Preface, 1536-06-24, Paracelsus to the Reader

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Paracelsus
Recipient: Reader
Type: Preface
Date: 24 June 1536
Place: Augsburg
Pages: 1
Language: German
Quote as:
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Der grossenn Wundartzney/ das Erst Bůch, Augsburg: Heinrich Steiner 1536, sig. A1v [BP015]
CP: Not in Kühlmann/Telle, Corpus Paracelsisticum
Translation: Raw translation see below
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[sig. A1v] Doctor Theophrastus von Hohenhaim/ genant Paracelsus/ dem leser sein grůß.

Leser/ vor dem vnnd ich angreiff das bůch/ můß ich dich das zedelin zůlesen bemühen/ Jch hab dise Wundartzney geschriben/ in zway Exemplar/ inn mein handgeschrifft/ das ander inn eins jungen substituten/ nu hab jchs dem jungen pronunciert/ wölcher aber nit des lateins perfect gewesen/ darumb etwan jncongruitet/ oder ander vicia villeicht möchten geschrieben sein/ das selbig/ doch wie trucks ordnung in halt/ Hans Varnieren Bůchtrucker zů Vlm/ durch sein anbittenn vberantwortt/ wölchs der correction presten tregt/ habe souiol nit mügen zum corrigieren pringen/ das/ wie pillich sein solt/ im truck corrigiert solt worden sein/ villeicht zů einer verachtung beschehen/ vber solchs auch zeyt vnd stund seins versprechens[c1] nit vollendt/ hab also das alt exemplar von newem widerumb pronunctiert einem andern substituten/ vnnd dem Ersamen Hainrich Stainer Burger vnnd Bůchtrucker zů Augspurg zůgestelt/ mit vorbedingter meiner selbs corrigierung/ darumb ob bayde exemplar nit gleich wurdenn sein/ ist die vrsach/ wie gemelt/ dich aber will ich ermanen vnd gemant haben/ dem selbigen mynder dann disem/ glauben vnnd vertrauwen zů geben/ vnd dich dyses benügen lassen/ vnd als das vonn mir corrigiert/ vnnd[c2] emendiert ist worden. Geben am vier vnd zwein tzigisten Junij. Actum Auguste.



  1. seins versprechens] corrected from: seinsversprechens
  2. vnnd] corrected from: vnud

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT on 2 April 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Doctor Theophrastus von Hohenhaim, also known as Paracelsus, greets the reader.

Before I begin discussing the book, I must ask you to read this preface. I have written this book on the treatment of wounds in two copies, one in my own handwriting, and the other in the handwriting of a young substitute. I have explained the contents of the book to the young man, but his Latin was not perfect, so there may be some mistakes or inconsistencies. Although Hans Varnier, the printer in Ulm, was responsible for publishing the book, he was unable to correct all the mistakes, and therefore the book may contain some errors. I have now gone through the original manuscript again and explained it to another substitute. I have also sent a copy to the esteemed Heinrich Stainer, a citizen and printer of Augsburg, with the condition that I will personally correct it. Therefore, if the two copies are not identical, as I have mentioned before, I ask you to trust me and accept this book with its corrections and amendments. Written on June 24th at Augsburg.