. (generated by ChatGPT)


[sig. (:)11r] Ad lectorem.

Großgünstiger Vielgeliebter Fili & Frater Doctrinæ Hermeticæ & Philosophiæ sanæ & immortalis Alumne, Jch habe in diesem verflossenen Jar noch viel andere Scripta, als publicirt worden/ sub prælum gegeben/ deren zum theil ich gäntzlich gehoffet/ diese Meß solten herauß kommen seyn. Weil aber solches wider mein wolgefallen (deinen Nutz allerseits zu promoviren) dißmals nicht geschicht/ bin ich höchlich gedrungen worden/ dieses kurtze Tractätlein in eyl aufflegen/ vnd drucken zu lassen/ Wollest dißmals also/ wie es dir dann außbündig dienen/ vnnd dich von vielen Labyrinthen vnnd Erroribus, so in disem hohen Werck [sig. (:)11v] fürfallen/ erledigen wirdt/ vor lieb vnd gut nemen. Folgende künfftige Meß darauff/ sollen/ wills Gott/ diese noch hernach in solchem Format erfolgen: Als Favissa Naturæ Cabalistica, Francisco Crellio Philosopho Coloniæ manifestata. Ite#m: Libellus vom Auro Diaphoretico[c1] Trismosini, Item: Libellus von Edlen Gesteinen/ jhrer Renovation, rectification, Nutz vnd Gebrauch/ H[errn] Bartholomæi Korndörffers. Jtem/ die Paradeiß Taffel/ &c. Bey meinen Verlegern/ Herrn Lazaro Zetznern wirst du zu gewarten haben Aurigam nostrum Chymicum Benedictum Majorem, von 5. oder 26. Lateinischen Philosophis, so vom Lapide geschrieben/ vnd nie in publico gesehen worden/ Jnn 3. Tomos distinguirt, in 8ctav. Jtem/ Ein ander Büchlein/ Spiegel der Weißheit/ &c.[c2] genannt/ von 9. Phi- [sig. (:)12r] losophen zusammen getragen/ &c. Jtem/ bey H[errn] Paulo Ledertz/ soll sub prælum ordinirt werden/ 1. Geomantia Trithemij 2. Cura Jatrochemica Magni Georgij Phædronis sampt andern Medicinis Chymicis, wie die zu bereiten. 3. Alchymia minor universalis & particularis in drey oder vier vnterschiedliche Bücher außgetheilt/ darunter auch Mardochai de Nelle, Judæi & Chymici præstantissimi Commentationes vber die Cementa vnnd Gradationes Theophrasti, sampt andern Sachen mehr werden zu finden seyn.

Wollest demnach noch so lang in Gedult stehen/ biß diese jetztgemeldte Bücher mögen in publicum promovirt werden/ wie ich denn für mein Person selbsten beyde Herren zu schleuniger Beförderung derselben wil höchlich ermahnt vnnd ge- [sig. (:)12v] beten haben/ &c. Dieses hab ich dich/ Großgünstiger Leser/ diß orts zu berichten/ nicht vmbgehen können/ bittend/ mein geringe wenige Person dir in deinem Gebet allezeit trewlich anbefohlen seyn zu lassen/ Vale.



  1. Diaphoretico] corrected from: Diapboretico
  2. &c.] corrected from: rc.

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 14 February 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the reader.

Most gracious and beloved Son and Brother of Hermetic Doctrine and the sound and immortal Philosophy, in this past year I have submitted many other writings for publication, some of which I fully expected to be released at this fair. However, as it has not happened to my satisfaction (to promote your benefit in all respects) this time, I have been compelled to hastily prepare and publish this short treatise. Please accept it for now, as it will certainly serve you well and free you from many labyrinths and errors that occur in this great work. God willing, the following future fair will see these additional works in the same format: The Favissa of Nature revealed Cabalistically to Francisco Crellio, a Philosopher of Cologne. Also, a booklet on Trismosin's Diaphoretic Gold, another on Noble Stones, their Renovation, Rectification, Use, and Application by Mr. Bartholomäus Korndörffer. Also, the Paradise Table, etc. At my publishers, Mr. Lazaro Zetzner, you can expect our Chemical Auriga Benedictus Major, by 5 or 26 Latin Philosophers who have written on the Stone and have never been seen in public, distinguished into 3 volumes, in octavo. Also, another booklet, called the Mirror of Wisdom, compiled from 9 Philosophers, etc. Also, at Mr. Paulo Ledertz, the following are to be prepared for press: 1. Trithemius's Geomancy 2. The Jatrochemical Cure of Magni Georgii Phædronis along with other Chemical Medicines, how they are to be prepared. 3. The lesser universal and particular Alchemy divided into three or four different books, including also the Commentaries of Mardochai de Nelle, the most excellent Jewish Chemist, on the Cements and Graduations of Theophrastus, among other things.

Therefore, I ask you to remain patient until these aforementioned books can be promoted to the public, as I will personally urge and request both gentlemen for their swift advancement, etc. I could not omit to report this to you here, most gracious reader, asking that you keep my humble person in your prayers at all times, Farewell.