Poem, no date (1581) to Thomas Erastus (BP.Erastus.1581-01)
Author: | Ad. B. Bom. [Adrian Borcke] |
Recipient: | Thomas Erastus |
Type: | Poem |
Date: | no date [1581] |
Pages: | 1 |
Language: | Latin |
Quote as: | https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=3022 |
Editor: | Edited by Julian Paulus |
Source: | Thomas Erastus, Comitis Montani ... quinque librorum de Morbis nuper editorum viva anatome, Basel: Pietro Perna 1581, sig. ()4r [BP.Erastus.1581-01]
Translation: | Raw translation see below |
Abstract: | In the first poem, Nature, foreseeing Erastus's destiny, gives him a name that signifies his kind disposition. The poet suggests that Erastus is just, beneficial, and above all, beloved. However, he also acknowledges the fleeting slanders and criticisms that Erastus faces, likening them to short-lived thunderbolts. Erastus, with his wisdom and reason, effortlessly dispels these criticisms. The poem underscores Erastus's enduring reputation as a beloved figure, emphasizing his resilience against detractors. The second poem delves into the dichotomy between desire (want) and capability (ability). The poet reflects on how some are praised for their aspirations, while others are lauded for their achievements. Erastus is presented as a rare individual who embodies both these qualities: he not only desires great things but also possesses the capability to achieve them. This dual gift is highlighted as a unique blessing. The poet then expresses a wish for Erastus, praying that he may enjoy a long life, akin to the legendary longevity of Nestor from Greek mythology. This longevity is hoped to allow Erastus to continue desiring and achieving great feats. (generated by Chat-GPT) |
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[sig. ()4r] Ad præstantiss[imum] Medicum & Philosophum Thomam Erastum.
Scripta ab Ad[riano] B[orckio] Pom[erano].
Cum matris aruo te nouum produceret
Natura fati præscia,
Nomen tuæ indoli benignæ congruens
Eraste contulit tibi.
Nam sciuit æquum te futurum & commodum &
Præ cæteris ἐράασμιον.
Sed æmulans ludo insolenti perfida
Sortis libido quælibet
Ciuit malorum stulta quædam opprobria,
ἔριν qui ἔρωτι misceant.
Frustra: vt solent durare paruo tempore#
Rerum tenori quæ nocent.
Tu namque lento stulta risu temperant
Hæc fulmina oblatrantium,
Ratione contra diluis calumnias
Quas liuor obijcit furens:
Manes & idem Erastus, omnibus bonis
Præ cæteris ἐράσμιος.
Cum pleno celebretur ore velle
Horum qui cupirêe magna quondam,
Laude qua referatur ergo posse
Horum, quiq́ue dedêre magna, tandem
Et velle & simul attulêre posse?
Quod datum tibi nunc Eraste vtrumque:
Magna vt nempe velis simulq́ue possis.
Pro quo, quid tibi quæso largiamur
O senex venerande vel precemur?
Proroget Devs æquus & benignus
Vitam Nestoreos manéntem in annos,
Vt diu velis id potes quos vsque.
English Raw Translation
Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 18 August 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.
To the Most Distinguished Physician & Philosopher, Thomas Erastus. Written by Adrian Borcke of Pomerania.
When Nature, foreseeing the fate, brought you forth anew
From your mother's womb,
She bestowed upon you a name fitting to your kind disposition,
For she knew you would be just, beneficial, and
Above all, beloved (ἐράασμιον).
But, in a playful and treacherous rivalry,
Any whimsical desire of fate
Foolishly mixes some slanders of evil,
Those who mix strife (ἔριν) with love (ἔρωτι).
In vain: as things that harm the course of events
Tend to last but a short time.
For you, with a slow and mocking smile, temper
These thunderbolts of the barking critics,
With reason, you wash away the slanders
That raging envy hurls at you:
You remain Erastus, to all the good,
Above all, beloved (ἐράσμιος).
When with a full voice one is celebrated for the WANT
Of those who once desired great things,
By what praise then can one be spoken of for the ABILITY
Of those who have achieved great things, at last?
And to both WANT and at the same time bring forth the ABILITY?
Both are now given to you, Erastus:
That you might indeed WANT and at the same time be ABLE.
For which, what, I ask, shall we bestow upon you
Or pray for, O venerable old man?
May a just and kind GOD prolong
Your life, lasting into Nestorian years,
So that for a long time you may WANT and be ABLE to do what you wish.