Poem, 1553, H.L.L. to Achatius Morbach

From Theatrum Paracelsicum
Author: H.L.L.
Recipient: Achatius Morbach
Type: Poem
Date: no date [1553]
Pages: 1
Language: Latin
Quote as: https://www.theatrum-paracelsicum.com/index.php?curid=1133
Editor: Edited by Julian Paulus
Paracelsus, Labyrinthus medicorum errantium, ed. Achatius Morbach, Nürnberg 1553 [BP030]
Translation: Raw translation see below
Abstract: The poem celebrates medicine as a divine art, attributing its origin to God and considering it the most noble of all human pursuits. It emphasizes medicine's ability to understand hidden causes, heal the sick, preserve health, and guide proper diet. Historically, kings highly valued it, and sacred scriptures command honor for pious doctors. The poem ends with a call to thank God, who delivers people from illness through the art of medicine. (generated by Chat-GPT)
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[sig. A1v] In lavdem medicinæ.

H. L. L.

Indidit humanis præclaras mentibus artes.
Clara gubernator qui regit astra Deus.
Vt certis totum moderentur legibus orbem,
Atque homines firma conditione iuuent.
Plurima uel referant præsentis commodo uitæ,
Nec non ut prosint moribus usq́ue bonis.
Præ reliquis diuina tamen Medicina putanda est,
Quæ morbis certum dat ratione modum.
Munere de cœlo missa est diuinitus orbi,
Hanc authore Deo credimus esse datam.
Namque opibus ueluti corpus præstare uidetur,
Sic alias artes uincere sola potest.
Esse quid utilius, uel quid præstantius unquam,
Humano generi quàm Medicina queat?
Hæc docet occultas rerum cognoscere causas,
Ægri, quo medica restituantur ope.
Conseruat sano solidas in corpore uires,
Nec tamen amissas non reparare potest.
Præscribit iusto conuictus ordine leges,
Qui prodesse solent, qui uel obesse cibi.
In pretio magnis erat undique regibus olim,
Qui Medicis etiam præmia magna dabant.
Ergo pij ut doctis Medicis tribuantur honores,
Biblia sacra Deo sic statuente iubent.
Nec te iudicij moueat sententia praui,
Sensaque inhumanis horridiora Getis.
Sed magis inde Deo toto dic pectore grates,
Qui medica morbis eripit arte suos.

English Raw Translation

Generated by ChatGPT-4 on 15 March 2023. Attention: This translation is a machine translation by artificial intelligence. The translation has not been checked and should not be cited without additional human verification.

In Praise of Medicine

H. L. L.

The clear ruler who governs the stars, God,
Has bestowed upon human minds splendid arts,
So that they may govern the whole world with certain laws,
And help people with a firm condition.
Many things either bring about the benefit of present life,
Or also always help with good morals.
However, divine Medicine is to be considered above the rest,
Which gives a certain method to diseases by reason.
Sent by divine gift from the sky to the world,
We believe this was given by God as the author.
For just as the body seems to excel in wealth,
So it alone can conquer other arts.
What could be more useful or more excellent ever,
For the human race than Medicine?
This teaches to know the hidden causes of things,
Of the sick, by which they are restored with medical aid.
It preserves healthy, solid forces in the body,
Nor can it not repair the ones that have been lost.
It prescribes laws for a proper order of living,
Which food is usually beneficial, which is harmful.
It was greatly valued by kings everywhere in the past,
Who also gave great rewards to physicians.
Therefore, let honors be given to pious and learned physicians,
As the sacred Bible, with God thus decreeing, commands.
Nor let the judgment of perverse opinion move you,
And senses more horrifying than those of the inhuman Getae.
But rather, from this give thanks to God with your whole heart,
Who saves his own from diseases with the art of medicine.