Poem, 1601-10-09, Benedictus Figulus to Philipp Einhover and Regina Bablinger

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: Benedictus Figulus
Recipients: Philipp Einhover
Regina Bablinger
Type: Poem
Date: 9 October 1601
Pages: 1
Language: German
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=881
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Benedictus Figulus, Glückwünschung Zu den Hochzeitlichen Ehren deß ... Philippi Einhovers Hochzeiters und Regina Bablingerin Hochzeitterin, no place 1601 [BP.Figulus.1601-01]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: Figulus extols the virtues and noble lineage of both the bridegroom, Philipp Einhover, and the bride, Regina, who is praised for her piety and noble birth, being the daughter of Ulrich, a man known for his integrity and faith. The author expresses heartfelt prayers for the couple's joyous and untroubled wedding day, and for their marriage to be blessed in every aspect. The writer invokes divine guidance and protection over their union, wishing them a future filled with good fortune, peace, health, and ultimately, everlasting tranquility. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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Glückwünschung Zu den Hochzeitlichen Ehren deß Edlen vnnd Vesten Junckherrn/ wie dann auch der Edlen vnd Tugentreichen Jungfrauwen/ Philippi Einhovers Hochzeiters vnd Regjna Bablingerin Hochzeitterin/ Gehalten zu Augspurg den 9. Octobris An[no] 1601.

Sacra tori liciti celbras dum Festa Philippe
Einhofer, Generis fax Generosa tui;
Cum Desponsatâ Regina Virgine, Clarâ
Nobilitate tibi, tum Pietate pari.
Cui fuit Hvldericvs Genitor, Candora, fideque
Inclytus. Egregii hæc filia Casta Patris.
Comprecor ex animi penitis penetralibus, hicce
Vt sine nube dies iam tibi lætus eat.
Coniugium vt fiat quoq́ue tale per omnia fœlix,
Inuoco Cælestem, qui regit astra, Ducem.
Prospera fors Thalamum vestrum, Pax sospitet Alma
Alma Salus, tandem perpetuata quies.

Weil Philps Einhöuer diser Frist
Ewr Hochzeitlich Fest jetzund ist/
Mit der Edlen vnd Tugentreich
Jungfraw Regjn/ die ewres gleichn/
Vom Herrn Vlrich Bablinger wardt
Gezeugt/ fromm/ zart/ freundlicher art.
Wünsch ich zu solchem Ehrentag
Von hertzen als vil ich vermag/
Zwar nicht zu solchem Fest allein/
Sondern zum Ehstand in gemein/
Von Gott für euch zu jeder zeit
Glück/ Hail/ Frid/ Frewd/ dann dSeligkeit.

Durch Benedictum Figulum Vtenhouium Francum.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 2 January 2024. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

Congratulations on the Nuptial Honors of the Noble and Steadfast Young Sir, as well as of the Noble and Virtuous Young Lady, Philipp Einhover, the Bridegroom, and Regina Bablinger, the Bride, Celebrated in Augsburg on the 9th of October in the Year 1601.

As you, Philipp Einhover, celebrate the sacred festival of lawful marriage, you, the noble torch of your lineage; together with your betrothed, Regina, a virgin of clear nobility and equal piety. Her father was Huldricus, renowned for his integrity and faith. She is the chaste daughter of this distinguished father. From the depths of my heart, I pray that this day may be joyous and cloudless for you. That your marriage may be blessed in every way, I invoke the Heavenly Leader who governs the stars. May good fortune grace your nuptial chamber, may gentle Peace and Salvation protect you, and in the end, may you find everlasting rest.

Since now is the festive time of your wedding, Philipp Einhöver, with the Noble and Virtuous Maiden Regina, your equal, born of Ulrich Bablinger, pious, gentle, and of a friendly nature. On this day of honor, I wish from the bottom of my heart, as much as I can, not only for this celebration but for your marriage in general, that God may grant you luck, health, peace, joy, and then blessedness at all times.

By Benedictus Figulus from Uttenhofen in Franconia.