
From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Notice to the Reader
no date [1582]

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Source: Paracelsus, Centum quindecim curationes experimentaque, ed. Bernard Gilles Penot, Lyon: Jean Lertout, 1582 [BP190]

Summary: Penot explains that the treatise was given to him by a distinguished German prince and, recognizing its clear attribution to Paracelsus, he decided it should not be kept secret but published for the public good, as hidden treasures serve no purpose. He encourages the reader to accept this work graciously and promises more significant contributions in the future, God willing. Penot highlights a crucial aspect of administering Paracelsian remedies, emphasizing that their essences and precious oils should not be used alone but always with a specific carrier, following a preparatory process outlined by Theophrastus. For example, when offering oil of vitriol, it should be mixed with five or six drops to an ounce of rose conserve for safe administration. (generated by ChatGPT)


[p. 24] B. G. Londrada a Portv Aqvitanvs, hvmano lectori s[alvtem].

Tractatus hic experimentorum Paracelsicorum (amice lector) ex dono cuiusdam Illustrißimi Principis Germaniæ ad me peruenit. Hanc quoniam Paracelsi esse satis luculenter constat, duxi mihi soli non reseruandum, sed in publicum edendum, quoniam absconditi thesauri nulla est vtilitas. Hoc qualecunque est, beneuole lector, accipe. Et breui plura & maiora (Deo volente) expecta. Sed vnum est quod te latere nolui, quando nimirum exhibes essentias illas Paracelsi exaltatas, & olea pretiosa, ne putes illas per se exhiberi, sed semper cum vehiculo aliquo, illis esse vtendum ventriculo prius specifico aliquo Theophrasti expurgato: vt exempli gratia. Si velis alicui oleum vitrioli porrigere, immisce quinque vel sex guttas vnciæ conseruæ rosarum, & ita tuto exhibebit. Item de reliquis erit iudicandum. His[c1] feliciter fruere. Vale.



  1. His] corrected from: his

Modern English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 22 February 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
B. G. Londrada to the reader from the Port of Aquitaine, greetings. This treatise of Paracelsian experiments, dear reader, came to me as a gift from a certain most illustrious Prince of Germany. Since it is quite clear that this belongs to Paracelsus, I thought it should not be kept to myself alone, but published for the public, since there is no use in a hidden treasure. Accept this, whatever it is, kind reader. And soon expect more and greater things (God willing). But there is one thing I did not want you to be unaware of, especially when you present those exalted essences of Paracelsus and precious oils, do not think that they are to be presented by themselves, but always to be used with some vehicle, after the stomach has been purged with some specific Theophrastus: for example. If you wish to offer someone oil of vitriol, mix five or six drops with an ounce of rose conserve, and so it will be safely presented. The same judgment will apply to the rest. Use these happily. Farewell.